BOOK 4 is being released October 3, of THIS YEAR! Really didn't expect that, and it's only online again, seems they've given up airing it properly.
aaaaah I'm so behind with LoK
Trailer looks so good! Excited!!
First episode was exciting, and way too short.
So obviously the 'Great Uniter' is going to be evil, and I totally think it was her who sent that plane, probably uses those bandits that she captures to work as her bandits to get towns to sign on (actually just thought of that as I was typing, makes a lot of sense)
The Airbender suits are awesome.
Korra........ not looking good, but perhaps that's how she'll meet Toph???

Wanderer Ward
10 years ago
Wed Oct 29 2014, 03:26pmblackbird

Wanderer Ward
[act]sneaks in to the Avatar party, very late.[/act]
So, the boy and I just finished watching A:TLA this weekend, and my gosh do I wish I saw it earlier!
I think my original reason for not watching it was based on thoughts of Americans trying to do anime and all the fail that would follow, but this was amazingly good.
We are considering getting LoK to watch soon, but in the meantime I am just going to keep swooning over Zuko, and trying to work out whether I ship him more with Katara or Mai... :@ (I am a sucker for the emo boys, I just can't seem to help myself! :D )
Haha, BB. Get your hands on the comics that come after the series too if you can (I saw The Promise as a hardcover book the over day and really had to resist buying it).
Yeah the comics were quite interesting, not sure if I had a look at the last The Promise one or not....
Korra has been a bit hit and miss, though still better than most of the crap TV puts out these days. I've really enjoyed the last two seasons though.
I too, took forever to watch them all, I started as a kid, then ABC didn't show them all/got too old/disinterested in ABC kids/never knew when it would be on, so didn't see the rest of the show (after Book 2) for years. Great decision to finish the series in the end though.
I thought season 4 was okay--but the finale was brilliant. So much epic bending and other stuff that happened :D
Loved the finale, and enjoyed most of the season. Certainly quite different to Atla, but overall good enough.

Wanderer Ward
10 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
What did people think of Esna and Desna in Book 2? I didn't think they were particularly well developed. I felt like they were included to provide some comic relief or something, but they didn't. For me at least.
Yeah the overall characterisations of basically everyone in LoK hasn't been up to par with anything they did in AtLA. I think they grew on me a bit, but they were just odd and underdeveloped.
And spoilering for final since you haven't watched it yet Kaede.
In other news, I am super happy the Mike and Bryan confirmed that Korra and Asami are indeed a thing :D
Yeah I wansn't too sure what to make of them, but as Shonk said they grew on me later on.
And continuing the finale spoilers
Ah so that's confirmed then! When I saw that I was like hmm does that mean what I think it does? Good on them
I fell really behind but picked it up again and I'm really glad I did. Especially once I got past the first two books, the Korra/Mako/Asami drama was driving me nuts so the fact that Book 3 spent so much time developing the Korra/Asami friendship made me really happy.

Wanderer Ward
10 years ago
Wed Dec 31 2014, 04:08pmKaede

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Yesterday I finished watching Book 3, so I've only just started Book 4 today. I'm up to episode 4! I hope I finish it all today, but you know, family holiday business gets in the way sometimes. Sigh.
I liked Book 3 better than Book 2, though I felt like the whole thing was kind of rushed. The spirits wandering around the place are so cute! The ones with leaves on their heads remind me of Chikorita. It gives the whole thing more of a Japanese anime feel.
Anyway, back to Book 4!
Edit: I can't stop thinking how damn stuffy and gross Zhou Fu (sp?) must be at night when they close those metal flowers! I mean, sure they look nice, but they're not very practical.
Another Edit: I finished Book 4!
I was really convinced that Mako was going to die. I'm glad he didn't, but it would have made it more emotional if he had. I'm not saying that I want him dead! Just, so much emotion, you know?
I knew Korra and Asami were going to end up together, because the internet tends to ruin things like that, but I did feel like them going into the Spirit world together was a little ambiguous. Maybe I'm just not so good at detecting subtlety.
Definitely agreed that it seemed to find its place a bit better in season 3, will be interesting to see the new comics!
Hi all, I have heard so much about this and was wondering where do I start? Is it a comic? Should I get that? Or should start with the TV series?

Wanderer Ward
9 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Definitely the TV series - the comics are a follow up, so will make very little sense without having seen the series.
Avatar: The Last Airbender is the original series, so that's the place to start :)
Yay, more potential Avatar fans! Hope you enjoy it Jossie! I found on a re-watch I picked up so much more and the characters are just so great, Book 3 is obviously my favourite in Last Airbender but I can never quite decide on Korra...maybe Book 4?
The airbender flying suits are just SO COOL and I also find it fascinating how they have Korra go through prolonged emotional struggles which seemed more...real (?) than a lot of shows I used to watch as a kid? Maybe it's just that I'm older so pick up on it more.
Anyway I'm now showing it to my dad and he is loving it! Up to Book 2!