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Chapter 1

I was inspired by a greeny-blue stone necklace I have had for a few years now (accurate description of it below).

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Maugin paused mid-stride as a gleam caught her eye. Near the bushes at the train station, a blue-green stone on a black thong lay tangled in the bushes. Bending carefully, for her heavy school bag threatened to topple her over, Maugin picked up the stone. She stared at it in awe, for it was easily the most beautiful thing she'd seen. The stone was roughly tear-shaped, but slanted on an angle. It was a deep turquoise colour, with blue and green lines running through it. Holding it up to the sun, it lit up a brilliant bright green, following a gradient of blue to the middle. Flecks of yellow glowed dimly around the edges.

"Pretty!" Maugin gasped. She put it in her pocket and continued her trek home along the train line and past the old church near the petrol station. Somewhere above her, a crow cawed loudly.


Little Fur starred at Crow in horror. A human had somehow managed to get a hold of the trollstone!

"But how?" Little Fur asked.

"Crow not knowing. It lying in bushes. Crow going to get it when young human picked it up! This is badness!" Crow said, flapping his wings dramatically. Little Fur wondered how the trollstone had gotten there in the first place. The trolls had received the stone almost two seasons ago. Maybe the troll king had decided to get rid of it after he used the magic in it. Or maybe he knew that the stone was drawing the earth magic strongly into his kingdom and so decided to get rid of it, no matter the magic it possessed. Little Fur shook her head, confused. She decided she would venture yet again into the human city to see the place for herself.

"Crow, where did you see the trollstone? Could you take me there?" She asked. Crow cawed angrily.

"Too dangerous. Many humans around," He warned. Little Fur shook her head.

"I must see the place for myself," And possibly the human too, Little Fur added silently.

"This is madness," Crow scolded, "humans could see you and eat you!" Little Fur laughed at his outrageous comment. Just then, Ginger, Little Fur's beloved friend, approached. His yellow cat eyes glowed warmly.

"Greetings, Little Fur," he said. Little Fur smiled at the cat.

"Crow said that he found a trollstone in the hands of a young human." She told him, ignoring Crow's irritated caws in the background.

"I thought so. I think I have seen this human girl. She lives not far from the beaked house. I saw her earlier sitting in front of her home, holding the stone. She smelt of curiosity and joy." he added. Little Fur's eyes widened.

"Ginger, could you take me to her place?" She asked eagerly. Crow began yelling at Little Fur again.

"Too dangerous. Human could see Little Fur! Trollstone not important." He told her but Little Fur disagreed. If the trollstone still had magic in it, who knew what humans might do with it.

"Please, Ginger, will you?" Ginger agreed, which made Crow fly off furiously. Little Fur knew, however, that he would find her before she left, to accompany her on her journey as he did everytime. Little Fur spent the afternoon finishing vaious tissanes and preparing for the trip. An odd excitement was growing in her. She knew she should not be going to see the human, for Crow was right. It was dangerous. Little Fur felt for her own trollstone. It was her most beloved possession as it had belonged to her mother. When the sky began to turn a glorious orange and pink, Ginger appeared at the edge of the wilderness. Little Fur greeted him, then looked to the sky for Crow. When he did not appear, Little Fur frowned.

"He will come." Ginger reassured her. Little Fur nodded and they began towards the city. Stopping wherever the earth spirit was weak, Little Fur pushed seeds into the ground, drawing the earth spirit to flow stronger, so that one day humans could not help but feel the earth spirit beneath them. As Ginger lead Little Fur past the beak house, Crow appeared, flying towards them.

"Sun is still high in sky! Dangerous, Little Fur. Human girl is outside! Might seeing you!" He warned, cawing loudly. Ginger stopped next to a white fence. There was a gap in the wooden posts. Thick bushes grew behind it. Little Fur followed the path carefully, watching her feet to make sure she did not lose contact with the earth magic. She had no desire the be severed from it again.

"This is the girl's home," Ginger said. Crow landed on the fence.

"Human girl sits on grass under tree. Carefulness, Little Fur!" Little Fur nodded and followed Ginger through the fence and into the bushes.


Maugin sat under the large wattle tree in her garden and watched the sky turn from blue to oragne to pink. A gentle breeze picked up, and Maugin sighed. It was a beautiful summer evening. She pulled the stone necklace from her pocket and stared at it again in awe. It's beauty seemed to throb beneath her fingertips. She tied the black thong around her neck and lay her head down on the soft grass. She soon fell into a light sleep.


Little Fur watched the human girl tie the necklace around her neck in shock. The trollstone still had its magic in it! The human girl curled up on the grass and began to sleep. Little Fur reached out through the earth magic and felt the girl's dream. She was shocked the find the same potent still magic from the beaked house in the dreams. The magic in the trollstone began weaving earth magic into the dream and Little Fur smiled in pure amazement and joy as she felt the girl lose herself in the power of the earth magic.
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