EI: Welcome to the Ballroom for 2011's Mystic Ball. As you can probably tell from the image and sounds, the theme of this room is the Roman era.
Rushton: Rom-ah-n what?
EI: Shhh. I'm trying to host.
Rushton: Don't shush me. I'm the Master of Obernewtyn. And what in Lud's name did you dress me in. It's like a girl's dress with some weird skirt thing.
EI: You're Mercury, the sea god, now start acting like it.
Rushton: Sea god? There's only one Lud!
EI: [act]Covers Rushton's mouth with her hand[/act]
Rushton: [act]Muffled voice[/act] Hey!
EI: Anyway, feel free to make your way here from the waiting room with your date. The DJ will be playing music... [act]"Love is in the air" plays in the background[/act]. Oh, for pete's sake. Cupid, stay away from there!
So for now, just have fun, dance, and stuff yourself with food from the Roman-style-buffet. Oh, and watch the mock gladiators fight with their wooden swords (We don't advocate violence, I swear!). [act]Takes hand from Rushton's mouth[/act]
Rushton: Oooh food!