12 years ago
Tue Sep 02 2014, 10:01pmlady
I was wondering about nightmares and any advice about what they could mean and if anyone else have nightmares like these. I tend to have very violent and gory nightmares when i get them although im not a violent person and they dont come from any horror movies.
In one nightmare i was holding a dying ferret. It was seeping blood and i was crying and apologising to it as i didnt know how to save it.
In another i was on a beach littered in animal parts that had been mutilated and burned.
In another some children led me to my bathroom where a dead woman was in my bathtub covered in blood. Everything else was white.
I cant list them all but there have been many more with the same general theme to them...
The latest one i had was about a week ago. I was at my house and it was night (it is always nightime in my dreams). I walked through my house which was dirty and had rats crawling all through it (probably because i saw some rats the other day though) as i walked outside there were a group of people waiting for me who i recognised in my dream though i have never seem them in waking life. They were sitting around a fire in my backyard and had a van behind them. They looked creepy and they were all staring at me suspiciously. I realised i was scared of them and was trying to blend in with them so they wouldnt notice i was different. One of them was sitting down sharpening a knife while she stared at me. I gradually realised it was covered in blood and there were dead animals around her. They started hinting that they knew i wasn't like them and i knew she was going to stab me.
I can conclude you dream a lot about dead animals maybe it was from an experience in your past where your pet has died and if the bathroom was all in white which can represent good or bad symbolism it depends on how you would think of it like do you think of the color blue sad or calming that sort of thing