Beautify Sutrium! Mar-Apr 09 Art Comp

March-April's art comp is here and we're testing your creative streak more than ever!

With the Land turned upside down with the overthrow of the Council, Dardelan and his new council have decided it's time to brighten up Sutrium a bit!

Your task is to create an art piece that features at least one of the following items:
  • Stone
  • Wood
  • Plant
  • Apple
  • Umbrella
  • An animal
  • Bucket
  • Key

The competition is open from now, until the [strike]14th[/strike] 30th April 2009.

Judges: Cameo854, sueño viajando, Moondream
[Do you want to be a judge? Read what's required here.]

Submission Guidelines:
  • Images must be submitted in .jpg, .png or .gif format. NO .BMPs!

Submission Suggestions:
Art is visually stimulating. Most art is created for a specific purpose and has a way of expressing the thoughts and ideas of people. Keep in mind this is an Obernewtyn fanart competition so don't forget to incorporate some themes! You don't have to use all the items but the more you use the more points you'll get!

An item does not necessarily have to be a predominant aspect. For example, maybe the apple is growing a tree?

Although the items have been listed, you do not have to use them in their traditional format. For example, you've been given 'stone' as an item to incorporate. This doesn't mean you have to make a statue - maybe you'll do a painting of a stone. Or a mosaic of stones? or perhaps an Obernewtyn character starting a new fashion trend of stones-for-hats! Sounds crazy? Well - it's creative and that's what we wanna see!

Also, you might not want to do 'just a painting' what about these ideas:
- Wearable art - what is the latest fashion trend of Sutrium?
- Perhaps a building gets a makeover?
- Does the Herder Cloister get a fish garden?
- A lovely still life?

If you're still stuck for ideas, you can base your Sutrium re-vamp on an image of an existing city, town, garden, portrait (eg: something like this).


All entries will receive 5 guild points.
Extra points
Incorporation of:
3-4 items = 1 guild point
4-5 items = 2 guild points
5-6 items = 3 guild points
7-8 items = 4 guild points
Plus an extra 2 points for the most create incorporation!

Winners pointage:
1st: 40
2nd: 30
3rd: 20
You can enter as many times as you want, but only your first three entries will get you points.


Once you're ready to submit your designs,
  • Go to the Beautify Sutrium Gallery.
  • Submit Media to the gallery. Ensure your USERNAME is in the image title somewhere, and ensure that you DON'T use any keyboard characters in your title other than a-z (capitals ok), 0-9, or _ (otherwise your entry will upload, but will not display).Be sure to list in your description of your piece what items you've incorporated so the judges can award your points!

If you have any questions about the competition, don't hesitate to ask in a comment below.
    15 years ago

    Once it has been judged, the annoucement will be posted in this thread - ~Link~

    As to how long, it depends on how long the judges take to get their results in - it should hopefully be announced by the end of the month. :)
    [ edited 08 May 2009 : 10:47 ]

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    15 years ago

    When can I find out who won?

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    15 years ago

    This comp's extended two weeks to give anyone working on entries a bit more time to submit! Keep the entries coming!

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    15 years ago

    Moondream I feel that as with all the other art comps we run, we should judge on the actual content. How much work it looks like went in and the end result. I don't think we have all that many really young entrants and if we do, their skills may even be better than the older entrants. If you really want to know ages, a lot of people have them in their profiles, but it's probably best to be impartial and judge based on what you're presented with, not who presented it.

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    15 years ago

    Im hoping to see loads of creative pics! :nod:
    Try your best, and us Judges will be fair!
    I wonder if they can add their ages, so we can take into consideration their ages, and how creative their skills would be. So if they are 10, we won't be so harsh because they are young, but if they are 18, we could be more sceptical and really look at the pictures for mistakes
    [ edited 30 Mar 2009 : 10:38 ]

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