Closed for entries, Open for comments!
We have
two artistic competitions this month, where you can help expand the
Link to Us portion of, and help advertise your guild!
Your challenge is to design banners for people to use in their signatures, and websites to advertise, and the four guilds - the Ashlings, Dreamweavers, Mystics, and Wanderers (
About Guilds).
For Link to Us banners:
- Entries should be no larger than 200x50 pixels.
^ That big.
- Preferred size is 100x35 pixels.
^ That big.
- Entries need to be in .jpg, .gif, or .png format
- Entries must have either "" or "" visible somewhere.
For Guild Advertising banners:
- Entries should be no larger than 200x50 pixels
- You (the designer) must be happy to have your banner used in people's signatures.
- Entries must not be derogatory in nature (ie, no squirrel/glow worm/antelope/toilet bashing) or they will be deleted and no points given.
Judges: HeartoftheDarkness, Cat-Eyes, and Lioness!
Pointage up for grabs:
Link to Us Comp:
1st place: 10 points
2nd place: 7 points
3rd place: 5 points
Entry points: 1 points per entry (max of 3 entry points per person, ie, you may submit as many banners as you want, but you'll only receive entry points for your first 3 entries.)
Guild Advertising Comp:
4 x winners (one winning banner from each guild): 5 points
Entry points: 1 points per entry (max of 3 entry points per person, ie, you may submit as many banners as you want, but you'll only receive entry points for your first 3 entries.)
Please post your entries below!
Guild Banner competition first!
Ashlings winner: there weren't any entries from Ashlings!
Dreamies winner: Ness!
Dreamies runner up: Tanya!
Mystics winner: Min!
Mystics runner up: Elspethinnle!
Wandies winner: Sezzaxox!
Wandies runner up: Redqueen!
Final Guild points:
Ashlings: 0
Dreamies: 14
Mystics: 12
Wandies: 11
And the results of the
Link to Us Banner Competition!
The winners were all so close together in points that we've decided to just list anyone who got over 20/30 score from our judges and give each person 5 points! Each of the below banners will be added to the
Link To Us page here on Obernet, too!
(otherwise we would have had about 5 people getting 2nd place :P !)
So, the winning designs are are:
Ness' design:
4 of Elspethinnle's designs:
~Link~ ~Link~ ~Link~ ~Link~
2 of HotD's designs:
~Link~ ~Link~
3 of Min's designs:
~Link~ ~Link~ ~Link~
3 of Redqueen's designs:
~Link~ ~Link~ ~Link~
And Tanya's entry:
Final Guild pointage:
Ashlings: 0
Dreamies: 19
Mystics: 24
Wandies: 10