
Leaving - Part 1

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Chapter 4

The slow drip of water on stone surrounds me, echoing strangely in the black darkness. Gradually I become aware of a faint, flickering light and I can see that I am in a dark stone tunnel, water dribbling down the walls. The light dims and I hear the faint echo of receding footsteps.

I step forwards, my foot splashing in a puddle, then I am off. I follow the light and sound, my footsteps slapping wetly as I break into a run. I slide around a corner and skid to a halt, the source of the light and footsteps standing in front of me.

Elspeth spins around, eyes flashing, candle flame flickering wildly. “Why do you keep...?” She trails off, eyes widening in surprise. “Rushton? What are you doing here?

I look around, suddenly confused. “I... I don’t know. Following you. Where are we?”

A note of fear enters her voice. “You have to go back. You can't come here, it isn’t safe.”

“But you’re here,” I point out reasonably, “why can’t I come too?”

She looks at me in exasperation. “Rushton, you have a duty to Obernewtyn. My duty lies elsewhere.” Abruptly, the echoes resolve into more footsteps, coming closer. Elspeth’s eyes widen in horror. “You must go! Now, before he sees you!”

Then I am flying backwards, Elspeth and the tunnel shrinking into the distance. She looks after me for a moment, before turning to face the approaching shadow, and I catch the words she mouths. I love you.

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