
First Child

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Chapter 2

But the children of Obernewtyn – they had no such memory. To them, Talented was normal, and normal? Well, that was a bit freakish. No, they weren’t scared of Durp. Quite the opposite in fact. The other children clamoured to play with him, their unhoned minds slipping through his like string through their daily tofu. Durp would black out for moments at a time, and come to to find himself slapping his arms wildly, or lying naked and face down on the cold stone floor, or standing fully clothed in a bathing barrel.

His chief tormentor was a boy called Braxley. Braxley was born of two farseekeers, but from an early age he had shown strong farseeking, coercing and beastspeaking abilities. His pranks, though often cruel, were also both clever and inventive. His most recent, involving a three person mind-meld, the pig, a bundle of leg warmers, and of course Durp, had been so outrageous that it had caught the attention of the Coercer Ward. But far from chastising Braxley, he had instead praised him for his skilful probing and hinted, quite unsubtly, that Braxely would do well to join the Coercer’s guild at the next week’s Choosing.
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