Obernewtyn Portraits

While exploring through the halls of Obernewtyn the teknoguilders stumbled upon a mass of old-time paintings. One of the teknoguilders is able to determine that the paintings are referred to as 'portraits' and that Beforetimers used to have them done up by artists in order capture the essence of a person, to be remembered for years to come.

A lot of people around Obernewtyn are now looking for people who are good with paints to draw up such a picture for themselves.

Boasting a bit of artistic talent, you have been contracted to do up a portrait of one of the characters from the Obernewtyn universe.

The competition is open from now, until the [strike]28th March[/strike] 11th April 2010.

Submission Suggestions:
  • A portrait depicts a person, traditionally with the main focus on the face.
  • Have fun experimenting with different positions and facial expressions unique to your character. Some examples of characters might be:
    • Rushton brooding by a fireplace
    • Erin Druid looking haughtily over her shoulder
    • Maruman looking proud and licking a paw
    • Malik looking superior holding a weapon to signify his warrior qualities
    • Ariel tossing back his golden locks; or perhaps
    • What does Marissa's portrait look like, or Jacob Obernewtyn?

  • Here is a link to a google search for 'oil canvas portraits' if you are looking for some different portrait styles
  • Feel free to either start from scratch, or photoshop an image.
  • If you'd like to discuss any ideas, be sure to visit Artistsmerge

Judges: Bambi, swallowswallow, and Swordess.
[Do you want to be a judge? Read what's required here.]

Submission Guidelines:
  • Images must be submitted in .jpg, .png or .gif format. NO .BMPs!

All entries will receive 10 guild points.
Winners pointage:
1st: 50
2nd: 40
3rd: 30

Once you're ready to submit your designs,
  • Go to the Obernewtyn Portraits Competition
  • Submit Media to the gallery. Ensure your USERNAME is in the image title somewhere, and ensure that you DON'T use any keyboard characters in your title other than a-z (capitals ok), 0-9, or _ (otherwise your entry will upload, but will not display).

If you have any questions about the competition, don't hesitate to ask in a comment below.
    14 years ago

    Anyone want an extension? How about another two weeks?

    0 0
    14 years ago

    ok - swallowswallow and Swordess, you're the other two judges for this! Thanks everyone for volunteering!
    [ edited 19 Mar 2010 : 16:17 ]

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    14 years ago

    If you need any help with uploading pictures Ehlana, Just PM me I can help you with anything :)
    [ edited 19 Mar 2010 : 20:45 ]

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    14 years ago

    I don't think anyone would worry if you doubled up.
    It's mostly about the art! :)
    I think you could ask someone like Min to post your image for you if you email it to her. Or PM it to her :)
    And yes, any member can enter. And that means you!

    0 0
    14 years ago

    Um... I am super new to this, so anyone can enter? What if everyone doubles up on the same character, is that a problem? I had trouble loading my own Profile image, so I might need a bit of help when time comes to upload my piece to the site.

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