Closed for entries, Open for comments!We have quite an appreciation for animals at and despite its tendencies for world domination, how can we not love a little beast who captured the heart of our Master of Obernewtyn?
Hence, this month's art comp is dedicated to drawing - we want you to design the pigs that roam!
The competition is open from now, until the
30th June 2010.
Submission Guidelines:- Images must be submitted in .jpg, .png or .gif format. NO .BMPs!
Judges: Judging Coordinator: Deb
2 Judges: Elspethinnle and VioletCrumble
Pointage:All entries will receive 10 guild points.
Winners pointage:1st: 40
2nd: 30
3rd: 20
Submit:Once you're ready to submit your entry, post it below!
Results:1st: If Herders Were Piggies by Nikarra
2nd: Smuffy Plushie
3rd: Smuffy Piggy
Ashlings: 40
Dreamweavers: 20
Mystics: 100
Wanderers: 110