Obernewtyn.net is an online community and fan-run website dedicated to the work of Australian writer and illustrator, Isobelle Carmody.
Tips and news submissions
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Connect with Obernewtyn.net
Obernewtyn.net interacts with misfits all over the interwebs on many social media services; if that's your thing, take your pick:
Obernewtyn.net on Facebook
Obernewtyn.net on Twitter -
Obernewtyn.net on Tumblr
Obernewtyn.net on deviantART
Obernewtyn.net's YouTube channel
Useful Resources
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For All General Enquiries
If the above pages and FAQs don't answer your question - PM (private message) your enquiry to
Or, if you're not logged in and can't access the PM system for any reason, send an email to:

Have a more in depth question or problem?
You can connect with the MoOs (Master of Obernewtyn) and Guilds directly using any of the below methods.
Contacting the Sitemasters / Masters of Obernewtyn
Each of the site administrators, called "MoOs" (which stands for "Masters of Obernewtyn") can be contacted individually via PM (private message) or email. For full details of who each MoO is and how they fit into the Obernet family tree, see the
About Us page.
Min -
Private Message -
Agyllian -
Private Message -
DargaFleas -
Private Message -
Contacting Guildleaders / Contacting Your Guild
You can contact any of your Guildleaders via Private Message or email your guild using appropriate email address below.
Ashlings Guild -
Guildleader Contact Details -
Dreamweavers Guild -
Guildleader Contact Details -
Mystics Guild -
Guildleader Contact Details -
Wanderers Guild -
Guildleader Contact Details -