Encyclopedia Categories | Total | |
Obernewtyn ChroniclesEncyclopedia for the Obernewtyn Chronicles.
To add anything to any of these articles, leave a comment under the relevant article, or PM Min. |
CharactersArchived records of all the characters that appear or are mentioned in the O-Chron, their functions, with origin and analysis of the character names. |
343 | |
AtlasArchived records of all settlements, nations, and sights mentioned in the O-Chron, with origin and analysis of the location names. |
86 | |
Misfit AbilitiesDefinitions of all the Misfit Abilities discovered in the O-Chron. |
22 | |
GroupsArchived records of the different social, cultural, and genetic groups in the O-Chron. |
64 | |
BeastspeechBeastspeak - to - English dictionary |
44 | |
Obernewtyn MapsScans of the evolution of the maps of the Land throughout the series. |
6 | |
Chapter SummariesA chapter-by-chapter look at the Obernewtyn Chronicles. |
18 | |
General TerminologyA record of all the general Obernewtyn Chronicles terminology. |
39 | |
Legendsong TrilogyEncyclopedia for Legendsong Trilogy.
To add anything to any of these articles, leave a comment under the relevant article, or PM Min. |
CharactersGives a brief outline of the Characters that appear in the frst two books of the Legendsong Trilogy (Darkfall and Darksong). |
170 | |
AtlasMaps of Keltor and it's regions, records of all settlements and sights mentioned in the Legendsong Tril, with analysis of location names.Work in progress. |
14 | |
Keltan AbilitiesDefinitions of all the special abilities recorded in the Legendsong Trilogy. |
7 | |
PositionsArchived records of the different social, cultural, and genetic groups in the Legendsong. |
0 | |
General TerminologyA record of all the general Legendsong terminology. |
28 | |
Chapter SummariesA chapter-by-chapter look at the Legendsong Trilogy. |
2 | |
ScatterlingsEncyclopedia for Scatterlings.
To add anything to any of these articles, leave a comment under the relevant article, or PM Min. |
CharactersArchived records of all the characters that appear or are mentioned in Scatterlings,their functions, with origin and analysis of the character names.. |
10 | |
AtlasMaps of regions, records of all settlements and sights mentioned in Scatterlings, with analysis of location names.Work in progress. |
9 | |
Chapter SummariesA chapter-by-chapter look at Scatterlings. |
1 | |
Little FurEncyclopedia for Little Fur.
To add anything to any of these articles, leave a comment under the relevant article, or PM Min. |
CharactersGives a brief outline of the Characters that appear in the Little Fur series. |
28 | |
AtlasA list of important locations from through out the Little Fur series. |
8 | |
Chapter SummariesA chapter-by-chapter look at the Little Fur series. |
4 | |
Quentaris ChroniclesEncyclopedia for the Quentaris Chronicles.
To add anything to any of these articles, leave a comment under the relevant article, or PM Min. |
CharactersGives a brief outline of the Characters that appear in the Little Fur series. |
17 | |
AtlasA list of important locations from through out the Quentaris Chronicles. |
15 | |
GroupsGives a brief outline of the Groups that appear in the Quentaris Chronicles. |
25 | |
General TerminologyA brief outline of all the general Quentaris terminology. |
2 | |
Chapter SummariesA chapter-by-chapter look at the Quentaris Chronicles. |
2 | |