I'm totally in. I was thinking about it and I'm unsure if I've read TKP or TSK more than once!
Ashlings' guildleader
9 years ago
Ashlings' guildleader
Master of Obernewtyn
I'm in the same boat as you then Min, haven't read either of those two more than once.
Ditto to the previous comments re: TSK. I'm definitely in for the reread! And one per month works well for me because I struggle to read when I'm back at work (stupid busy work!)
I'm not sure I could reread them now because
a) i'd probably be finished them by June and
b) i would probably fail my uni courses this semester.
and i don't know if i can restrict myself to just one a month because i'd be reading other books in between and i'd lose the continuity..... but i can try!!! will defs reread before november though
I'm already up to TKP in my re-read, but at the rate I'm going, I'm sure you'll catch up with me before too long :)
I've read TSK twice, but TS only once. I'm definitely in :).
. . . I've already started--though I'm also reading another 3 books at the same time so presumably I'll still be on it by May, anyway ;)
Same as Marta, I did a reread before The Sending. Will be interesting to actually reread The Sending and see all the details I missed.
I'm thinking that I will start re-reading, for the seventh time, as most of my assignments are finished for semester one so I can get in a few before next semester starts.
I was planing on doing this during the summer holidays but I will start now. I also have a theory but wanted to check a few things, so now I'm going t o write them as I read. :)
Who am I kidding. I've already started the reread too. Figure I'll work through all the books, and then revisit each book again during the monthly reread for added thoughts and theories and 'aha' moments :).
I tried to do a re-read when I got The Sending but then Burnt myself out on the series by reading up to the end of TSK in like 4 or 5 days and didn't feel like reading it. I'll pace myself this time so I can get through both The Sending and The Red Queen
I already started my re-read too. Up to The Farseekers, but my re-reading will probably slow down when I start getting back into all my uni work.
I am saving my reread until TRQ actually comes out.. just in case somehow we have to wait all over again (prepare for the worst, hope for the best) I don't want to get sucked back in. Remember that last page in the Sending? Yeah... well I'm not going through that again until I'm 100% certain there's really another book to read next!
Ha, I was already on my standard Obernewtyn re-read when I rejoined this forum to check in on TRQ release date. Already finished and onto Darksong again. sigh.