So, how's everyone going? I've read it before, but I've got the book out of the library because I probably can't remember most of it!
Any thoughts? (I promise, I'll come up with a better question later!)
I think Eilidh's copy was on our coffee table at the Sydney meet, and it looked interesting enough so I went out and got a copy - finished it a couple of days ago.
My 2 cents:
...I was a little bored, I gotta say.
Little-Alice was funny - reminded me somewhat of Lyra, from His Dark Materials.
But grown-up Alice was weak. It was like her character had thinned out over time. I know that's what's supposed to happen, because she's been forced to suppress herself for 10-odd years in London, but I had hoped that when she went back to Wonderland she'd lose some of her...translucency?
I wanted the Walrus butler to win in the end. And I don't think he was even fighting...
What did everyone think of it?
I have to agree, Min.
I found this book pretty easy to put down and leave. It was good, just not as engaging as I had expected. Similarly, I had wanted Alyss to fire-up again once she got back to Wonderland. Even if that couldn't have done that, thought the sight of the man that Dodge Anders had become would do the trick :P
I really like the way that Beddor has taken the original story and turned it into an action-packed, darker story. I love books that do this. I particularly liked the use of the Card soldiers - still what they are in the popular 'fairy tale' - but more menancing, more militarily efficient and with much more high-tech weapons. The use of the Cat was wonderful too :) The theme of the power of the imagination - and it being crushed in industrial London - was very powerful, to me at least.
Just to see what happens, I think i might try find the next one :P

Ashling Guildmistress
16 years ago

Ashling Guildmistress
Oh wow! haha, I'm reading Alice in Wonderland atm - looks like I'm going to be picking up this book a little late :P and despite the not so good reports from members so far, I love my Alice in Wonderland story - so might as well give it a go :D
I liked it when I first read it, but I was a bit younger. It's sitting in my room waiting for me to flick through it in order to remember it and post some meaningful discussion, but I've been busy! I'm getting the feeling from these comments that maybe it's a book that only really works for younger readers. Have any of our younger readers read it and enjoyed it? Or not enjoyed it? It's ok to disagree with all these old fogies ( :P) above!
Yeh this was my second time attempting to read this book, and I've failed big time again. I have very little attention span with things lately - and unless the book grabs me, it takes me too long get into it, and I just don't have the patience for that.
I'm slightly annoyed cos it looked so good when I bought it, but as Min and Lioness said - its just too easy to put down.
Maybe when I have more patience I'll attempt it again :-/
I just read this book a few days ago. I thought it was fabulous :) I can't wait for the nest one. I think it's a great re - make of the original. I'm a collector of anything "Alice", so this was just great.
I read it over two days. There were a select few parts where I had to stop because it was a little boring, but I think there were other parts that made the boring bits go away.
Strangely, Redd reminded me of Azkadaelia from Tin Man. I don't know why. I just kept getting that picture of her in my head and her evil castle.
I think it was an overall very good story, which was very well researched. I thought it had it's on flair to it, which made it individual.
Read it again Everyone!!

Wanderer Ward
14 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
So, true to my book club style, I'm a little late with this book. Will I ever read one on time? Or even one month after? No. Doing so would ruin my reputation. :P
I enjoyed the book, but as others have said, it didn't really grab me. If I wasn't on holidays at the moment, I'm sure I would have put it aside for more interesting past times. Like Lioness, I liked how the story was made darker, yet I think that even this was handled too lightly. Yes, there were moments of violence, but I don't think the oppression and hopelessness that the Wonderlanders would have felt under Redd's rule was really realised. I know it is described in some parts - cities being in ruin and neighbours informing on one another, but I didn't feel it.
I was a bit disappointed that the Cat was evil (the Cheshire Cat is my favourite Wonderland character), but I still was able to enjoy this version. I'm not sure that I'll read the other two books in the series. I was a bit worried that the story would end well enough for me to only read the one, but for the moment, I think I'll be content reading other things.