Hi guys I'm new here and trying to get the hang of things so please don't be mad at me if I do something wrong.
I've been having a lot of strange dreams lately and I've been wondering what they mean so please help me out here.
Dream 1) There was a new girl at my school and the teachers partnered her to me so I could show her around and she was evil and conniving and tried to make my best friend leave me and date her. She kept lying about me bullying her and getting me into trouble.
Dream 2) Discovered a mummy of an Egyptian Pharoah, got the authourites to sign it into my possession if I ever found it they agreed because they didn't think I would. Found it under a pyramid which had been converted into a casino. Kissed death mask of mummy. After school holidays was about to tell my best friend about it when he is interrupted by his other friend and she tells him about some idiot who found and disturbed a tomb, he agrees with her.
Dream 3) I was at school waiting for my bus and I go to look for my best friend because I can't find him and find him playing handball. When I go back to my bus its left without me then one of ,y teachers yells at me and I start crying so I go to my best friend but he ignores me