    13 years ago

    Interesting to read she thinks her best writing is in short stories.
    And she's reading Murakami! Will have to read the interview again when I'm more awake.

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    13 years ago

    I'm thinking the Asian people are the Tumen Isobelle Tweeted about. This makes it all so much more exciting!

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    13 years ago

    Lol yes! How COULD anyone not like DAMEON! ;)

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    13 years ago

    An excellent interview for sure! I personally liked this line:

    Absolutely! My dear editor said recently that she was not sure she liked Dameon and I defended him as ferociously as if he were my best friend. I mean how could anyone not like Dameon?

    The little bits of info are certainly very interesting too :)

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    13 years ago

    oh yay! We get to read more about other cultures - this knowledge coupled with reading the re-edited versions of the Obernewtyn chronicles is starting to pique my interest & excitement again ^.^;
    Fantastic - bring on the next installment!!

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