
Mysterious Remote

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Chapter 1

The object of inspiration was: A remote for a CD player*
*there was originally an image, but it didn't load

"From The Sky"

Winter sweeps it way above to
Even the tallest mount --
Within the Obernewtyn grounds --
Setting of my account.
Chance came along from the Beforetime
Yet so did the device --
Happening into chilléd hands
Shivering from the ice.
Fallen down from an unknown stellar
Place high above the clouds,
This white object, this thing
Made me exclaim aloud.

Zarak only happened along
Because of this last thing,
But in due time -- we would find the
Significance t'would bring.
We journeyed up and through the maze
Into the grateful heat
Of the halls inside the house that
Shielded from further sleet.
Upon this venture we decided
To send for Garth -- no, Dell.
For who better than to aid us
Than one who futuretells.

We found her in the tower where
Those like her tend to sit,
However -- pulled in a vision -- she
Had not the time for it.
Running hastily downstairs we
Decided to try Garth --
Alas in our haste we both fell
Like logs toward a hearth.
The device shot -- out of my hand
And ended up -- a splat
In many pieces on the floor --
That was the end of that.
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