Closed for entries, Open for comments!Libraries are filled with knowledge, magic and power. The words within them fill us with hopes and dreams, and lots of other things besides. The aim of this competition is to use a word from
this library category in the encyclopedia and prove that words can incite the imagination. If you wish for an extra challenge, you may wish to branch into the
Misfit Abilities category. The inspiration of your avatars
must be chosen from one of these specific words bank to gain guild points, so please post your chosen words along with their corresponding avatar.
Entries required by:This competition is open from now until the 31st August 2012.
Judges:None required - this will be based on a poll posted in Artistsmerge at the closing submission date.
Submit:Once you're ready to submit, upload your avatar/s to your image host of choice, then post it below using the

image tag!
Your avatars should be no larger than 110px in width and height and should be in either .jpg, .png or .gif format.
You can enter as many avatars as you wish, but only the first three will earn entry points. Breakdown of pointage below.
Winning Pointage:1st place: 40
2nd place: 30
3rd place: 20
Entry Pointage:All entries receive: 5 points
(max entry points earnable: 15)
If you have any questions please ask in the Artistsmerge thread,
Avatar Library Competition.
Truedreaming, by Meriymun &
Killing Power, by Axe
Latent Talent, by Axe
PointageMystics: 25 points
Dreamweavers: 65 points
Ashlings: 40 points
Wanderers: 5 points