Ashling Guildmistress
17 years ago

Ashling Guildmistress
This is a general thread for you to post up images of people/characters that remind you of our beloved heroine in some way! Doesn't matter what age, whether the it's animated or life-like - this is the place for Elspeth piccys!
Can I just ask that if you do happen to find an actress or famous person, please post their name so people can do further searches on the character if they like?
Thanks :D

Mystic Ward
17 years ago

Mystic Ward
That's pretty much exactly how I pictured Elspeth!
*cherishes photo*
I agree - that's a perfect Elspeth-shot, Firefall!! Good find!
Ah-ha! When I looked her up in hopes of similar pictures I couldn't find anything even remotely Elf-like, so it's good to have a an older one.
*cherishes photo also* I think it's the closest I've ever seen to how I imagine her. ^_^

Dreamweaver Guilden
16 years ago

Dreamweaver Guilden
Firefall I love that picture. I agree with Ari, it looks a lot like she's in the beforetime complex talking to INES.
HOTD, That second shot of Rose Byrne made me instantly think "Little Sad Eyes".
Wow!! I agree HotD, it looks so perfectly like that^, esp. with all the fluros
I love that picture, HotD, and it is perfect for the moment you've described. She certainly looks like my idea of Elspeth.
You found another one! :D I didn't realise it was from a photoshoot, that's useful. ^_^ And you'r right, it fits perfectly! She's even got the Beforetime clothes. :P
:O That's a perfect shot HotD!! And yes it's exactly like Elspeth watching Pavo/Domick. Fantastic find.
Where's the rest of that photoshoot? :P

Mystic Ward
16 years ago

Mystic Ward
Well, I got it from Carly Pope's website, but I think there's only one more picture from that shoot, and it doesn't really match the others :-/
i like the carly pope ones nice job!!
I think that Tania Raymonde isn't quite right for Elspeth I think she would more likely be Iriny...
And I like the Carly Pope images they're very good.
I third image of Tania Raymonde looks a lot how I picture Elf. I always imagine her with a sort-of angular face.
Omg, those 2 images of Carly Pope are perfect! 8-|
My vote definitely goes for Carly Pope. I've never been able to find a picture that makes me think 'Elspeth' straightaway, but those photos did. Go her!
I like Tania Raymonde!!
She has the same angular bone structure that I imagine Elf to have and is a good height and shape. She reminds me of the original Ashling cover for some biazzare reason *blinks* Good find!!
I don't know. They seem a bit too pretty/innocent and sweet for Elspeth. I always imagined her being more hard, determined and mysterious looking.
I really like the Carly Pope ones! They're exactly how I imagine Elspeth! :D