I always imagined them as sort of african, but it does say 'eyes slanted up in the corners' so I was wondering if possibly asian?
I also imagined them a bit...indian, but the description doesn't fit.
I think the Sadorians are just a melding of 2/3 different races, maybe?
Just a theory.
14 years ago
Sun Jun 20 2010, 02:20pm
Edit: oh wow, I'm dumb! I thought by race you meant, like, camel/horse racing ~:|
As far as Sadorian ethnicity-race, I've always pictured Sadorians as Middle Eastern, particularly Iranian (a mix between Arabs and the original Persians). I could also see North African influence in some, if not all, lineages.

Mystic Guildmistress
14 years ago

Mystic Guildmistress
I can't remember if this is a right description or not, but I think I remember that Elspeth thought Jakoby had cat-like features. So when I see the Sadorians in the books I picture an African-type race with cat-like features on the face (Enlarged eyes sort of thing, not whiskers :P) & full but small lips. Their clothes are described as really vibrant so I can see where your Aladdin view might come into it MK. I just imagine a lot of tie-dye in the fabrics and maybe Indian Sari's (I'm not sure if it is the right term, I mean those wrap-around dress type things) on the women. I have a picture in my mind but as I have absolutely no talent at drawing whatsoever, I don't know how I'd get anything on paper lol.
I think Isobelle may have been influenced by Africans and nomadic races or maybe even Aboriginal races. She describes the Sadorians as very earth-wary and very protective of the land. We may get the feeling that the Sadorians are a mix of races because I think Isobelle might mean it that way, different characteristics to make them different from the usual 'native desert living tribes' but still something that we can understand parts of so that we are able to picture them in our heads. Sometimes I think it's better when the authors don't describe their characters down to every detail, it makes your interpretation of their characters that much more personal, and the characters won't look the same to everyone.
I have always thought Gadfians to be African-Middle Eastern complexes, and Sadorians mixture of Middle Eastern and Asians, possible Indian influence as well.
Ive always pictures them to have a Native American complexes i dont know why
14 years ago
Thu Oct 28 2010, 08:06pm
I actually don't picture the Sadorians as Indians at all - because firstly, the Middle East and Africa are the closest to Europe, and we're all pretty sure as anything that the Land is some mishmash of Europe (most probably Scotland with bits of italy and Norway). I think it is a natural conseqeunce that Sadorians are Middle Eastern - probably Egyptian. Because Egypt is the link between Africa and the Middle East. Also the cat-like features that Isobelle Carmody described Jakoby as having DEFINITELY reminded me of Cleopatra with yellowy catlike eyes and the beaded hair and the fringe and the toga. I don't think Saris come into the equation at all -- I rather think that the Sadorians wear some kind of toga thing or even a burka thing.
in fact, based off what Salamander wears (and we know that Sadorians are breakaways of Gadfians); I think that Salamander is Arabic / Persian - and Gadfians would probably wear some sort of burka because they are most likely desert peoples. I also get the feel that Sadorians are nomadic - and who better are nomadic peoples than desert living people? And vast swathes of the Middle East IS desert (unlike India which has green, rich pastures and fertile land for growing many crops - and only one corner near the middle east is desert like).
Also, India is MUCH further to the east -- don't underestimate the size of the Middle East and Africa! they are two VERY bulky landmasses Europe would have to get past to get near India. As an aside, I don't think India neatly fits the bill of Gadfia or Chinon.
a] because on the North East it has the Himalayas - - which would make any Chinon invasion IMPOSSIBLE - troopwise; armywise and navywise. As far as we know, the Chinon empire swallowed up Tiba [tibet?], but nothing more to the south.
b] it is more likely that Middle East/Gadfia could include India, but given the very different dominant religions in those regions and its secular democracy (as opposed to any sort of State-Religion government that are predominant in the Middle East) , it's very unlikely that India would allow itself to be swallowed up by Gadfian invaders - and the series only mentions Turka's invasion of Raq as the major invasion of the region -- if Gadfia captured India it would probably cause greater scandal. I think India is an anomaly; and if anything, it should be included as Tipoda, because it doesn't neatly fit the bill like the countrys on either side of it.
This makes it really interesting that people think Sadorians could be Africans. I actually think that the Gypsies - are African -- because what Maire described the typical looking Gypsy as fits the description to a T. Plus the whole heirarchy of Twentyfamilies Gypsies and Halfbreed Gypsies would be much more of a stark contrast if Africans were the Gypsies - based on physical appearance, if nothing else.
I think my comment should belong in the theories thread? :P
14 years ago
Thu Oct 28 2010, 09:03pm
I always believed that the Sadorians were largely based off Egyptians as well. It think it was because of Jakoby's skin colour and the way the way they dress. :)
I always thought they were Egyptian style as well, Smuffy. Mainly because of the description of Jackoby's hair stlye, with all the beads and stuff! XD
I think that the Sadorians are from the Middle East, though for some reason I can't shake the idea that the really religious Gadfia was once Russia, I have no idea why though because the Middle East seems to fit much better. :-/ But when I first read Ashlings I was a big fan of NCIS and now I pretty much can't help but imagine the Sadorians looking like different variations of Cote de Pablo.
I'm sorry Mono, but I had to lol when I saw you say that Salamander is Arabic/Persian. Arabic? Yes. Persian? No, although I guess all Arabs are Persians, living in the general area of the Ancient Persian Empire, which collapsed millenia ago. Sorry, I just thought it was funny.
Also I like the idea that they are Egyptian, and the Templeport reminds me of the way the egyptians used to live off the Nile (especially the Nile Delta), living close to the main source of water.
I pictured the Sadorians to be Indigenous south americans. The only thing lacking is the height really but the nomadic and the ritualistic ideals remind me of some of the incan tribes. Plus Choca, as being similar to cocoa. However the fact that the Sadorians smoke something similar to a Hookah it is really tough to figure out if there are any places that have not had influence on the Sadorians. The idea of the strong female role in the culture and the temples is similar to various south american indigenous groups based around the amazon. These groups were Matriarchal and very in touch with the land with their praise of mother earth. I think it is just too hard to rule out any race being partially involved with creation of the Sadorians.