March's Writing Comp: Isobelle Carmody Fanfiction

This month’s writing challenge is simple: write a story (fanfiction) based on any of Isobelle Carmody's works!

Submission Suggestions
This is a pretty open competition - you can write any story based on any one of IC's books - Obernewtyn, Legendsong, Billy Thunder, Green Monkey Dreams - anything! Here's a link to the IC Booklist, if you're after inspiration!

Perhaps you'd like to:
- write a story expanding on Glynn's and Wind's relationship?
- where has Miryum and Straaka disappeared to?
- rewrite a scene in 'The Stone Key' ... such as Kella and Domick being reunited
- a day in the life of Maruman? (where does that cat really sneak off to when he travels to the blacklands?
- what happened post Alyzon Whitestarr?

The possibilities are endless!

Entries open from now until [strike]31st March 2009[/strike] extended to the 30th April 2009

Your entry should be no longer than 3000 words. You can only enter once, so make sure you're happy with the entry before you submit it!

1st: 40
2nd: 30
3rd: 20
Entry: 5

Judges: Zieria, Bambi, and Pinkdragon
[Do you want to be a judge? Read what's required here.]

To submit, please post directly to the Fanfiction section of the site, and select the "March 09: IC Fanfic Competition" Category.
For a complete FAQ on how to submit your stories to the Fanfiction section, see this post.
Don't worry about anyone stealing your ideas after you submit, either; all entries will remain hidden until the end of the competition.

If you have any questions, or any suggestions of stories that you would like to read please ask them below!
    15 years ago

    Well - we'd love to see your entry Kaylan! You sure you can't cut it down a little bit? If you really really can't - we might have to deduct points - but come on peoples - enter :D

    ... and with that being said *goes to work on the comp*

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    15 years ago

    is 3556 words too much??

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    15 years ago

    Oh good! I got so bogged down with assignments... might have time to write something now!!!

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    15 years ago

    [act]huge sigh of relief[/act]

    Min - thank you!!! [act]hugs[/act] March disappeared too quickly - I just got home from work now, and was about to rush something to submit it :) So now I can unwind from a horrid day at work :D

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    15 years ago

    Competition has been extended until the 30th April, to give people more time coming up with entries - currently, only two people have submitted something! So, if you've got an idea for this comp - now's the time to do it, before this month flashes past as well!

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