the_stone_key_isobelle_carmody_obernewtyn_chronicles.jpg Silly question, right? Head over to Penguin's to watch a reading of a passage out of The Stone Key by Isobelle herself, from the Convergence Festival in Melbourne last month.

[hr][/hr]View Isobelle's reading's here. Edit: Penguin seem to have taken them down, so you'll now be able to view them from by clicking the above link. Edit: For those of you who can't view the videos (for whatever reason), we've transcribed both readings for you: Click here to read transcripts of Isobelle Carmody reading an excerpt of The Stone Key. Thanks to both Spark and Sharben for bringing the news to our attention! ALSO! You can now download a Sneak Peak of Chapter One of The Stone Key! All credits to Isobelle, and to Penguin for providing the original recording, of course ;)


    16 years ago

    so it really finally coming out? is there really a date set??? I can't believe it, please tell me.

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    16 years ago

    I've heard Isobelle speak before at Voices on the Coast. She talked about playing a game called the Monster Game and it was really funny. ;P

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    16 years ago


    This is big stuff! (I kind of wish it was a passage though but hey - beggars can't be choosers ;) )

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