Apologies if this has already been talked about before - I didn't go back through the whole thread to find out ;P
I just finished reading a short story anthology "The Dragon Book" edited by Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois. In it, there's a short story by Tamora, written in first person from Kitten's point of view :D It's set after the Trickster books
(Daine and Numair's twins are older than new born, though they are visiting their grandparents when the story takes place :) )It's a wonderful little story and had me desiring a lot more - it's one of the reasons I don't usually read short story anthologies, because I want to read a story in a novel size so it lasts a bit longer :P
I strongly recommend anyone to get their hands on it, even just for the Tamora Pierce story - all the other stories within it are unique and wonderful in their vividness and originality :)
Actually, I might submit this book to the Bookshelf ;P
Edit: Here you go :)