Video Interview & Anniversary Message from Isobelle

Back at the Sydney Writers' Festival in May 2009, Penguin interviewed Isobelle and they contacted me, asking if I could discreetly gather some questions from our Theories board to ask her. As part of their wonderful anniversary gift to us, Sharlene has sent me the video interview - which contains a special message from Isobelle, to us, right at the end! Many thanks to Penguin, Sharlene, and of course to Isobelle, for taking the time to do this!! Back to all Interviews & Media [hr][/hr]

Isobelle Carmody Q&A

© Penguin Australia, and used on with their permission. Do not redistribute anywhere, without Penguin's permission. [hr][/hr] Back to all Interviews & Media [hr][/hr]
    Moonlight cat
    14 years ago

    Personally im glad billy will be complete because i love those books and i nearly fainted when i heard there was not a third one out yet. thank you soooooo much for that clip and thanx IC for your brilliant books. :roll: (L)

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    14 years ago

    She's so wonderful. Truly can't wait for Darkbane, but Billy Thunder series is exciting too. I'm re-reading Darkfall at the moment. The words, the poetry! So much more insight now that I'm older. :)

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    14 years ago

    Ahh, she is so lovely! Can't wait for Darkbane!!

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    14 years ago

    wooohooo! What a great interview!

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    54 years ago