I got the email the other day. Haven't had a chance to look at the new chapters yet
Chapters 12-20 of The Goblet of Fire have apparently just been released

Mystic Guilden
11 years ago

Mystic Guilden
I'm finally on my computer, so I can go checkout the new chapters! I kind of thought I was over Pottermore, but then they drag me back in. Well played Pottermore, well played. :P
Lol, I get the same feeling each time
Yeah it pulls me back, but not for very long. I find the new content only mildly interesting, it certainly isn't as interesting as the first set where we got new stuff on Quirrel and McGonagall, they were actually new information. The rest just seems to be largely oh yeah the Daily Prophet it's a newspaper, the only one, and as we all know can be influenced by the politicians or rulers of the time, and it's delivered everywhere. It's not exactly new or that interesting. I'm sure she has so much more stuff to put out, like I think we missed opportunities for further explanations on things since the second book, on different characters and such.
And the scenes are much of a muchness, sure they are good visually, but searching around to collect stuff, the same stuff over and over, isn't too enjoyable any more.
I kinda liked the game aspect of the website, so I wish they brought back some of that. It's just too passive for me, you just go click, next, click, click, next, next, oh finally some new content, click, next, oh that's it, now to wait another three months.

Mystic Guilden
10 years ago

Mystic Guilden
For anyone still playing along at home (and I don't blame you if you've given up) there are new chapters available. Last of Goblet of Fire.....finally :P
Ah yes, haven't got around to looking at them yet.

Mystic Guilden
10 years ago

Mystic Guilden
I'm still in the process of looking at them. Slow internet is slow (pinning my hopes on the NBN to improve that little issue). Still loving the art and the concept of the scenes, but it's lacking the luster it began with.
I agree that the excitement has went down. I still enjoy going through and looking at the pages but not so much into the duelling and stuff any more, that and the fact that with study I just don't have the time. :(
(Might be pinning your hopes for a while Ari)
Just had a look through them, the artwork is wonderful as always, and the extra info was interesting, but, I dunno, there's just something lacking. I did like the maze sequence, though would have liked a riddle at the end with the sphinx. But it seems they've moved away from the game aspects which they tried earlier on, and I liked that aspect, makes a bit more enjoyable. Plus, the extra stuff from JK also seems minimal, I really liked the stuff from the first book about the characters and their backstories, but we haven't gotten much after McGonnagal (never sure about spelling) and Quirrell. Would have been nice to get more background on all the teachers, and other students. But maybe I want too much, and maybe it'll happen eventually.

Mystic Guilden
10 years ago

Mystic Guilden
I agree wholeheartedly on the puzzle/game front. It made exploring the chapters that much more engaging, now (apart from finding the same items over and again) there is very little to do on each scene.I also have to admit the more recent info hasn't interested me much.
The maze was awesome, but after being able to go so far into it I too was disappointed there wasn't more to it once you reached the center.
All of Goblet of Fire has been released with new content, though it seems they've cut it down to only a select number of moments. Will be interesting to take a look in a few weeks after exams (or earlier if I'm procrastinating!)
So I procrastinated quickly. But worth it. Did you ever want to know every Minister of Magic? What about threstrals? And Umbridge? And Trelawney? And Azkaban?
Seems they are trying to push more JK exclusives, which is what we all want!
Also I meant all of Order of the Phoenix!
They've been slowly releasing The Half Blood Prince for their 12 days of Christmas, and they've just got up to the Cave. There's been a few more JK new content, which has been mildly interesting.
I'll be really interested to see what happens when they've released all (incl. Deathly Hallows), what's going to be next?
They've also updated with a few extra potions, and a different duelling system.
And just as I say 'mildly interesting' they go ahead and release a long thing on Draco Malfoy, which is more than mildly interesting.
I did love her tweets, she should do that more often.

Wanderer Ward
9 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Well, they've gone and changed the whole website!
It's taken me several hours, but I've managed to get through all the "new" information they have put up (everything is new, the whole old website is gone). The hardest part was that it is more like a Wikipedia rabbit-hole now - the only way I could ensure I hadn't missed any pages was to do a thorough - if lengthy - alphabetical search...
Word is that a new sorting will take place, wands will be re-distributed, and we will finally get to see what our Patronus is!
Yeah I'm not sure how I feel about it, it's very confusing, and there was a lot of 'pointless' things there that made it quite cluttered.
Patronus should be interesting
I really do wonder how much more stuff JK can release, like, was this stuff decided whilst writing, or is she just making up additional stuff now?
LOL, so much animation on scrolling. Dev wise it's very nice - really pretty code, brilliant responsively (but HEY they've used my menu open/close method! [act]wait, I stole it from somewhere, too[/act]). Bet any day now you'll see an awwwards.com banner on it...
But, there may have been far more effective ways of getting information to user. After the initial "wow, animation/pretty/zooming/wooo" wears off you're a bit "ok, HOW do I just find the info I want?" and then it gets frustrating...which means the whole site's a bit form over function.

Wanderer Ward
9 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Yeah - my main thought was "where do I find a nice list of everything, so that I can be all methodical now in my initial look-through, and so I can find things easier later on?"
At least the search function is pretty good?
True, but I'd too like to see a list of what's available, rather than have to guess that my search queries will locate all the nice little extras hidden away on the site.
Definitely agree with you there Min!