Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
YAY! another Bleacher to [act]squee [/act]with! :D Hey Murasakii! welcome to obernet!
i had a massive squee fest with the newest Bleach chapter-
I LOVE ICHIGO'S FULLBRINGING AND HIS IMITATION SHIHAKUSHO!! i bet you that if you look at the tag on that thing it'll say "made in china".
i love how Ichigo always manages to surprise everyone with his fastness... somehow they never seem to realise that he's Ichigo Kurosaki; fast is what he does. :P hahahaha
SQUEE! i can't wait until he gets his powers back!!! i just want to see Soul Society's colective face when he can see them/go in there again!! :D
[act]cough[/act] well, at least things are starting to pick up a bit :P
13 years ago
Sun Apr 24 2011, 01:49pm
@Alyse, omg i know right!!! OMG Shu finally realised that it was tsukimi!!! about time. gawsh he is slow. but there is such a good kuranosuke/tsukimi feel right now, he better not mess it up!!!!!
13 years ago
Mon Apr 25 2011, 05:57pm
Finally, ican talk to someone about my bleach obssession without getting stared at *starts ranting*
I only started reading it after chapter ~330
Ichigo lost his powers, but Bleach is finally getting interesting again!!!!!!
I'm also catching up with Vampire Knight ~chapter 50 now. Does anyone else get confused between Kaname and Rido?(i thought that rido was kaname at the start < was so funny when i realised):D
Also catchiing up with Naruto, haven't read for a couple of months now:( -chap 536(i think)
Madara finally got out of his cave. Seriously its like his home now. Loved Iruka's note -*got teary* and Naruto was finally smart enough for the truth.Hope Madara does some freakishly Uchiha-only jutsu, make it more fun. BUT WHERE IS SASUKE????????????????? <massive fangirl 4 sasuke!!!!!!
after they finally finished the ino-shika-cho bit, THERE IS NO SASUKE???!!!!!!!!!!!! masashi kishimoto had better bring him back soon or he will be kidnapped by all the sasuke fangirls.
[act]starts imaginary dancing[/act] Bleach and Naruto are finally getting interesting again!!!!!!(I had to start reading when it was boring! :( but the evil guys are back FINALLY.
[sub]stops ranting[/sub]

Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
[act]huggles Murasakii[/act] a girl after my own heart- look! she even has a Kon avatar! [act]wipes away a tear[/act] :((
i really, really need to pick Naruto back up but after Sasuke got mauled by [strike]creepy pedo guy[/strike] [act]-cough-[/act] Orochimaru i just kinda got sidetracked by stuff... such as HSC exams, social problems and family problems. srsly, who invented 'soshal lyfe'? they deserve to be shot.
with blowdarts.
poisoned blowdarts.
excuse my ramblings, it's 4am my way and i've been reading Naruto fanfic (Naruto fanfic has always been amusing to me, even when i hadn't read any of the manga... i've always been a strange child)
as for Bleach- i've been with it since before Ichigo left again for the human world after the Soul Society arc i can't believe it's been years since then. i feel old.
but maybe that's just the insomnia talking...
though, just to put it out there, i've realised that i read more fanfic than i do manga. it's kinda creepy. especially with Naruto. you wouldn't believe how good some of it is, though! no Mary-Sue's or anything!
right. stopping ramblings now. going to bed. please ignore embaressinly bad spelling/grammatical mistakes. kthanxbai.
I havent read naruto for a few months...but if stuff is happening then I might start reading again!! :)
13 years ago
Tue Apr 26 2011, 06:22pm
Yes, after like 50 boring chapters, since:
since Naruto & Sasuke last met, the Fourth Ninja War is picking up (hopefully) Madara came out, still no sign of Sasuke & i faintly remember there being something with juugo and suigetsu about the seven swordmen of the mist a while ago.
What exactly happened in Naruto 536:(read my post and I have no idea what I'm talking about, must hav just been a random rant :)) i read a couple chapter before with it so i may be confused !shy
Bee and Naruto escaped from their guards (was so funny), Iruka gave Naruto a note telling him how proud of him he was *wipes tear* and since Madara heard from Zetsu that Bee & Naruto are out in the world again, he came out of his cave and onto the battlefield(just after everyone thought they had won lol :D)
yes i love kon, he's one of my fav Bleachies with:Kisuke, Ichigo(of course but his 'I just should've died but instead I decided to gain a magical new power' thing REALLY bugs me, Toshiro (hooray for short people!), Keigo(and his man-looking sister) and Aizen!!! evil genius bad guys are the best!!! !lol oh and how could i forget kenpachi and his "I want to swing my sword around and kill things" attitude <(i so have a gory side to me-i can watch almost anything and never feel sick 8)
Back to Kon, I found all these plushie pics of him, this and his shinigami version was best!
Was just reading old Naruto again, i feel so nostalgistic for some reason (reading things shouldn't make me feel old????)
Should be doing assignment but got caught up in manga again :D last day of hols so back to school 2morrow x)

Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Murasakii, i am now just going to call you "Mura" from now on. your name is too long D=
i think i like you even more now! i love gory stuff!! i'd recommend some stuff to you, but i have a hunch that you're under 18 and most of it is R-rated for horror and gore. so i'm not going to :D
Heck yes! Kenpachi is the BEST! i'm going dressed as a female version of him to Supanova in June! Bambi's going dressed as an older version of Yachiru. it's going to be smegging epic!
my favourite characters are Ichigo, Hichigo, Kenpachi, Toshiro, Grimmjow and Ulquiorra. but Ichigo is mine and he is my strawberry [act]huggles possesively[/act] !mistrust
yes, i greatly dislike the turn that the plot's taken since 'The End' was supposed to happen. it makes me sad and i wish Tite Kubo would just stop it and get to the point.
13 years ago
Thu Apr 28 2011, 11:52pm
lol im 14, but i read/watch whatever (just not the human centipede blood i can handle, but that is just disgusting...) seriously i already watch ma/r stuff a lot (texan chain massacre +ones like that).
Female Kenpachi eh.. you'd better do the hair AND the eyepatch it adds to his overall awesomeness splendidly!! I forgot to add Ulquiorra to my list up there, but yeah he is def my fav arrancar (freakishly cool) was sad when he...(to lazy to add spoiler)
Take Ichigo wranga's r not my style, leave me Toshiro, Kon & for a grownup Kisuke! he'd better come back soon, Urahara Shoten hasn't appeared enough in the 1 1/2 years later. I WANT TOSHIRO!!!! *starts behaving rabidly* *sigh* just made me want to change my avatar to something toshiro-ish.
Supanova where? i might go to the Sydney one cos i didn't go to animania before. :D
Murasakii (call me whatev, but mura sounds ok if u want helena) (lol just sounds like a pokemon name...) :P
edit: Just found out there is no Jump this week so no Bleach !sad:( :((
Was so looking forward to reading about Ichigo's FB
Supanova? Hell yeah! It's going to be TOTALLY AWESOME. Again. Last year was fantastic.
So; Half Prince 50 anyone? XD
waaaaaaah half prince, its been so long, I keep forgetting whats going on...still! and LOL at arctic fox.

Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
just to put it out there before i start reading 1/2 Prince 50- OHMIGOSH [act]SQUEE!![/act] to the chapter cover!! !amazed words cannot express the fangirlness at the moment.
LOVE the KeshinxArcticfox shipping!! FINALLY some official yaoi almost-action! next thing you know BOOM! Arcticfox'll be kissing Keshin and and and and- [act]SQUEE![/act] and also; i officially heart Caelus. he's just too cute! Doll and him make the perfect couple! ^_^
though... i have to say, my theory of PrincexGui still stands when he's supposed to go and 'kill' the Dictator of Life. i don't think he'll end up killing him... but i'm 50/50.
ohmigosh, i can't wait for the next chapter! i don't wanna wait another few months! D'=
Mura- i doubt i'd be able to get the hair right, so i'm just going to buy either a short, spiky black wig or a long-ish one, just long enough so that you can still see what devision i'm from. but the eyepatch, scars and everything else he does is totally going to be going on. i'm even making a special cami undershirt that looks like i have bandages wrapped around my chest, like he does... only loads safer :P hahaha
yup! i'm going to the Sydney one. it's a fair few hours out from where i live, but it's totally worth it!
if i had to pick between all of the characters i'd totally jump Ichigo or Hichigo any day of the week. failing that, probably Kenpachi. Toshiro needs to have a massive growth spurt before i start to think he's HAWT like the rest. he's just hot in a cute way at the moment. hehehe
good-o! i think i'm going to call you 'Mura' and you can call me 'Hell', everyone else does :)
^ about half prince...........................I really cannot wait for her and gui to meet in real life. or have some more almost meetings. or even see some of the other characters in real life again...I dont know why but I really want to see more of it!!!!!! I wonder if I have said this before...
In regards to 1/2 Prince...
I have no idea what's going on anymore, I just read it for the bishies and hope that I'll figure it out eventually...

Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
i'm disapointed in you, Aly :( it's not just bishies that make the manhua great! it's... ermm... plot? yes, let's go with plot. :P
GAH! i want to see more of Min Gui WenxFeng Lan!! well... as close to x's as we can get with Yu Wo. especially in RL. things always seem more likely in-game :(
i feel a fanfic coming on :|
actually... it's rather hard to find anything substancial when it comes to 1/2 Prince fanfics. most of them are WickedxPrince/Zhuo Ling BinxFeng Lan. and it sucks. (why this is spoilered, i'm not entirely sure...)
yes, that's it. i'm going to smoosh my writers block and write a GuixPrince fanfic.
you guys just have to make sure (/threaten me/blackmail me/whatever it takes) that i remember and somehow keep the motivation :P i always lose steam halfway through and forget hahaha :P
Yaay for gui/prince fanfic XD
Alyse, Kuragehime 32 is up!!! XD
*pokes Obernet* Haven't seen you in a while.
Caelus is exactly like Gui! I totally adore him! It's like, when did you become cute? And what? Arctic Fox totally disturbed me with that comment.
And I'm totally addicted to Noblesse at the moment @_@
Also, not sure if anyone here reads La Corda Doro? But... OMGOMGOMG YAY, Tsukimori finally told Hino that he likes her! *squee!!* But I want more Yunoki *Q*
Alyse, kuragehime 33 is up!!!! XD
I know! I know! I know!
I love Mayaya in the tree...
Oh my GOODNESS I hadn't noticed at ALL. Squee!
kuragehime 34!!! omg I loved this chapter!!!!! XD esp where hanamori tried to hit on mayaya. OMG. aahahahaha.