hee hee . Rave away!
I'm glad you're enjoying I Hear Your Voice, Jossie! =D
I recently recommended it to a friend & her boyfriend and they both love it, lol. So much that the boyfriend made my friend promise to wait for him to watch it together (He works longer hours). I just thought that was hilarious.
So sad it's all ended, but so happy it had a happy ending!
I'm currently watching Nine / Nine: 9 Times Time Travel. This drama is really good! Another recommendation =] It's all out so you don't have to wait for any episodes. I'm about halfway. As you can guess, it's about traveling back in time, but it's not like your typical time travel where the character stays in the past for the whole duration of the drama and then come back to the future near the end. No, this drama is so unique and so good in the way they play with time travel. How do I explain without spoiling ..
So a guy discovers a way to travel back in time to solve a mystery. But he's only allowed a limited time in the past. He has 9 chances. Each time he travels back to "fix" something, he doesn't realise that the future changes aswell. So the great thing about this drama, is that when the guy is in the past changing history, he comes back to the present and we can see instantaneously the effect that the changes had to the present. And it's not always a good change! I love that they show the past and present happening at the same time (split screen). I haven't seen a time travel drama quite like this, which makes this drama SO GREAT to watch!
Other dramas that I'm watching at the same time are
- Goddess of Fire
- Good Doctor
- Who Are You
11 years ago
Thu Aug 29 2013, 09:08pm
YES! I just saw that it was the same people who made Queen In-Hyun's Man who have made Nine as you mentioned, Linja! I might check it out. Can I ask where you get it from?
I've seen Who Are You (if that's the same drama with the Doctor from Greatest Love), though it's been a while, I think I really enjoyed it!
I use d-addicts too, however, I can't seem to locate any good subs! I usually use Dark Smurf, but they're still in the process of subbing Nine - where do you go for subs?
I haven't watched many other dramas lately as I've been busy. I've had Gatsikal on my computer for ages, but haven't seen it. I can't seem to commit to it, even though I've heard good reviews from Dramabeans.
I'm watching Master's Sun - oh the SQUEEES!! The Hong sisters are BACK after the nightmare that was BIG.
ME TOO!! I'm loving Master's Sun!! When I read the summary for it, it sounded similar to one of the current dramas I'm watching, Who Are you 2013 (both female leads can see ghosts) so I didn't have high expectations for it. I only recently got my hands on the drama over the weekend and I caught up in a couple of days. It was that good. SO GOOD !! While it has that same theme of the female lead being able to see ghosts, it is done very differently and the feel is very different. Master's Sun is a lot more funny whereas Who Are You is a very serious drama. Both are good, but I'm enjoying Master's Sun just a wee bit more =]
I never attempted Big. I heard it wasn't good so I didn't bother.
11 years ago
Thu Oct 03 2013, 01:34pm
I'm kind of terrified of ghosts, so can I ask is Master's Sun scary? My friend said it was a bit scary!! :(
I have a few episodes and it sounds like it's good!
EDIT: instead of a double post, thought I'd just edit this one.
Watched the second ep of Master's Sun and I really like it so far! Skinship inherent due to the storyline? Jealousy near the end of the second ep? This is so good!
Scary factor - the faces of the ghosts are a bit creepy. And the movement of things that shouldn't move are a bit scary. I think if I watch it alone at night I would be terrified, so it looks like this will have to be watched during the weekend during the day!
I really like it so far!
Why does the main lead look so much like Dokkojin from Greatest Love?!
11 years ago
Sun Oct 13 2013, 02:46pm
1. Queen In-Hyun's Man
2. I Hear Your Voice
3. Arang and the Magistrate
4. Master's Sun
5. Greatest Love
I loved Master's Sun - just finished it! Hilarious and so good! Loved it!
Above are the rankings of the ones I've watched so far this year.
So Obernet k-drama friends, what can you recommend next for me? I might try Nine, since I enjoyed Queen's In-Hyun's Man.
I've been sooooo busy these last couple of weeks!
Oh! Sorry none of us replied in time to warn you that, yes, Master's Sun is slightly scary. Especially if you watch it alone at night. I hate it when the ghosts' face turn grotesquely scary all of a sudden out of nowhere! Makes me jump out of my skin! And there was that scene that was something like out of THE RING!! FAR OUT!! SUPER SCARY! I was scared just watching Who Are You and that didn't have grotesquely scary faces, but Master's Sun is full of scary faces. Mostly in the first half of the drama tho. I still haven't finished Master's Sun - have TWO MORE episodes to watch which I will do THIS WEEK!
Top 5 k-dramas for 2013! I agree! (altho maybe not in that order). Except I haven't seen your number one yet, but I trust your judgement, lol. I did say I will watch Queen In-Hyun's Man, but I keep forgetting. OKAY, I will start on it after Master's Sun this week!
I haven't started on any new dramas yet, but have 3 new ones on my list to watch ..
- Two Weeks
- Heirs
- Her Legend
I will let you know if they're any good.
But in the meantime .. Watch Nine! I guarantee you will love it =] And remember if you download the SODiHD version from d-addicts, I can give you my resynced subs. Otherwise search on subscene.com for whichever version you want.
Where are all the k-drama lovers? Jossie, Nef and I can't be the only ones ...
OMO!!! Master's Sun!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! I watched it with a friend as it came out, and now we're going to do Heirs!
I've decided to watch Faith next - because who doesn't like a bit of Lee Min Ho?
I also want to find a copy of My name is Kim Sam Soon - I really want to watch it!
11 years ago
Thu Oct 17 2013, 01:19pm
I started on Queen In-Hyun's Man! Saw 3 episodes so far and I found it was a lot easier to get into this time round. I think I couldn't get into it the first time because I was put off by Yoo In Na. It was her character in Greatest Love (which I wasn't fond of) that I had still in mind when I started Queen In-Hyun and so .. I guess it influenced my thoughts and I found her acting annoying already when I'd only seen one episode, lol. But then I saw Yoo In Na in Lee Soon Shin is the Best, and her character there was more likeable .. and so .. this time round watching it, I wasn't put off. Lol. I'm not usually biased like that. Strange.
Enjoying Queen In-Hyun's man a lot! Will be watching more tonight!
Oh, and I just realised .. the travelling through time back and forth concept is actually similar to Nine! Except in QIHM the male lead can return whenever he wants, but in Nine it is limited - there is no choice once the time is up. (But totally the opposite, if you know what I mean. Nine is travelling to the past and QIHM is travelling to the future.) How very interesting! I thought Nine was the first drama to play with travelling through time like that, but QIHM did it first.
EDIT: My Name is Kim Sam Soon is a CLASSIC!! I loved it sooooo much back when I saw it.
I finished Queen In Hyun's Man over the weekend .. and ..
I can't believe I had it on the shelf for so long!! *major regrets* !!
Before watching this drama, I remember reading somewhere that Ji Hyun Woo and Yoo In Na are a real life couple so I did some research and discovered that they fell for each other during the filming of QIHM and that just made watching it SO MUCH MORE BETTER! Knowing that each loving gaze is real and each kissing scene is real!! GAH!! I can't stop thinking about it! *swoon* It was such an emotional roller coaster ride tho ...
to get to that ultimate feel good ending. I cried buckets!! And then re-watched the last kissing scene/make out session so many times to make myself sane again from the heavy tearing the drama did to me!!
Ah ~~ I think I might re-watch this drama again some time soon ..
P.S Jossie, I agree with your top 2 on your list!!
11 years ago
Sun Oct 27 2013, 03:18pm
LOL Linja, I'm glad you see the light and now understand all our squeeing over Queen In-Hyun's Man! You make me realise just why I originally had QIHM in my number one spot for this year's watched dramas. You have made me really want to rewatch it... but alas, I have so many American TV shows to catch up with that at the moment, Kdramas are taking a back seat. They can be such an emotional roller coaster in general!
EDIT: My Name is Kim Sam Soon is definitely a classic and superbly awesome. Hyun Bin is the first time I saw him and fell for him. Kim Sam Soon represents the normal girl and is such an awesome character because she's so embarrassing and awkward!
Is anyone watching Lee Min Ho's new series Heir? Any good?
There's also (possibly) going to be an American remake of "Nine"
Knee deep in "49 days" ... it's going to be a tear jerker ...
I haven't watched anything since Master's Sun… just wondering if any of your finished Heirs or Nine? From dramabeans it didn't really seem to go anywhere?
My friend recommended Empress Gi/Ki which is a period drama featuring Secret Garden's Ha Ji Won.. I also just saw the recap for Rain Effect, which seems to be a reality show based on Rain… and [act]swoon[/act], I did love him so when I watched Full House so many years. So I'm going to watch that too!
Any recommendations for any good series this year?
What are your rankings of series you watched this year?
Nef, did you LOVE My Name Is Kim Sam Soon - someone totally took my good copies and I can't ever get them back. So I am wondering where you got your copy from?
11 years ago
Tue Jan 28 2014, 09:20pm
I'm watching Answer Me 1997... Loving it! It's so cute and high school!!!!!
EDIT: finished Answer Me 1997. You know what I loved most about it? How accurate it was about first loves. How accurate it was about teenagers thinking something happening was the end of their worlds. I loved it because it wasn't the typical drama with people getting sick or dying or some other stupid reason to separate the two characters! (even Master's Sun managed to edge that latter plot line in! ergh). I loved how it was simple. I loved the family antics, and the hilarity. It was a rom-com, with only minor teenage type angst, not the 'this is the end' angst so typical in k-dramas!
Loved it!
Yes! I LOVED Answer Me 1997 too! I completely agree Jossie! It's such a unique drama! Not your typical drama at all! I was so thrilled watching it cos I can relate to the fangirls! I was a fan of H.O.T, had all their albums, posters, MVs on my computer and would have gone to their concerts if I was living in South Korea! I didn't really know Sechskies but I had albums of Eun Ji Won when he went solo and I loooooved hearing all the music played, was sooo nostalgic!
Heirs isn't that great but for some reason, I was drawn to watching it. Lee Min Ho is such a great actor and I've always been a fan of Park Shin Hye. There are some interesting characters in that drama, but because there was just too many characters in Heirs, I felt like not every character was properly dealt with. The plot line wasn't too bad, but it kinda died down dramatically at the end and it became a bit of a struggle to finish the last couple of episodes.
I loved Nine. I remember the ending wasn't to my satisfaction, but it made sense .. kinda thing and it was still good. Overall it's a great drama. Much better than Heirs definitely.
I started watching Empress Ki .. but it hasn't really drawn me in yet (only saw a couple of episodes). May have to give it another go.
I was watching Bel Ami (Pretty Boy/ Pretty Man) starring Jang Geun Suk (a huge fan of) and IU (a fan of her songs). At first, I thought it would be bad, the cliche typical type of drama and only decided to watch it for JGS eye-candy. It actually turned out better than I thought! And it is actually quite hilarious! JGS isn't looking that great visually in this drama. I much prefer the second male lead, hehe. Even tho I'm a fan of JGS, I'm rooting for the second male lead! Bel Ami isn't an awesome drama or anything, but good enough that I've seen about 10 episodes. Been on a break atm with it, but will get back into it soon.
I've started watching Emergency Couple and so far, I like it.
I also started watching Cruel Palace .. and I dunno, mix feelings whether I like it or not. Hasn't really drawn me in yet.
Has anyone seen Potato Star?? It's a sitcom (my first) and it's SO VERY HILARIOUS! haha, I love it!!
I am loving Emergency Couple!
What is it about? I watched the 3 trailers online but they don't give much away? Seems maybe unconventional/crazy rom-com? Looks funny.
I have the first few eps of You From a Star since I've been hearing some good raves about it. But I haven't found time to dedicate to watching a k-drama since Answer Me, 1997.
I'm powering through Kim Sam Soon! Love Love Love
From dramawiki, Emergency Couple is "A romantic comedy about a couple who got married during medical school but due to their clashing personalities divorced soon afterwards. They are reunited six years later as interns at a hospital. Will love strike again for the two?" Which is basically it without giving too much away. It is HILARIOUS! I love it. Jin Hyuk is awesome. Loved him in Gu Family Book (loved the parent arc more than the childrens story) and love him in Emergency Couple. I haven't seen much of Song Ji Hyo's movies/dramas, but I love her in Running Man (Korean Variety Show). I reckon she's doing a great job in Emergency couple so far. I loved the cameo by Kang Gary (who is known as the Monday Couple with Song Ji Hyo in Running Man). Re-watched that cameo so many times. hehe.
I too, have You Who Came From the Stars and have seen the first two episodes, but not quite warming up to it yet. So have taken a break from it.
While waiting for Emergency Couple episodes, I have been watching Two Weeks. and WOW!! It is SO GOOD! Action packed and so much better than City Hunter in my opinion! I'm breezing through it so very easily! If it weren't for work, I'd have finished it in a day or two! But can only manage to squeeze in about 3-4 episodes each night. Hoping to finish it this weekend.
God's Gift 14 Days is an awesome drama! Loving it a lot!
I finished You Who Came From Another Star. I loved seeing the actress again after my initial introduction into the Korean culture through her starring role in the movie My Sassy Girl, then again in the movie Windstruck. I also enjoyed seeing the actor again too!
I do think that it went for too many episodes, and that it may have ended rather anti-climatically, but perhaps that's what they intended. It certainly made me laugh out loud, and was entertaining to watch, although, I don't feel the same degree of 'obsession' or 'love' for this series as other ones I've seen lately.
So I wouldn't say HIGHLY recommended, but it was fun to watch to see what would happen next. It has some resemblance to Greatest Love only in that gives a backstage glimpse at the life of a celebrity and the acting world, which was enjoyable.
Holidays soon, perhaps I can pick up another series then.