Game RulesList of active Dining Hall games:
Rant Thread
Word Association/Air Scramble (on rotation)
Guilty or Not Guilty/True or False (on rotation)
This or That
Corrupt A Wish/Wrong Answers Game (rotation)
Question Game
What song are you listening to?
Share the Love
Synonym Game
Disjointed Invisible Story
Newspaper Headlines
Book related guessing game (name to be confirmed) which comprises of Character Schmaracter, Location, Location and Book Guessimation
Random Thoughts
Awkward SilenceIf there's a game listed below that isn't on the above active list that you would like to have a go at, or you have an idea for a new game, please go to
this thread and post your suggestion for the Guardians and other members to consider and discuss. Thank you :)
Air Scramble: Someone will start off with a word and then the person who posts afterwards will change/add/remove one or two letters to the first word to make a new word. For example:
Post 1: FishPost 2: Flash (adding a, swapping l)Post 3: Flesh (swapping a for e)Post 4: Shell (removing f) ... etc--------------------------------------------------------
Awkward Silence: A fun place to post... without speaking.
Post: [act]is silently picking strawberries before holding out the full basket to everyone else. Silent thanks are received.[/act]
Book Guessimation:One person posts a quote from a book, everyone else has to guess the book and author. If you get it right it's your turn to post a quote. If it looks like people are stuck hints are welcome!
Character, Schmaracter:One person posts a quote from a book describing a character, everyone else tries to guess the character and book they're from.
Continuation Game:Someone starts off with a word related to the topic and then next person has to come up with another word (still related to the topic) that starts with the last letter of the word before. For instance...
Post 1: elephantPost 2: tigerPost 3: racoonPost 4: newtHowever, you cannot repeat a word. It all has to be new.
Corrupt a Wish: Grant the wish before you with an unexpected twist and then make your own wish for someone else to grant…
Post 1: I wish I was a fish…Post 2: Granted, but you won’t be able to swim.
I wish I could fly…Post 3:
Granted, but you’ll be crashing a lot too.
I wish my eyes weren’t feeling funny…----------------------------------------------------------
Deeply Off the Record: This is quite simply a confessions game. Remember when posting a confession that this is a public forum -
anyone can read what you post, so if you don't want certain people to know your confession, don't post it. Also keep in mind that our members are from a wide range of age groups, so please be sensitive and considerate.
Post 1:Deeply off the record, I was late to work today and I blamed the traffic but really, I slept in and couldn't be bothered hurrying.Post 2:Deeply off the record, I think my teacher's new haircut is rather ridiculous.Post 3:Deeply off the record, when my friend asked me today if I liked anybody and I said 'no, not really', I was thinking, actually I have a complete and full blown crush on your boyfriend. ----------------------------------------------------------
Disjointed Invisible Story: The idea is that you write a few lines using a prompt from the previous post. You don't read any of the invisible story until the thread hits 3 or so pages. This is when a summary is posted and the entire story is available for reading!
So the way that it works is with the spoiler tags. In the first spoiler you post 3 or so sentences of a story. Then in a second spoiler you write 4 words that continue it. This second spoiler is the prompt for the next person. It is also the only part of the post that you read if you are posting next.
If you want the last sentence of the first set of lines can be broken up so that it continues on and supplies the words for the second spoiler.
Eg line 3 of the first spoiler: Carrie had a large cat that...
the second spoiler: would often sit on...
Or it can be a totally new sentence. It's completely up to you.
Please don't read the other lines as the intention of this game is to be random, nonsensical and disjointed. As mentioned when the thread reaches the 3 or 4 page mark it will be copy and pasted into a new post so that you can read the story in full!
For example:
Post 1: There once was a lad who went by the name of Larry, who wasn't a very happy fellow. He was often picked on and teased because of his rather large nose. There where many times where... got in his way... Post 2:of buying the motorbike he had always wanted. Frustrated, he decided to ask his friend for a job. His friend, Antonio, owned a circus, and he thought maybe he could earn enough money for his bike by... up after one... -------------------------------------------------------
Guilty or Not Guilty: Ask a simple question yes or no question, or in this case, a guilty or not guilty question, and at the same time state whether or not you’re guilty/not guilty of the question before you.
Post 1: Are you sitting in front of the computer right now? Post 2: Guilty
Have you ever drink milk with ice before?Post 3: Ew, definitely not guilty – any form of water with milk is *shudders*
Do you like the number one hit at the moment?----------------------------------------------------------
Fortunately/Unfortunately:Basically, we are creating a story, using positive/negative statements. Example:
Once upon a time, there was an unhappy pillow.Post 1: Fortunately, the pillow was refitted with sweet-smelling feathers.
Post 2: Unfortuantely, the sweet-smelling feathers soon went off.
Post 3: Fortunately...and so on :)
Hangman: This is basically like the game of hangman. Post your letter guesses to find the whole word! (Only one letter each post). First person who gets the word will be able to start the new word. I don’t think that was a very good explanation. Basically, its hangman across the internet. (It can be a book, movie, TV show, etc). It's helpful if the alphabet is written out, and the letters guessed are progressively removed, just so people can tell what was already guessed and was incorrect. Please also include what sort of hangman it is (book, movie, author, animal etc).
Post 1: E please? Post 2: This is a movie.
one E!
_B_-_FGHIJKL--_PQ--__VWX_ZPost 3: Is it Love Actually? Post 4: Yes! Your turn! I’ll have a L please! ----------------------------------------------------------
Insomniacs of Obernet United (IOU): I’ve never been in this thread before(except once by accident :P ), but I’ll see what I can do… This thread is basically built for the insomniacs of obernet. It’s a club of people who just can’t get to bed at 12:00 – 4:00 in the morning, so they post up what they’re doing, or feel like doing, or how tired/NOT tired they are…I’m guessing a few of these people also have had a brief overdose of coffee :P I can’t really give an example, so head over to the thread if you want to check it out…
~Link~Here’s what Eilidh, a member of the IOU, said: IOU (Insomniacs of Obernet United) is a lovely little place for insomniacs to converge to procrastinate and avoid sleep together :P The only guidelines are to post between the hours of 12.30am and 4am and just post what you're up to at the time of posting :D
Location, Location:One person posts a quote of a location (city/town/landmark etc) from a book. Everyone else has to guess what the location is. If you don't know the exact location, you can suggest the book or author to help you and everyone else narrow it down.
My Life Is Average: For those of you who don't know, MyLifeisAverage is a site where people post the wonderful, random things that occur in their lives. Then at the end of the post you type "MLIA" for "my life is average."
Some (real) examples include:
"Today I waved at a random kid who looked kind of sad. Much to my surprise, instead of waving back he danced at me. I wave to everyone now. MLIA"
"Today, I realized that the T9 on my phone doesn't know the word "ouch". It auto corrects it as "MUAHAHAHAHA". I'm glad to know my phone has a little evil in it.MLIA"
"Today, while shopping at Walmart I called out "mom" to get her attention. Two men turned around, I'm confused. MLIA. "-------------------------------------------------------
Newspaper Headlines: All you need to do is finish of newspaper headlines. When posting you will finish off the headline from te previous post and post the start of the next headline.
Post 1: Economists say now is the best time to...Post 2: Economists say now is the best time to sleep!
Big 4 banks surprise country by...Post 3: Big 4 banks surprise country by suplying every Obernet a gift cetificate worth $30 to a nice little french bakery.
Chicken finally confess' to ... Post 4: Chicken finally confess' to letting the dogs out.
Broccoli found... -------------------------------------------------------
Random Thoughts: Just post whatever posts into your head.
Synonym Game: All you need to do is post a synonym of the word the person posted before you!
Post 1: PartPost 2: RolePost 3: Task-------------------------------------------------------
Telephone Game: This game is like Chinese whispers. You may change ONE word per turn and the change must be similar to what it had been.
Post 1: Having courage is not lacking fear, but fearing and having the will to go on. Post 2: Hating courage is not lacking fear, but fearing and having the will to go on.Post 3: Hating courage is not lacking fear, but fearing and having the will to go outside.
Tell a Lie Game: Basically say everything you want to say…in opposite form…
Post 1: I do not love your new avatar. I don’t think I need to redo mine. Post 2: I don’t wish I studied more for my exams. I do think I passed only narrowly…Post 3: I don’t wish you get good results for your exams, even with all that studying…----------------------------------------------------------
The ^ Game: ^ will represent the poster above you and in your reply you’ll post something about the person ^.
Post 1: ^’s avatar looks cute :D Post 2: < thanks ^ for ^’s compliment :)Post 3: ^should do something about the dodgy text :P ----------------------------------------------------------
The Alphabet Game: The thread begins with a phrase or sentence. The next person to post starts with the next letter of the alphabet.
Post 1: I can't wait for The Sending to coming out!Post 2: Just a few more months to go :)-------------------------------------------------------
The End Game: In one sentence you need to sum up what would happen at the end of one of your fave books/movies/tv shows/misc/etc.
How: There will be a prompting phrase at the start of every page or so, all you have to do it copy and paste the phrase into your post and think up of a sentence that you would consider the best (or the worst) possible ending to your beloved book/tv show/movie/misc/etc.
For example:If (lud forbid) the show Doctor Who were to end suddenly and unexpectedly, the last sentence that the Doctor would say would be:
so, who's up for pancakes?-------------------------------------------------------
The Sentence Game Directions: Each person must post one word. The word that is posted must begin with the last letter of the latest word. The words must make a sentence-and the sentence must make sense.
Post 1: ThePost 2: evil Post 3: leprechaunsPost 4: startedPost 5: doingPost 6: goodPost 7: deeds.-------------------------------------------------------
The Question Game: Post questions or answer questions with your own questions :P
Post 1: What is the meaning of life?Post 2: Why would you want to know that?Post 3: Why don’t you answer the question? ----------------------------------------------------------
The Vending Machine: First you act as the vending machine and give something back to the person before, after that put something into the vending yourself…
Post 1 by Maruman: Lioness gets a light bulb.
Maruman puts in a shiny scalpel…Post 2 by Helena: Maruman gets to “slice em’ up†– Scrubs :P
Helena puts in a toothpick…Post 3 by Maruman: Helena gets an awful piece of spinach stuck in her teeth. Awful stuff…
Maruman puts in her laptop…----------------------------------------------------------
This or That?: In here, you’ll first answer the “this or that†question given to you by the previous poster and then post your own question beneath your reply.
Post 1: Day or Night? Post 2: Day – that’s when the shops are open :P
Ice-cream or cream? Post 3: Ice-cream – great on a hot day ;)
Which did you like more as a child? Winnie the Pooh or The Wiggles? ----------------------------------------------------------
True or False: I’m sure the title of the game sort of gives it away, but oh well…Answer the previous True or False question, then say whether or not your previous true or false question for true/false and then post a new question.
Post 1: True?
T or F: I went shopping today and bought a cat…Post 2: True! :D I think you posted a picture somewhere, he’s soooo cute!
T or F: I prank called one of the guys at my school. Post 3: False – I think you mentioned that you were planning it, but you didn’t have the guts to do it :P
Mine was true. I named my new cat Tiger…he scratches me a lot ~:|
T or F: I think I should dye my hair. ----------------------------------------------------------
Twenty Word Story: This game was moved from the Story Den. Each person posts 20 words in the story, following on from where the previous person left off.
Post 1: I always thought that it was the thing for me. Never once had it crossed my mind that something else…Post 2: ...would take my fancy. It stared at me from the table, mocking my cleverly judged sense of likeness for books.Post 3: Books had always been my saviour, allowing me to escape from dark times. But this, it sat there mocking me...Post 4: until I had to turn my back and bite my lip to stop the yell of triumph. I had done.....Post 5: the unthinkable. I had stolen this book, taken it from its place of safety, away from those who lovingly tended... ----------------------------------------------------------
What am I?: One person will think of a thing. It is your job to guess what this thing is by asking simple yes or no questions…
Post 1: Is it round? Post 2: Is it green? Post 3: Is it round? Yes
Is it green? It could be green…well…it could be any colour…Post 4: Is it a ball? Post 5: Yes! You’re turn…Is it man-made? ----------------------------------------------------------
Where am I?: One person will think of a place. (The place needs to be a place people can guess, so keep it to countries, major/famous cities, and tourist attractions, for example Uluru, the Louvre, Golden Gate Bridge). It is your job to guess the place by asking simple yes or no questions. If it looks like its stuck, hints are welcome.
Post 1: Is it a country?Post 2: Is it in Australia?Post 3:Is it a country? No
Is it in Australia? YesPost 4: Is it the Northern Territory?Post 5:Is it in the Northern Territory? YesPost 6: Is it Uluru/Ayers Rock?Post 7: Is it Uluru/Ayers Rock? Yes! Your turn!----------------------------------------------------------
Which Movie (may be changed in future) is Better?: You are given two movies to choose from. Choose one and add a different movie that you would enjoy…
Post 1: Sense and Sensibility or Becoming Jane?Post 2: Becoming Jane (just because I saw it) or The Notebook?Post 3: The Notebook or Kungfu Panda? I loved the notebook, I saw it again on Sunday! It was so sweet…----------------------------------------------------
Who am I?: One person will think of a person. The 'who' limited to people who most people are going to be able to guess (celebrities, major sports people, etc.). It could also include (if people want) characters from Obernewtyn and others major fandoms (for example, Harry Potter).
Post 1: Are they fictional?Post 2: Are they male? Post 3: Are they fictional? Yes
Are they male? YesPost 4: Do they wear glasses?Post 5:Are they fictional? Yes
Are they male? Yes
Do they wear glasses? YesPost 6: Is it Harry Potter?Post 7: Yes! Your turn :)----------------------------------------------------
Word Association Game: Post up the first word that comes to mind when you read the previous posted word...
Post 1: BooksPost 2: ReadPost 3: Words-----------------------------------------------------
Wrong Answers Game: The way this game works, one person asks a question, and the next person responds to it with an obviously wrong answer, then asks a question of their own.
Post 1: Why are there clouds in the sky?Post 2: Because someone has been ironing. Why are ants so small?Post 3: Because anteaters are big. What's the point of a tiger's stripes?-------------------------------------------------------
Other Dining Hall games:Guilty or Not Guilty/True or False (on rotation)
Tell A Lie
What Am I/Where Am I/Who Am I?
^ Game
Werewolves Game
Deeply Off the Record/MyLifeIsAverage (combined game)
Twenty Word Story
The Rant Thread:
~Link~What we learnt today: Closed.
Vege Throwing: Note: This thread has been closed for the time being (December 2010)
The Werewolf Game - sort of like Cluedo - see
thread for details
Share the Love - share what makes you happy - see
thread for details
[strike]Each year we hold Bachelor/Bachelorette of the Year, around August.[/strike]: At this point in time this game will not be held.