Wanderer Guilden
11 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Salamander: [act]is now trying to shake Helena off of his/her/its leg[/act] Get.off. /:(
Helena: [act]still giggling[/act] XD
Salamander: [act]gives one last almighty kick[/act]
Helena: [act]goes flying[/act] XD O_O
Rushton: [act]is already flying[/act]
Helena: [act]crashes into Rushton[/act]
Rushton: [act]shoots off into the ocean, skipping like a pebble[/act] O_O X:S O_O X:S
[act]Meisje see's Rushton skip out to sea, finally landing and starting to flail.[/act]
Meisje: I thought life guards were supposed to be good swimmers. Perhaps someone should go help him? Meza, Dardelan, Ariel and Lev? You are our swim crew.
Ariel: I will not help anyone who Elspeth loves. Any hurt to her is happiness for me.
[act]Hears splash. Everyone turns to see Elspeth swimming out to sea to help Rushton.[/act]
Meisje: Anyone else find it odd how many times Elspeth has had to save Rushton while he was swimming?
[act]Salamander navigates her way over to Ariel.[/act]
Salamander: [act]Directing talk towards Ariel.[/act] Guess this is what we get for being so mysterious, a totally unbecoming outfit for me and a highly gender questionable outfit for you.
Ariel: Apparently I'm a Mermaid of sorts. I don't understand why it's so funny.

Mystic Ward
11 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Deb: I think I hear the band tuning up. [act]eyes Swallow, with a pack of makeup remover under one wing.[/act]
Min: [act]brushes off sand as she gets to her feet.[/act] Three, two, one...
Domick Pig: Oinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Rushton: [act]flails[/act]
Solen: Why does the man/pig/man look subtly different?
Min: o_O
Mika: [act]Bows to Ariel with a frown[/act] My lord?
Deb: The Ban.......d. OML!
Meise: O_O
[act]JSpeth as Maid Marian and Angina as a Mouse playing Robin Hood arrive at last[/act]
JSpeth: [act]sigh[/act] Everyone is here already!
Angina: Squeek
JSpeth: There are other options that start with 'M' instead of Mouse...dressed as Robin Hood!
Angina: Squeek [act]thinks [/act] I could have been Mickey Mouse and you Minnie Mouse...
JSpeth: [act]looks at Angina[/act] It may be best if you said a bit more than squeek to everyone... [act]starts walking towards the gazebo with Angina "scurrying" behind[/act]
Angina: Squeek [act]slight smile showing on his face[/act]
JSpeth: [act]shakes her head and hopes Angina doesn't trip anyone over with his scurrying[/act]

Mystic Guilden
11 years ago
Sat Mar 23 2013, 01:34pm

Mystic Guilden
Ari: [act]watching Mika and Ariel[/act] Well, on the up side, he is human again.
Deb: Just not quite the human we were after.
Halina: Still, it's exciting, no? [act]slurps drink again[/act]
Bleyd: I get the feeling there is something wrong here? [act]studies Mika[/act] Although I don't quite see what...
Min: [act]watching an evil kind of happiness show on Ariel's face[/act] Just give it time.
Meisje: Don't even think about it! [act]gives Ariel a glare that clearly says 'make a move and you'll be stuck in that costume forever'[/act]
Ariel: Mika, how fortuitous this meeting is :) [act]tosses hair over shoulder[/act]
Deb: Is it just me, or does Salamander appear rather interested in Mika's appearance too?
Min: It's difficult to tell under the costume, but I'd say you're right.
Ari: [act]aside to Beyd who still looks confused[/act] Remember just before the ball how I said we might have to get pro-active at this event?
Bleyd: [act]nods slightly, unsure[/act]
Ari: Good. [act]begins searching pockets again[/act]
Halina: Wotcha doin'? [act]peers over pineapple cup at Ari[/act]
Ari: [act]pulls a silver item from her pocket[/act]
Min: A SONIC SCREWDRIVER!! :D [act]sees it properly[/act] Oh :( No it's not. Get a girls hopes up why don't you.
Ari: It's a Neuralyzer. Came with the costume.
Deb: What's it do?
*scp* : Unorthorised Weapon detected. Destroy, Destroy!
Ari: O_O No! Wait!! It's not a...ah..weapon as such.
*scp* : Present item for security scan.
Ari: [act]holds out Neuralyzer[/act]
*scp* : [act]scans[/act] Item scan complete. Item confirmed as non-weapon. [act]shuffles back to post[/act]
Ariel: Mika, I want you to get Elspeth for me and take her to the safehouse. You know the one. This might be my only chance to get the information I need.
Salamander, would you mind creating a diversion?
Salamnder: [act]does something that looks like a nod [/act]
Rushton: [act]overhearing plot[/act] YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!
Lanalor: You have chaos within you. I cannot let you endanger my precious Keltor!
[act]no one hears him[/act]
Lanalor: Oh come on!
Narrator: Tough break, kid.
Lanalor: -_-
AnginaMouse/Robin Hood: [act]scurries in, bow at the ready[/act] Squeak!
JSpeth: You can talk you know.. [act]looks up[/act] But what he said!
~Aaaand back we go~
Halina: [act]watching potential carnage unfold[/act] I need another drink for this! And maybe some popcorn...
Narrator: Ladies and Gentleman and animals of all....kinds. In the Blue corner we have Elspeth Gordie and her team of Freedom Fighters. In the Red corner we have Ariel the Mermaid and his posse of minions!
Ariel: o_O Posse? Is that like a Mermaid thing??
Meisje: ::) Not everything is a Mermaid joke.
Ariel: Oh, okay. [act]looking around for the Narrator[/act] And thanks for blowing the element of surprise!!
Narrator: Anytime ;)
Ariel: -_-
Ari: There really has to be something in the rule book about this.... in the mean time, this better work. [act]begins fumbling with the Neuralyzer[/act] Ack!
Halina: Oh here, let me try. [act]attempts to help Ari[/act]
Ari: Wait! It's not that button.
Halina: Like you know which button it is!
Ari: Well, I know it's not that one!!
Ariel: Looks like I got my distraction afterall :D Now fly my pretties, FLY! [act]cackles like the wicked witch[/act]
Min: We're not all wicked you know!
Mika: Yes master [act]heads in Elspeth's direction...without flying[/act]
Min: ::) I've got this. [act]lifts wand[/act]
Lanalor: Duck and Cover!
[act]Again, no one hears him[/act]
Salamander: [act]Lunges for Min causing her spell to shoot off in another direction. He/She/It also knocks Bleyd into Ari and Halina who are now fighting over the Neuralyzer.[/act]
[act]There is a bright flash as a button is accidentally pressed. It's gone quickly, but everyone on the beach is standing around dazed....everyone that is except for Halina[/act]
Narrator: That was lucky...
Halina: Hey Ari, you were right, the glasses do work! :D [act]notices Ari's blank stare[/act] Ari? [act]waves hand in front of Ari's face, notices the absence of glasses[/act] Oh for the love of....do I have to do everything myself!? /:(
[act]Halina spends the next little while walking around supplying everyone with memories to cover up the goings on over the last few posts[/act]
Everyone: [act]is back to normal[/act] [act]sort of[/act]
Narrator: Hey! You ruined my fun! I've always wanted to Narrate a battle scene!!
Halina: [act]glares[/act] Shush You!
Narrator: Fine. [act]eats popcorn[/act]
Bleyd: What the in the name of the Holder just happened?? :-/
Ari: We need more coconuts. COCONUTS!! [act]begins running around collecting coconuts[/act]
Sorry guys. Got carried away with this post. Hope I haven't confused you all too much. I just couldn't resist :P :)
[act]Lumpy Space Princess immerges from the bushes[/act]
LPS: Did i miss anything i saw a bright flash through a leaf, is anyone doing fireworks?!
Halina: Do you remember anything?
LPS: Of course i saw the flash because i needed to pee! So answer my question did i miss anything at all?
[act]Halina smirks slightly[/act]
Halina: Nothing at all. ;R

Mystic Guilden
11 years ago
Sun Mar 24 2013, 05:29pm

Mystic Guilden
Ari: IIII've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, didily dee, There they are all standing in a rowwwww! [act]still collecting coconuts[/act]
*scp*: [act]approaches Ari[/act] Danger detected!
Ari: o_O What danger!?
*scp*: Please hand over your weapon.
Ari: O_O No! You can't take it away. I need it!! Its-
*scp*: ::) [act]reaches flipper into Ari's pocket and removes the Nerualyzer[/act]
Ari: Oh, that. It's all yours, I don't even know what it does.
*scp*: [act]vaporizes Neuralyzer[/act] [act]goes back to post[/act]
Ari: [act]pats coconut[/act] My presciousssssss......
Meri: [act]sidles up to Ariel[/act] How you do-in'? ;)
Ariel: o_O Okay..
Meri: I was just in the neighbourhoo- [act]eyes settle on Ariel's hair[/act] Eek! I love your hair! Can I touch it?
Ariel: No! /:( You most- [act]stops as Meri grabs his hair[/act]
Meri: Oh it's so soft! Can I plait it? You must let me plait it! [act]grabs Ariel's hair and forces him into a sitting position/act] [act]sets about plaiting Ariel's hair[/act]
Ariel: O_O Get away from strange creature!
Meri: :D [act]completely tunes Ariel out[/act] [act]starts singing[/act ] Dum-di-dum. La la la. Let's sing a song to-gether! Dum-di-di. La-lee-la. Let's stay together for-ever! You shall be my bestest friend and we will sing to-gether. Painting nails and plaiting hair. We'll be together for-ever. We'll be together for-ever! :D :D
Ariel: Dear Lud somebody save me. Help me! HELP ME!
Wind: Umm.. what's happened to my date? She wasn't this insane before. At least I don't think she was..
Halina: |:| I have no idea what happened to her. None at all. |:|
11 years ago
Tue Mar 26 2013, 05:22pm
[act]Lumpy Space Princess sees Meri playing with Ariel's red hair, runs over to join her[/act]
LPS: Ooh that looks fun can i join you?
[act]Meri stops singing[/act]
Meri: Of course you may join me. The more the merier hahahah get it!
LPS: How funny, lets tie his hair in a pony tail.
Meri: I love pony tails they remind me of ponys! Hey hang on this is a BOY! o_O gross couties!
[act]Meri runs away[/act]
LPS: :(
[act]Wind walks up behind LPS[/act]
Wind: Are you affected too!
LPS: No i just like to act like a kindergarten, it's fun.
Wind: OK :| i am leaving now.
[act]Wind akwardly walks away.[/act]
LPS: How strange :rolling: i am very puzzled
[act]Ariel has nearly snuck away by now. LPS sees him[/act]
LPS: Stop that mermaid. I was half way through tying up his hair!
Ariel: /:( nearly got away unnoticed.
[act]Ariel starts running[/act]
11 years ago
Wed Mar 27 2013, 01:52pm
Bibli:[act]walks over[/act] Hi guys. Sorry, we got a bit lost...
Kerd:[sub]What with being stuck in a cloud of fog -_- [/sub]
Bibli: ...and couldn't find our wayback until that flash of light.
[act]Looks around[/act]
LPS: Get back here now, Ariel! Your plaits are unravelling.
Ari: I've got a lov-ely bunch of coconuts...
Lanalor: [sub]Why won't anyone listen to me? I miss my caps lock.[/sub] :"(
Sionainn: Does anyone know where my date got to?
Rushton: [act]glub, glub[/act]
Kerd: What...?
Bibli: Ah, beach party ober-crazy style. Come on, lets make a sand castle. :D
Swallow: [act]stops rubbing his face with the make-up remover wipes[/act] Did anyone else see that bright flash? [act]looks at clean make-up remover wipe[/act] How is this stuff not coming off my face?
Kay: [act]squints her eyes trying to look for someone[/act] Where is he?
Swallow: Rushton? [act]points at a flailing Rushton in the ocean[/act] He's doing a strange dance in the ocean...I think.
Kay: [act]continues looking around[/act] No, not him. I have to take out the mermaid with red hair. [act]sees Ariel run past with LSP chasing after him[/act] There it goes! [act]grabs Swallow's arm[/act] Come!
LSP: Stop that mermaid!
Kay: [act]runs alongside LSP[/act] Here, take this! [act]gives LSP a water pistol[/act] We'll use it to take him down!
LSP: [act]confused[/act] Take him down? I just want to finish braiding his hair!
Salamander: [act]spots Swallow chasing after Ariel[/act] The Gypsy! [act]yells to Ariel[/act] Ariel, my love! I will save you from that Gypsy! [act]starts chasing after Swallow[/act]
Swallow: Maybe dressing up as my grandmother was a bad idea. [act]gathers up his skirts[/act] It's so hard to run in these skirts!
Ariel: [act]looks behind to see a small mob chasing after him[/act] Why is everyone chasing after me? [act]jumps into the ocean and starts swimming away[/act]
Vestie: [act]stumbles into Ball[/act] [act]looks around, confused[/act] ...Well, I'll be sure to get here on time next year.
Dameon: Look! We've already missed all the exciting stuff! And what is this?! All I can hear is heavy breathing and footsteps. Are people running around? At a ball?!
Vestie: [act]waves her hands casually[/act] It's not that strange. People run around at balls all the time!
Dameon: [act]raises eyebrows[/act] Perhaps in Vestie Land where people think it's a good idea to give the blind guy the map when trying to find a party venue!
Vestie: I said I was sorry! You're so able to do everything, I forgot you couldn't see. It's an easy mistake to make. You should take it as a compliment! [act]Spots Ariel[/act] Oi! Ariel! What are you doing in the water? You're not really a mermaid!
Ariel: [act]looks over shoulder[/act] [act]face turns ugly when he sees Vestie[/act] Ugh, not her [act]swims faster[/act]
LSP: Vestie! You have to help me catch him! His hair's coming undone!
Vestie: I'm on my way! [act]storms forward towards the water, dragging Dameon with her[/act]
[act]Lumpy Space Princess, Vestie, Dameon and Kay all chasing Ariel[/act]
Dameon: Why are we chasing Ariel apart from the obvious reasons?
LPS: The naughty mermaid won't let me finish plaiting his/her hair, i like hair plaiting.
Kay: When we catch him i want to spray him.
LPS: That means his hair will be all silky, what a fantasticbubble idea! :rolling:
Dameon: Before you all get tangled up in this Ariel's hair problems Where's Elspeth?
[act]Kay points to beach where Elspeth is trying to save Rushton[/act]
Elspeth: Stay still my love i will save you!
Rushton: Never i must swim 'glub glub' to see my friends on the bottom of the ocean 'glub glub'.
Dameon: Why is the guild master swimming?
Kay: Reasons! ;D
Dameon: i must go help at once!
[act]Dameon runs to beach to help Elspeth[/act]
LPS: We must run the mermaid is escaping!
Narrator: And so the chase started once more!

Mystic Ward
11 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Poverin: Thank Lanalor that there are only a couple of days to go before I can rid my Isle of these people.
Lanalor: not if the Witch doesn't give me back my voice.
Ari: Coconut milk, coconut cream, coconut chocolate...chocolate....chocca....Is there something I should be doing about now....
Halina: [act]Strolls down the beach away from Ari.[/act]
Deb: [act]Sits on beach looking longingly at Swallow.[/act]

Mystic Guilden
11 years ago

Mystic Guilden
Ari: [act] scratching head in puzzlement[/act] I'm sure there is something I've forgotten...
Bleyd: I'm thinking it's your sanity [act]eyes massive pile of coconuts Ari is currently sitting in[/act]
Halina: [act]calling back from down the beach[/act] I don't think you can forget something you didn't have to begin with!
Bleyd: :-/
Deb: [act]sighs[/act] All this water, and Swallow is still dry.....[act]cut to slow mo shot of Swallow running along the beach, skirts billowing in the sea breeze[/act]...and in a skirt :-/
Min: It is a little...strange.
Deb: My inner fangirl doesn't know what to do with this image.....but the overall consensus is that it's Swallow, so...[act]goes back to staring[/act]
Poverin: [act]Steps up onto a stage made of plants. The plantsingers who created it stand to the side, watching the proceedings.[/act]
Ladies and Gentlemen. The 2013 Mystics Ball has drawn to a close. I hope you enjoyed your time on Keltor and especially here on one of our lovely Fomhikan beaches. My family and I were privileged to have hosted you and encourage you to return... preferable one at a time and without the added crazy..and strange costumes...and coconuts...and bad signing voices...and-...
Bleyd: [act]subtle cough[/act]
Poverin: ...strange magic...and surly mermaids...and-
Bleyd: [act]a highly un-subtle cough[/act]
Poverin: and...oh, [act]cough[/act] right, yes. Thank you for your attendance, and until next year, may Lanalor keep you!
Lanalor: Pffttt, yeah right -_-
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this years ball. The costume choices were quite varied and interesting and we hope you had some fun choosing them and playing your part. So until next year-
Lanalor: If you use my name again, I'll unleash the chaos spirit on you....
..... I bid you all adieu! :D