Florash and Bram: [act]enter the garden, prepared to look dangerous[/act]
Bram: -_- Well this is boring.
Florash: Pretty flowers... :rolling:
Bram: There's no one for us to awe.
Florash: There's the flowers. ;R
Bram: Um...Aren't you supposed to be a scary vampire princess?
Florash: |:| There's no one here. I am able to give in to my weakness for plant life. What are you going to do about it? [act]bares fangs menacingly[/act]
Bram: Ooook, I think that's enough of the garden for you. [act]leaves, pulling Florash along behind him[/act]
Florash: [act]reluctantly follows, looking wistfully back at the greenery[/act]
Meza: [act]skips in[/act] I am here! Now. :P [act]looks around[/act] Damn where did she go?
Dames: [act]is dragged in after a 4 second delay[/act] Who?
Meza: Ash, of course! ::)
Dames: Who?
Meza: [act]is running between the ferns[/act] Ash? Aa-aash!
Dames: [act]calls after[/act] You know she probably won't come out of hiding if you beckon her like that? It's reverse psychology.
MEza: [act]ignores him[/act]
Dames: At least she's forgotten about . . . [act]whispers[/act] . . . chocolate cake. |:|
Wanderer Guilden
12 years ago
Wanderer Guilden
Hell: [act]wanders in[/act] Someone say 'chocolate cake'? :D [act]whips out said baked good[/act] I found this over in that bush [act]points[/act] :D
Meza: [act]pops out from behind nearby fern[/act] Did I just hear the words Chocolate Cake? :D
Hell: Yup. 8)
Meza: Hell! [act]glomps[/act] :D I thought this place was deserted!
Dames: Hey, I'm here too. -_-
Meza: You refused me Chocolate Cake! You no longer exist on my person radar. [act]sniffs[/act] . . . [act]distractedly[/act] I think Ash was around here somewhere . . . :| . . . Anyways, did you say you found Chocolate Cake somewhere in here?
Hell: Sure. It over by that-there bush! ;D [act]points[/act]
Meza: How did I not notice that? o_O Gosh, Hell. You're my awesome-chocolate-cake-finding-buddy, you know that? :D
Hell: I'm honoured. :P
Meza: Now Phase 2 of the Search can begin! :rolling:
Meri: [act]still doing commando rolls, enters the lounge[/act] Hi guys what's crack-a-lackin? :rolling:
Meza: Hell found chocolate cake :D
Meri: Wow, Hell. You are amazing! :rolling: :D
Hell: Naturally 8)
Harri: [act]casually strolls in[/act] You can stop rolling now.
Meri: :rolling: Actually, I don't think I can :S
Harri: [act]stops Meri's rolling and places her on her feet[/act]
Meri: Thanks :P
Kay: [act]skips into the lounge as the smell of chocolate cake wafts towards her[/act] Yum! Cake!
Ford: [act]follows reluctantly behind Kay[/act]
Kay: Who found the cake?
Meza: Hell did.
Kay: Yay! [act]Finds a small bag of mysterious glitter and throws it in the air to celebrate[/act] Hell has saved us all! [act]Starts munching on the chocolate cake[/act]
Hell: [act]Does a hero pose[/act] ;D
Ford: [act]sidles up to Dameon[/act] There's something not quite right about those two when it comes to chocolate cake.
Dameon: Agreed. I'm Dameon by the way.
Ford: Ford.
Meza: Leave some for me alright, Kay? ;)
SCP: [act]glitter detected[/act] DELETE!
Dameon: Uh, not again. ::facepalm::
Ford: [act]is slowly inching away from the SCP[/act]
Hell: What? Glitter? No, glitter here. No way. Just lots of chocolate cake. [act]waves said baked good under the SCP's nose[/act]
Ellenah and Hannay: [act]Emerge through the door with a thick fog[/act]
Hannay: See I TOLD you it was a better idea than the glitter!
Ellenah: ::)
SCP: [act]Fog detected[/act] DELETE!
Hannay and Ellenah: ::facepalm::
Hannay: I'm getting to the stage where i think the SCPs delete anything for any reason!
SCP: >:([act] Hannay detected[/act] DELETE!
Hannay: :O
Ellenah: -_-
Meza: Hey how about some cake, that'll cheer you up! :)
Ellenah: :D
Hannay: I'm going to be DELETED! ~:|
Meza: Hmm now lets see [act]pulls out rule book[/act] . . . yes so on page 138 it clear states that any deletion of SCPs is permanent . . .
Hannay: O_O
Meza: . . . but on page 975, as a footnote, it explains that they are not legally allowed to delete ober characters . . .
Hannay: :D
Hell: Don't worry about a thing, I'm working on a way to distract them from lots of things, glitter for starters.
Ellenah: :D Really!!! You can do that?
Hell: Yeah, all you need is a little chocolate cake . . .
Ellenah: Can you use cheesecake as a substitute?
Hell: Never!
Ellenah: -_-
Hannay: So i'm safe??
Meza: so you think . . .
Hannay: What is that suposed to mean and enough with the three dots already!
Meza: . . . ;D
Wanderer Guilden
12 years ago
Wanderer Guilden
Hell: [act]rigs up a SPC Distractor1000â„¢ out of chocolate cake, a few spare Tim tams, a kettle and a piece of string[/act] I knew watching all those MacGyver rereuns would come in handy... [act]hands the SPC Distractor1000â„¢ to Ellenah[/act]
Ellenah: Sooo... how does it work?
Hell: [act]has already wandered off to look for a suitably comfey chair to watch the proceedings from[/act] Good luck! :D
Mezza: errmm... pull the string and hope for the best?
*scp* : [act]get ever closer to Hannay and the fog[/act]
Hannay: [act]panicking[/act] I like that idea- let's go with that! O_O [act]reaches over and pulls the string[/act]
Everyone: [act]backs away from Hannay to where Hell is sitting[/act]
Hannay: [act]looks around in blind panic[/act] Where's everyone going?
Meza: The view is better from here.
Kay: [act]hands over some chocolate cake to Meza[/act] Here, have some cake. We can eat it as we watch this unfold.
SPC Distractor1000[sup]TM[/sup]: [act]rumbles and shakes, kettle starts to whistle[/act]
*scp* : [act]Continue moving towards Hannay[/act]
Hannay: [act]beads of sweat start to appear on his head[/act] Are you sure it works?
Hell: Yes, of course it does! I'm a genius. 8) [act]reclines on her chair and takes some chocolate cake that Kay is handing out[/act]
Hannay: ~:| Ugg Hell, you sure this is working?
Hell: [act]mouth is full of chocolate cake[/act] mm mm hhem mucgemm ;D
Hannay: O_O
Ellenah: I think she said yes.
*scp* : [act]Comes even closer to Hannay, then, a centimeter away stops.[/act]
Hannay: O_O
Everyone else: [act]Leans forward[/act]
Meza: So how does this thing even work?
Kay: And where did you find it??
Hell: [act]smiles mysteriously[/act] I have my ways ;)
*scp* : [act]Turns around and heads for the chocolate cake and tim tams[/act]
Everyone: :D
*scp* : [act]Chocolate detected[/act] DELETE!
Everyone: :O
Kay: This has gone to far! >:(
Meza: [act]Pulls out rule book again[/act] There has to be SOME rule against it!
Hell: :idea: Maybe we can us Hannay as a distraction. You know, hook him up.
Hannay: -_-
Ellenah: I don't think i like where this is going. :idea: Throws some glitter ;D
*scp* : [act]Is torn between chocolate cake, glitter and Hannay[/act]
[act]tone sounds[/act]
INES: Could I please have your attention.
All: [act]attend[/act]
INES: As the Ball is nearing it's end, all guest should make their way to the Ballroom for the first phase of the new world opening ceremony. I hope you have enjoyed your time in this area and that you will survive in the post apocalypse world.
*scp* : starts to usher people toward the door.
12 years ago
Sat Mar 31 2012, 02:31pm
SCP: [act]implodes from being unable to decide whether to delete the chocolate cake, glitter or Hannay[/act] *scp*
Guests: [act]dodge the flying bits of metal[/act]
SCP: Hey, who turned out the lights?
Doctor Who Fans: O_O
Meza: Is that . . . Vashta Narada?
Helena: Well they are known to inhabit Earth . . . and this room is full of trees and . . . . the room next door is a Library. |:|
Meza: O_O
Non-Dr Who Fans: [act]are clueless[/act]
Hannay: I feel like I'm missing something.
Harri: I'm definitely out of the loop.
Meza: [act]is staring nervously at shadows[/act] Come on, lets head to the ballroom. ~:|
Meri: [act]begins to comando-roll[/act]
Harri: [act]grabs her arm[/act] Not again. ::)
Meri: Thanks, Mr. Clown. ;)
12 years ago
Fri Mar 30 2012, 09:03pm
Ellenah: Lets go before the SCP comes back as it, most inevitably, will! |:|
Hannay: I'm all for that plan, plus INES just said we SHOULD go to the ballroom!
Ellenah and Hannay: [act]Throw last lots of glitter before darting quickly out the door[/act] ;D