
The World I Know

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Chapter 6

As we ran, more and more things became clear.

We were four people in a community of many – people who could do extraordinary things with their minds. Talents, we were called by some; Misfits by others. Our exceptional abilities set us apart, and made us targets by people who wanted to control the world.

There was more: Familiar Man, whose name I remembered to be Fell, was one of those people. The meeting in the memory I had witnessed was about construction a terrible machine that could tear apart humanity. Fell had approached me almost a year ago, and asked for my help. I had been naïve enough to think it harmless. Training my powers, he had literally moulded my mind into operating the machine.

Thank the heavens I never got the chance to.

Once finding out Fell and the Govamen’s plan, I had fled with a group of Talents away from my home in the mountains – the setting of my first memory. This fear of discovery, the constant feeling of pursuit, was developed after being hunted for months. We had travelled to the city beneath the mountain, New Roma, to help another Talent we had discovered – Kin.

Unfortunately, the effects of the Great White had got to the city before we had. Destructive riots and natural turmoil met us, and separated us. The last moments of my consciousness were still unclear, but I now had a lead. There were others out there.

Alex and I reached the hallway without direction or hesitation. I looked at him, this healer who had helped unlock my powers. We pressed on.

‘Where are they?’ Alex broke the silence as we weaved through passageways.

‘Toward the back of the complex; this was built along time ago in case something went wrong with the machine -’ I stopped. Before us was a large door with the sign, ‘Engine Room’ engraved in the wood. They were behind that door, I knew it.

I tried the door cautiously: it was unlocked. Loud creaking met my attempts to open it silently, and we proceeded inside. The engine room proved to be a large multi-story expanse of metal work and heat. It was so hot that goosebumps began to rise on my arms.

‘What is all this?’ Alex moved onto the metal walkway that ran around the room. I matched his pace as he walked into the confusion of piping and steam. A sickening dread overshadowed my steps as I continued on. Something about this room felt like –

‘A trap.’ I scowled, looking dead ahead.

Xen lounged against the metal railing before us, watching as more figures moved to block us off from behind. Alex caught his breath.

‘What are you doing, Xen?’ There was no mercy in his tone. I swept my mind around the room, but seemed to be blocked by the thickness of steam. That was why I did not sense the others, who were only metres behind us.

There was no escape.

Xen’s reply was cold, and a smile made its way across his face.

‘You were always told not to talk to strangers.’

Hands grabbed me from behind, and something hit me over the head. This time, I was ready.
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