Ooh, I usually avoid poetry due to bad associations but I love limmericks and that last one you posted was really quite good. I especially loved the last line. :D
And another limerick, more light-hearted this time.
It is based on Alyzon Whitestarr, and was inspired by her friend Gilly who has an ocean esscence-smell. The title is a play on the tongue twister 'she sells sea shells by the sea shore'.
She Smells Sea Shells...
Alyzon used to love the sea
And oft’ at the shore she would be
‘Till she an accident chanced
Now with senses enhanced
She finds it is much too fishy
Ha ha. I love your sense of rhythm and ability to string words together.
Beautiful, Bibliophile! I'm very glad that's not your desolation you're expressing.
For some strange reason most of my poems (and many of my short stories) seem to have that quality of desperation and despair, despite my never having had any personal experience even with weaker versions. I'm just very glad that it all seems to be staying in my writing and out of my life. :P
12 years ago
Sun Aug 05 2012, 10:34am
Clearly a sign that you need to produce (and share) yet more poems, just to ensure you remain happy :nods:
Short stories, huh? I haven't seen many of those posted in my time here at Obernet... Hint hint? :) Or even, how about a book? Many of us are finding those cathartic... Come join us on Prodders!
12 years ago
Tue Mar 19 2013, 10:58pm
I have another poem that I've been working on that is almost finished, so I'll put that up soon. If you want to see the stories, go have a look in the fanfiction forum. Since I've joined obernet, most of my stuff has been fanfics so I just put it there instead. The two Leaving stories are my favourite.
I also have the starts of a longer, more Prodders-worthy story, but I wanted to wait until I have a bit more time and a better idea of what is happening in it before actually joining; the flying cattle prods are making me nervous. :P
Again, if you wan't to read a few bits, most of what I have is in my OberNoWriSu thread
12 years ago
Tue Aug 07 2012, 11:31am
I have read your OberNoWriSu work actually. And I had a look at your Leaving sequences the other day. Loved them! It's exactly how I imagined Elspeth's departure to go, before I read the Sending. You have a real gift for getting into the heads of characters.
Thanks Darga.
I've finaly finished a poem that I've been working on for quite a while (part of the first draft is actually on my first page). Again based on the Legendsong, it looks at how Ronaal/Lanalor has set his big plan in motion, but now is helpless to do more than wait and hope that the Unraveller and Soulsaver can succeed despite the odds.
The Watcher
Watching, waiting, always watching,
Watching, waiting, now.
Watching, waiting, hoping, praying,
All he can do now.
The die is thrown, the cards are dealt,
Now he must play his hand.
No going back, the future, now,
Is resting on his plans.
Once, long ago, for sake of love,
He was tricked to trap the light.
Now down through ages he must strive
To set things back to right
He made a new deal with Chaos
Though he knew he’d be cheated
He only hoped he’s sly enough
His mistakes not be repeated
He spun a gateway through the Void
‘Tween one world and one more
Mixed music, moonlight, sea, longing,
Their saviour to draw
Unraveller, with foretold signs
The Unykorn to free
And in her shadow, Soulsaver
Whom Chaos must not see
The price of failure is his soul
And the light of both their worlds.
But if they win, then he’ll be free,
And Song once more be heard.
The die is thrown, the cards are dealt,
Now he must play his hand.
No going back, the future, now,
Is resting on his plans.
And another poem :D
I was trying to do some planning for my Living an Adventure Obernowrisu story and I ended up turning one of my microsnippets into a poem. The basic idea is that the protagonist has been summoned from our world to take part in a quest and, being a fairly normal modern girl, is failing at the questing basics. This is the first time I have used (and decided on) names for my characters; Alissander is the one I called 'the Aragorn' previously and is the leader of their quest. The main character's name is Hanna.
Riding a Horse: Step 1
Nervously, I walk towards
The horse I now must ride.
I shove my foot into the stirrup
And haul myself astride.
Watching, Brodwyn snickers,
Lodden rolls his eyes,
Owein tries to hide his laugh,
While Alissander sighs.
Even the horse, my “trusty steedâ€,
Shares their derision too.
Depositing before my eyes
A steaming pile of poo.
I'm glad you liked it.
So, the weather today has inspired me to write another poem (hanging around Prodders and Writersmerge I seem to have had some of your creativity rub off on me :P ). It feels like there is a story behind it, but I don't know what it is yet. Warning, once again it is unintentionally depressing.
Is falling all around
No sun can there be found
Is turning the light grey
On this fateful day
Is falling all around
And smothering each sound
Falling silently
This is how it must be
Is falling all around
And pooling on the ground
Like tears from clouded sky
This is the day I die
Hmm, intriguing... Of course, now I expect you to toodle off and write this back story :nods: :)
I'm working on it. :)
I tried seeing if it would fit into my Living an Adventure story, but I think it would change the mood too much. Possibly I could fit it onto some sort of sequel, but Ithink a whole new story would work better.
Also, is it strange that I am already planning a fanfiction-style prequel to LaA before I've even written the original? I've had an idea with Alissander (the 'Aragorn') and Michodri (the 'Gandalf') conucting 'job interviews' to explain why Hanna was the best they could come up with.
I've finally written a poem that actually relates to me rather than a fictional character. Apparently, this is my responce to my uni assignments that annoy me :P
Little Boxes
Little boxes, all in a row
Column by column
Watch them grow
Watch them grow
These ones have numbers, those ones, words
And that has a formula that counts in thirds
Tables and graphs with that data; no, there
Supposed to be easier, your results to share
Then come the errors, show them, each one
Not ‘till they’re included can your work be done
Faced now with columns of figures, endless
You must find the answers to try to express
Little boxes, all in a row
Column by column
Watched them grow
Watched them grow
I've edited one of my earlier poems to make the flow slightly better. It is not based off any particular character.
Yet again, I include a disclaimer that the poem in no way expresses my actual feelings.
Why does no-one hear me?
I am shouting, shouting,
Shouting to the world.
Why does no-one hear me?
They’re locked in daily grind
I am screaming, screaming,
Screaming to the world.
Why does no-one hear me?
They are deaf and blind.
I am crying, crying,
Crying to the world.
Why does no-one hear me?
I’ve been left behind.
I am pleading, pleading,
Pleading to the world.
Why does no-one hear me?
The words I can not find.
I whisper, whisper,
Whisper to the world,
“Why does no-one hear me?â€
It’s only in my mind.
I think the repetition is powerful and beautiful, Bibli. Thanks so much for sharing :)
12 years ago
Sat Jan 19 2013, 09:37pm
After a rather long absence, I have finally finished another poem. This one is based on a different series to usual, Patrick Rothfuss' Kingkiller Chronicles (Name of the Wind).
The poem is a full-length variation on a song in the book. The Chandrian are the underlying antagonists of the series, and are seven mysterious demon-like beings, each with a certain effect indicating their presence.
This warning I but once can tell.
Listen well. Listen well.
Those with minds,
Learn the signs.
When the plants wither and die,
Fading, why? Failing, why?
Near or far,
There they are.
When animals go mad from fear,
Do you hear? Do you hear?
Voices sharp,
In the dark.
When the hearthfire’s burning blue,
What to do? What to do?
Run outside,
Run and hide.
When dark shadows spread and grow,
Where to go? Where to go?
Stand alone,
Standing stone.
When strong wood crumbles to dust,
Who to trust? Who to trust?
Watch their eyes,
See through disguise.
When rust takes your sword so bright,
How to fight? How to fight?
It’s too late,
Hope to fate.
When death strikes out of thin air,
Who was there? Who was there?
Say not their name,
You’ll find the same.
Seven traitors who once ran
What’s their plan? What’s their plan?
I'm not familiar with the story, but I like the rhythm. Short and snappy; almost frantic.
11 years ago
Tue Feb 26 2013, 10:00pm
I just entered my first public poetry competition! As part of the Centenary of Canberra celebrations, there is a competition for poems to be displayed (best 10) on the public buses. They must be 8 lines or less, and have Canberra and/or celebration as a theme.
Mum is one of the people collecting the poems and when she saw the quality of some of the first ones she suggested that I give it a try so they have some that are actually readable :P Apparently the general quality has started improving though.
Colours of Canberra
White are the sails of boats on the lake
Gold is the wattle in spring
Red are the leaves of the autumn oak trees
Green are the parks where we play
And high above, the sun's shining down
From a sky of that clear Canberra blue
Edit: I just realised that this is the first cheerful poem since about primary school, 8yrs ago...
I like that, Bibli. It's quite... whimsical. Good luck with the competition! Let us know how it goes.
Thanks Darga; unfortunately it didn't get through.
Here is the next poem. It is not based off anyparticular book, however it is something that I can imagine the protagonist from my Living an Adventure story saying.
Destiny and Prophecy
Destiny and prophecy
Rule your life so ruthlessly
Keep them far away from me
Destiny and prophecy
When Fate takes you in its hand
Says “only you can save the landâ€
Weaves your future, strand by strand
It’s too late, your choice is gone
Adventures done by others are thrilling
Adventures when it’s you, are chilling
You can only hope that fickle Fate’s willing
To let you live beyond the end
Destiny and prophecy
Rule your life so ruthlessly
Keep them far away from me
Destiny and prophecy
Prophecies are all very well
But the details they don’t spell
Their warnings often you can’t tell
Until they’ve been and gone
The problem with a glorious quest
Is it too often leads to a glorious death
And the problem with a glorious death
Is that, well, you’re dead
Destiny and prophecy
Rule your life so ruthlessly
Keep them far away from me
Destiny and prophecy
I finally got around to writing a poem I stated many years ago, based on the idea of the princess in the tower. For once, it is a love poem/duet, with a happy ending... and hugs o_O
Hope you enjoy
True Love's Kiss
Once upon a time, in a land far away
There lived a princess, locked in a tower
She’d wait every day for her prince to arrive
Waiting for true love’s kiss
Once upon a time, in a land far away
There lived a prince, handsome and tall
He’d search for a princess to be his bride
Searching for true love’s kiss
She waited for years, but still no one came
Sat by the window, day after day
She’d dream that he’d come and he’d take her away
Waiting for true love’s kiss
He searched many years, but no princess found
Fought many battles, became a hero
He travelled all through so many lands
Searching for true love’s kiss
One day down below, she saw him at last
His armour and sword shone in the sun
He looked up and she saw her dreams coming true
Waiting for true love’s kiss
One day, in a window, he saw her at last
Her bright golden hair shone in the sun
She smiled and he saw there the end of his quest
Searching for true love’s kiss
She waited nervously as he climbed to her tower
Turned to the door and it opened at last
She looked into his eyes and knew she’d no more be
Waiting for true love’s kiss
His heart in his throat, he climbed to her tower
Opened the door, stood before her at last
He looked into her eyes and knew he’d no more be
Searching for true love’s kiss
Like two magnets’ poles they were drawn together
Clasped within their arms, their lips met at last
Then the world around faded and they knew only
Sharing their true love’s kiss