the_red_wind_isobelle_carmody_tour.jpg For end of July / beginning of August Isobelle was kind enough to leave the springtime weather of her residence in Prague to pay a visit to her fans in New South Wales & Victoria, Australia. A few of our site members were lucky enough to sit in a couple of Isobelle's talks and share the following with us.


It was great to see the new generation of Isobelle fans in the form of a class of school students at the bookstore. They sat quietly enraptured by the beautiful and well spoken woman that she is as Isobelle used her usual charm, charisma and unique story telling type to describe to us the story behind Bily and Zluty the main characters of her new book, The Red Wind.
We were all especially amused when one of the students asks Have you written any other books? unknowing what she was about to start as the bookstore owners eagerly going and gather what amounted to a massive pile of our favourite books.

(Regarding Isobelle's Berkelouw Books visit 29th July 2010)

Queenscliff was wonderful. Isobelle was very generous with her time and while she was being very closed mouthed on anything Sneding related she did let slip a couple of little things that Zier and I will share in the theories thread in the next couple of days.

She was also kind enough to let me record the talk and questions so once we have it transcribed that will also be available. Please be patient as it will take time to get through it.

There was sooooo much food and I think everyone that attended had a great time. Got some interesting insights to the Red Wind characters, so cute and special. Who knew that Zluty means yellow and Bily means white in the Czech language???? So cute!!

Isobelle heads over to Perth for a week then back to Prague, but she is looking forward to catching up with us when she is back in Australia next year.
More to come so keep an eye out.

(Regarding Isobelle's Queenscliff Hotel visit 5th August 2010)

Thank you for sharing with us girls and thank you Isobelle for taking the time to meet with us! If you were lucky enough to see Isobelle during this time, why not tell us about it in this thread.