
Liar Liar, Pants on Fire

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Chapter 1

There once was a lass from Obernewtyn Shire,
Who was a terrible compulsive liar.
She tattled, and gossiped,
and rattled some babble.
Until a Coercer got fed up and threw her up a tower higher.

She claimed she had learnt her lesson,
And could be seen sitting quietly at breakfast.
But all the time she was thinking,
Of all the stories she could be linking,
So she set off a loud alarm with the intent to deafen.

Rushton could not find the source of the annoyance,
After all he was not into clairvoyance.
The Empaths were dispatched,
To see if the problem could be patched.
And returned with a certain flamboyance.

The lass can now be seen with a face so sour,
It could melt even Katlyn's home made flour.
She ran out of ideas to speak her gospel,
And when she tried the result was hostile.
So she settled down to a life tending flowers.
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