Closed for entries, Open for comments!Many years ago, hosted a
Twentyfamilies Tattoo design competition - and we've decided to revamp it, and get some new submissions, since we have so many more artists on the site now!
So, welcome, to the
New, Improved, Twentyfamilies Tattoo Competition!
Your task;Design the tattoo worn by the Twentyfamilies Gypsies in the Obernewtyn Chronicles - the one Elspeth has Swallow tattoo onto her arm - the one that Cassy Duprey designed, based on her sketches of the Beforetime "flamebirds".
Our known history of the tattooPage 26 of Ashling:'"This was th' symbol of th' research cell from Govamen."
He interrupted himself to point to a tiny picture denoting three miniscule birds flying in an endless spiral around a word I could not interpret.
"Look closely," Garth invited.
I did, and my eyes widened at the realization that the birds pictured were Agyllians - Guanette birds, as Landfolk called them.'
Page 187 of Ashling:'I stared at the elaborate painting on the inside of his wrist and up his arm. Three birds were depicted flying in a spiral of black and green, shot through with red.
My mouth fell open with astonishment for it was the exact design Garth had shown me on the plast documents from the Reichler Clinic in the city under Tor! How in Lud's name had a gypsy come to wear it?!'
Page 188 of Ashling:"This is a mark worn only by those of the Twentyfamilies and entitles us to pass through the gates of any city unsearched and untouched..."
(re results: this competition is so old we've lost track of who the winners were...can anyone remember? :P )