Sorry to bring more bad tidings, but I know Diana Wynne Jones has a lot of fans around the site, who might not have heard this yet. She was diagnosed with cancer a while back and apparently has recently decided to forego chemo and enjoy what time she has left - briefly announced here. :(
I am a little bothered by its inconsistency, in that some books are grouped - and therefore presumably tallied - by series (Harry Potter, Twilight, Sookie Stackhouse), but then other books like Obernewtyn and Matthew Reilly's books are listed separately. I do wonder how Obernewtyn would have done if they grouped all series. [act]shrugs[/act]VioletCrumble
Please delete this if this had already been mentioned because I can't see it anywhere else but here's a link to the Angus and Robertson Top 100. Obernewtyn managed to get around 70th place compared to being in the top ten last year. The link also has a video about the top 100. Please feel free to posts your thoughts.]
VioletCrumble wrote ...
Please delete this if this had already been mentioned because I can't see it anywhere else but here's a link to the Angus and Robertson Top 100. Obernewtyn managed to get around 70th place compared to being in the top ten last year. The link also has a video about the top 100. Please feel free to posts your thoughts.
~Link~Ziera Wrote...
I am a little bothered by its inconsistency, in that some books are grouped - and therefore presumably tallied - by series (Harry Potter, Twilight, Sookie Stackhouse), but then other books like Obernewtyn and Matthew Reilly's books are listed separately. I do wonder how Obernewtyn would have done if they grouped all series. *shrugs*
There's been some more news about the A Game of Thrones adaptation, including a behind the scenes featurette here on YouTube. I haven't seen through to the end, but from what I've seen so far, it looks like the show's going to be amazing. It's HBO though, so it'll be dark and probably gory, with other adult content. It's starting in the US in April next year.My news today is that George R R Martin's novel "A Game of Thrones" is being adapted into a TV show (Voyager Books, the Australian publisher, are my source).
As some ober members may have seen on facebook, I'm unsure what to think of this as I'm sure that a literal adaptation would have to be at least MA 8-|
Anyway, for those who are interested, see the cast here - looks promising :)
Zier wrote...
It's HBO though, so it'll be dark and probably gory, with other adult content.