Ashlings' guildleader
15 years ago
Wed Oct 07 2009, 09:24pm

Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
I had a very strange dream last night.
I dreamed that my Mum was still alive and that we were all sitting in the living room. It was evening, but we weren't cooking dinner because there were pirates visiting in their pirate ship. The pirate ship was actually a juice carton with one side cut out. We had one too and convinced the pirates that if they cut their boat up into four smaller boats (to make them less dangerous) we would do the same.
So we cut up the 'boats' and the pirates sailed away.
Then Mum and me started cooking dinner and the bench was covered in continental pasta packet thingos and the pantry was filled with instant noodles. Mum said she wasn't happy with the amount of instant, processed foods in the house and I agreed.
Then we were going to eat outside and dragged some tables into the backyard. My brother sat in the back door and pushed his heals against the ground till about a 2m squared section of the back of the house began to rock like a swing. I asked him how he did it and Dad said that he built the house like that and it was really easy and simple to do. I then had a debate with him arguing that it wasn't with in the laws of physics.
After that, I gave my Mum a hug and it was like some form of closing credits for a TV show or something becuase there was a visual behind us running in reverse. I saw some of my parents friends and there was a theme tune that sang 'We're all-ways waiting on the other siiiiiide' on repeat for ages. The last image behind was of a couple walking backwards down a laneway by a train line(remember, this visual is run in reverse, so they only looked like they were walking backwards).
Then suddenly I was in the visual, at a railway crossing by the lane and it was running forwards again. There was a protest going on and it was being conducted by my extended family, only it was in the past. I could see me looking a like I was four, and there were two of my younger cousins (even though one of them wasn't born till I was six) and the adults all looked like they did in pictures from before I was born. We were protesting because we'd all had the flue and people who had the flue weren't allowed on the trains, even after they were better.
Then a train came past and we all rushed off the tracks. My aunt, uncle and cousins were on the other side to me and when the train was gone, they rushed over towards me and my parents and the others, but then another train was coming in the other direction. My aunt put her arms out to try to stop the kids buy Timmy kept running and got clipped by the train. He wasn't hurt, but I remember wondering why he hadn't shape shifted into a fox to avoid the train....
And then I woke up.
Your dream seems to be a lot about family.
And it also seems like a lot of adventure!
Maybe before, you used to do a lot of things with your family; travelling, doing new things, etc, and you don't do much of that now?

Ashlings' guildleader
15 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
Last night I had a prophetic dream.
I was reading the sending, and one section had something to do with a cute little fluffy puppy dog and a black squiggly line. This particular section was disappointing and didn't live up to my expectations. I kept having to stop reading because it gave me a stomach ache. The pain was terrible and eventually I woke up because of it. The fact that I was actually sick is clearly irrelevant.
The conclusion I draw from this is that if The Sending doesn't live up to expectations, the pain of the disappointment will be similar to that of gastroenteritis.
Fortunately, I have complete faith that it will be greater and more brilliant than anyone could ever imagine, thus we have nothing to worry about.

Ashlings' guildleader
13 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
Last night, I dreamed that I was inside the game Minecraft with three other obernetters. Not sure who they were, but I knew that they were Obernetters. We were inside a large shopping complex and were taking an elevator down to an underground cavern underneath it.
The elevator stopped at some random level and we got out to see what had gone wrong and there was this boy there named Peter. Who as it happens, was also the destroyer. o_O
I believe I yelled at him that he couldn't possibly be the destroyer because he only has one obscure reference in book one (for the record, no such obscure reference exists, Peter is not a character at all so far as I am aware). He shrugs and walks off and we continue down to the cavern on our quest to destroy the weapon machines. ::)
I had been stock piling things in the cavern for quite sometime ie; pick axes and other things useful in playing minecraft, but they had all been STOLEN!!! :O
Evil laughter echoed in the cavern (Muhahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!), we turned around to find Peter once more. He yelled "There is no level of your defences that I have not penetrated and now you have no way of stopping me from taking the weapon-machines!"
And this stage I pointed out to him that he definitely wasn't supposed to be the destroyer because the destroyer isn't meant to be evil and besides which his personality was effectively the same as Ariel's so there was no real point in his existence anyway.
And then we were outside. A man with a gun said that the first group to obtain all four controlers found at the bottom of the four buried stacks of iron blocks would be declared the controller of the weapon machines. He shot the gun into the air and we were off!
Peter had all the necessary tools and we had nothing, but there were four of us and one of him. So the others all worked to distract Peter and slow him down while I built and mined all the necessary tools to build pick axes and handed them off one by one to the others so we could get ahead of Peter.
I woke up before the end but I can only assume that we won because Peter was seriously a dud of a villain :P