Character Substitute

This month's writing challenge involves rewriting a scene from a story with a substitute character in the mix. As we are an Isobelle Carmody fansite, the comp shall feature some form of Isobelle's works :P

For this comp, we want you to rewrite how the characters might act if in the scene from 'The Keeping Place' (1999 Penguin edition) pg.568
Elspeth and the Misfits are rescued from the treachery of Malik is by one of these other characters and not the dashing Gypsy King Swallow:

  • Jacob Black (From 'Twilight')
  • Captain Hammer (From 'Dr Horrible's Sing-a-long blog')
  • The Doctor (From 'Doctor Who')

Submission Suggestions

From when your character enters the scene - it is up to you how you pursue the story. Your story may follow close to original telling with a few minor detail switches, or it may take a totally different turn. Let your imagination run wild :P

Entries open from now until 14th April 2010

Your entry should be no longer than 1000 words. You can only enter once, so make sure you're happy with the entry before you submit it!

1st: 40
2nd: 30
3rd: 20
Entry: 5

Judges: Deb, Jelindel and Maruman32
[Do you want to be a judge? Read what's required here.]

To submit, please post directly to the Fanfiction section of the site, and select the "Character Substitue 1" Category.
For a complete FAQ on how to submit your stories to the Fanfiction section, see this post.
Don't worry about anyone stealing your ideas after you submit, either; all entries will remain hidden until the end of the competition.

If you have any questions, please ask them below!
    14 years ago

    Extended to the end of April!
    C'mon ppl, get those entries in :D
    [ edited 14 Apr 2010 : 07:19 ]

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    Conrad K Cat!!!
    14 years ago

    I will definitely try to enter this one :)

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    14 years ago

    Oh my gosh. I haven't written anything and this competition is about to end.

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    14 years ago

    I love this idea! This will be awesome! I can't wait to start writing.

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    14 years ago

    Taril - yeap.

    Jelindel - it's yourself, Deb and Maruman32.

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