
Druid, Erin

Character Profile created, owned, and updated by Arwen.

In Obernewtyn Louis mentions that Henry Druid had daughters and a son who were killed in the trouble he caused (p116, 2007 Obernewtyn).

It turns out that his daughters, Erin and Gilaine are alive and living in the encampment with him. Erin interrupts Elspeth’s discussion with the Druid and is described as being ”a pretty, blonde girl” with eyes that were ”hard and bright like pieces of blue glass” (p78-79, 2007 The Farseekers).

She is obviously spoiled by her father and is openly prejudiced against gypsies. She deliberately attempts to insult Elspeth by criticising the colour of her skin and is enraged when Elspeth insults her, calling her a ”painted doll” (p83, 2007 The Farseekers).

She is Gilaine’s twin sister, however she never mentions her and probably follows her father’s leading, regarding Gilaine’s muteness as being an imperfection.

Erin fancies Gilbert and is jealous of Elspeth when it appears that he will ask her to bond with him. In order to prevent this Erin arranges for Elspeth to bond with Relward.

She is frightened of Elspeth and draws her knife to keep Elspeth away. She threatens Elspeth, Jik and Kella as they tie her up and gag her, and is terrified when Jik suggests they kill her. She is left in a trunk for someone to find later.

It is unknown what happened to Erin during and after the firestorm that destroyed the encampment, but it is possible she was sold as a slave alongside her sister.
Unknown, same age as Gilaine.
Favoured daughter of Henry Druid.
None. However if she had any it would be unlikely she would tell anyone for fear of her father.
'Erin' is an anglicized variant of the Irish 'Eireann', the poetic name for Ireland. 'Erin' is also a Gaelic name meaning 'peace'.
Info Sunday 25 March 2007 - 23:53:05 by Min

Obernewtyn.net - i am a misfit