You're so lucky you can remember your dreams and with such detail Hel. I never remember my dreams not that I dream that often but when I wake up I forget them when I try to write them down and explain them to other people. SO jealous of your dreams.
BTW, I don't like the one about the sporks though.

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago
Fri Jul 09 2010, 03:52pm

Wanderer Guilden
lol like i said, i only remember some things, that's why i don't always post my dreams: because i can't remember them. when and if i sleep that is ;P
and please don't be jealous of my dreams, more often than not they're not dreams, they're nightmares :)
hahaha to each their own i suppose...
Wow! You have very random dreams. Just wondering, but, do you like having strange dreams?

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
hmmm... i like them sometimes, but other times even I get a bit confused. ;P
but when i have dreams or nightmares like the second zombie one, i don't really like them... no matter how violent a person i might be; i can't stand mindless killing- or any killing at all, as a matter-of-fact :P

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
*dpm* 'nother very strange dream. i know, i always have strange dreams... but this one was just that little bit extra strange, so i thought i'd share :D
i can't remember the beginning, but i can remember from about half way through the dream. at about half way i was in some sort of ancient castle, with one main stair case going up the middle. i lived right up the top of that stair case, but it wasn't like Elf's tower room, it was more like a boarding school in that there were hundreds of rooms lining the walls and mine was just like everyone elses in that, from what i felt (as i never actually went in there in the dream) that it was tiny, craped and almost bare.
i know that i was supposed to be in a family of some sort, but i was treated like a poor orphan and only joined my family whenever they deemed necessary, i remember that they were horrible to me unless in company. the stair case was the main focus of the dream- i ran up and down it, swung from level to level, over rails, under rails... basically the stair case made me feel at home (for want of a better term). as the dream continued i found myself running from something and i was lunging from level to level up the stair case. when i reached the top it all shifted into another dream
after my dream shifted, i knew i was still in a castle. but, for some reason, it was a strange, warped version of Hamlet. i was Hamlet, the Prince, but i was a woman still, even though Hamlet is traditionally a male role. Gertrude and Claudius were how i've always pictured them... but then, just as i was entering the throne room with them in it....
zombies started coming in through the main door :-|
zombies. again.
truncated sentences. yay.
anyways, the zombies where coming in though the door and they had guns and such. i also had a shot gun and was shooting them as they appeared...
then one zombie, with a hole already in his head (i remember thinking in my dream 'as useful as a men with a hole in his head" :P ) and every time i tried to shoot him down, like the rest of the zombies, he just wouldn't die. he managed to get right up close to me, just in front of me... and just as he was about to get me...
my alarm went off and i woke up. :-|
why? what is with me and zombies?? srsly! D=

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
*dpm* *dpm* :P
i wasn't feeling too well this afternoon, so i went to have a nap... only problem is i didn't end up feeling the best after i woke up :P so it defeated the purpose. :-| the reason why i didn't feel any better was because i had a nightmare through the entire duration of my sleep.
three guesses what my nightmare was about.
that's right.
those damn zombies again -__-#
it's seriously miffing me off.... it's gotten to the stage where all i dream about now are zombies and i just don't want to sleep any more...
anways- i can't remember where the dream started, but i remember that i was a doctor, a surgeon. but i was a man in the dream :P i was sitting in a surgical room with a patient and i was treating them. i was the best doctor in the hospital and got along with everyone, or so i thought. there was one other doctor that i can't remember the name of, but i can give you a description of him. he was in his 50's, grey hair combed neatly, glasses, white coat and with a serious expression... essentially, the typical old/middle-aged doctor. anyway, i was sitting in the room after the patient went, filling out paper work when this other doctor came in. the other doctor said something in a cold voice, accusing me of being a fraud, that he- the other doctor- was meant to be the best doctor/surgeon, not me. i tried talking to him, but there was no use... eventually he called in some people.
i watched as they entered the room, limping slightly. they slowly lurched towards me and when tey were almost within a metre of me one of them raised their head and i saw that he wasn't alive any more- he was a zombie. i panicked and ran towards the window- jumping onto the ledge outside of the building and making my way up towards the roof to try and escape.
i remember feeling the complete panic, the need to get out of there- it was stronger than any of my surroundings, it was almost a physical force.
when i reached the roof top i thought i was safe, but as soon as i turned around there were zombies lumbering towards me. i realised that there was no escape. i backed up against the wall of the building, trembling. i couldn't take the fear, the panic- anything any more. i wanted the zombies to kill me- i willingly ran towards them and let them bite me, shred me- tear me limb from limb- and i died.
i floated around for a bit in nothingness until i woke up in a cold sweat and shaking.
wow hell! thats freaky!!!
not to be morbid or anything but could you feel the zombies tearing at you? that would be soooo disturbing!
on a different note... you ever thought that the zombies might be things from your past that you haven't let go of yet? just a thought.... (yes i'm a psych student :P)

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
mhmm, yup i could feel them ripping me and biting me and such...
i had almost the exact same dream again last night (well... more like this morning... because i couldn't get to sleep until, like, 4am :P only this time i didn't give into the fear and kept running... not that that did me any good :P :P
hmm... never really thought of it like that... there's only one thing that i haven't really let go of, but that happened recently... and i've been having zombie dreams for over 6months now :P

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
[act]pats *dpm* on the head[/act]
right, last night was rather strange... i can't remember the first part of the dream, but the second part was the really disturbing part.
i was surrounded by people, whether they were friends, family, enemies or all of the above, i can't remember... but we were marching towards something, using underground tunnel systems made out of white, powdery rock that kept getting stuck in my lungs. as we crawled towards wherever we were going i kept hearing screams and people crying. i can't remember how this happened, but i banded together with a few other people around me and we staged an escape. we crept away from the main body of the mass of people (who were now being marched through a forest) and we crossed a creek. after that i remember lots and lots of blood.
they (whoever was making us march) came after us with guns, intent on killing us. i managed to get separated from the rest of my comrades (for want of a better word), after this all i remember is getting riddled with bullets.
i have come to the conclusion that i have a very morbid subconscious.
fun, fun, fun...
Hell, where do you get all these disturbing notions from? Do you watch horror movies before bed or something? o_O

Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
nope :P i tend not to watch movies in general, actually. i'm hardly a movie enthusiast :P
had another visit from the zombies. night of the living oh-my-lud-could-you-just-leave-me-alone-already?!
as always, i can't remember the beginning of the dream, but the last part i remember quite clearly. in my dream there were reports of zombie sightings in Melbourne. of course, no one paid any attention to this, they thought that it was just one of the zombie marches that they hold every year (seriously, i want to go to one of those :P ). then the reports started saying that they were moving north, spreading out, etc, etc. now people were starting to get a bit uneasy. they started taking precautions, getting guns, provisions and started disappearing into the country and rural areas.
this brings us to what i was doing. i was in the local supermarket, i had a job there part-time, and i was stacking shelves when the zombies started attacking my town. there was mayhem and blood everywhere. i had a gun and was shooting everything that came near me (not people, though- you could tell who were alive and who were the living dead). then, my manager called me into the office- he said that the zombies where here for me- we were suddenly in a huge storeroom with boxes everywhere and my manager was pointing at me and yelling at the zombies- the zombies then came at me, leaving the manager alone and alive.
i remember shooting at them until i had no bullets left, then trying to take them down with a crowbar that i found.
needless to say: i died again. i tend to do that a lot :-|

Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
very strange dream last night as well. i can't remember the beginning (like always -__-) but i remember from about halfway through.
at first i was a fully-grown man, running through a castle. i knew i was in a castle, but parts of it looked like family members houses- i was running through hallways when a guard attacked me- i chained him up and decided to use him as a hostage. i hung him over my back and kept going, fighting off more guards as i went.
it seems like we both bonded over a few hours and then i found myself, in my attempt to escape, in a room that looked like my grandparent's "bird room" where they keep 200 or so canaries. i was fighting off guards and had left the one that i'd captured in a chair. the other guards had released him and had attacked me- i defeated them and then went to leave, thinking that the guard that i'd captured would go back to his life.
he came up to me and said "Don't leave me".
I then remember escaping and being joined by another couple of people, who i knew as friends. we were running through a forest away from the castle when i found myself female. (for some reason i've been switching genders a lot lately in dreams =S). we were camping and the guard that i'd captured and was now a friend had taken a liking to me, but there was another guy in the group that had also taken a liking to me.
i felt that there was some sort of danger in me being with them, because of the castle guards, so, while everyone was asleep, i left them. i took only minimal food, water and weapons and left the rest for them.
now, this is where it starts to get whacked out just a tad.
the creatures in the forest were strange hybrid creatures, more like monsters than animals. most of them left me alone, but some of them came out to attack me. i remember going back to the castle, attacking it from the inside and then retreating again. my "friends" who i'd left ended up getting into trouble and, by the time that i found out that they were in trouble, they had already been captured by castle guards and taken to the castle.
by the time i got there, they were being thrown into a giant pit of fire. i dived in after them and managed to get a hold of the guard that i'd captured and befriended and the other guy that had an interest in me, while the others *just* eluded my grasp. i shot a rope up from a gun thing that i had and managed to get a hold of the ledge of the fire pit.
theeeeeen i woke up :P
fairly normal dream, in all honesty. i think my subconscious is starting to lose its touch.

Mystic Guilden
13 years ago

Mystic Guilden
Seems like a hectic dream, even if it is normal. Do you wake up feeling a little exhausted from your dreams sometimes?

Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
sometimes, but i don't think it's all from the dream, though :P