
Leaving - Part 2

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Chapter 7

Hovering on the edge of waking, I feel the presence of another mind slipping into my own. The sense of stone, wind, thin air and feathers is familiar, but frighteningly faint and I am forced to remember the gift of strength for which another paid the price. “What do you want, Atthis?”

The time is almost come when you/Innel must complete your quest. As the mindstream calls to me/Eldest, so the blackdeathroad calls to you. A call we both must soon answer. Be ready.

The voice fades and I am left alone with the knowledge that soon I must leave Obernewtyn, Rushton and everyone else to destroy the weaponmachines that would destroy us all. I know that I must face this soon, but for now I force myself to wakefulness.
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