Mulan: [act]sneaks back into the thread and rings a gong tied to a nearby tree branch[/act]
All: 8-|
Snow White's Birds: [act]flutter off in alarm[/act]
Snow White: ":(
Mulan: Heh heh... |:( Ahem! I can see already that the delightful food is going to your heads, but there's no time for picnic siestas here! Your brains are in need of stimulation, and we've come up with the perfect solution!
A Disney Trivia Quiz! :D The rules are very simple. Everyday for the duration of the event, two questions will be posted - one easy and one hard. Answers from days 2 to 7 of the event will be due in no later than
February the 1st, and answers for the questions posted during the second week of the event will be due in no later than
February the 8th. Feel free to send in your answers every day if you wish, but don't miss the deadline if you're saving them up, because then all your hard Disney work would be wasted! Never fear, we shall no doubt remind you when the deadlines are approaching :)
And so [act]unfurls a scroll of parchment[/act] today's questions are:
What is the final Wilderness Explorer badge that Russell needs to earn?
Who does Cornelius Robinson look like?
Just to make matters more confusing, please
PM your answers to Blackbird, and address any questions you may have to
me.Now back to the feasting! :D