Isobelle Carmody Reviews: The Farseekers, Book Two in the Obernewtyn Chronicles

Review by Nef. Back to all Isobelle Carmody Book Reviews [hr][/hr] Some books leave such an impression on you that you will recall not only when you read the story, but the whole experience of discovering and acquiring the book. The Farseekers is one of those books for me. ObernewtynI can pinpoint the exact time and place I bought this book. It was this quaint bookshop in the middle-east (before the advent of super-bookshops, and this was one of the few English-language bookshops in the country). It was early December 1996. On the one bookshelf of childrens/YA novels in the entire store, tucked away in the back corner of the upper floor, there was a dearth of literature that wasn't Baby-Sitters Club, Enid Blyton, or something to do with horses. Except for one green gem: the UK Point SF edition of The Farseekers, with its sans serif font and its foil-enhanced cover. It was nothing short of miraculous to 12-year-old me. I say miraculous, because I had only recently moved to the country with an unread Obernewtyn, and, having read the aforementioned novel, I was desperate to read more of Elspeth, and the development of her quest to find and destroy the weaponmachines. I wasn't disappointed. It is two years after the events of Obernewtyn, and things are different. Obernewtyn has become a haven for misfits and Elspeth, guildmistress of the Farseekers, has a home and safety in this new society. But that safety is threatened. With rumours beginning to spread through the land about Obernewtyn, Rushton decides that it's time that Obernewtyn extended its reach. At the same time, the Teknoguild, seeking to understand the machines hidden at Obernewtyn, discover a talent on the other side of the land whose power could mean life or death for all of them. The FarseekersElspeth, crippled by burns to her feet acquired in the battle with Alexi and Madam Vega, is an odd choice to lead an expedition to rescue this talent and seek information in the land, but a growing rift with the beasts sees her forge a bargain with an angry horse that will have unexpected consequences - for both her and Obernewtyn. Elspeth and her friends must contend with Henry Druid and his men, secret ways through the mountains, rebellions, haunted ruins, old foes and firestorms in order to locate this talent. And they have a deadline - make it back before winter closes the pass, or Obernewtyn will be lost ... This is an adventure on a curiously large scale, as the quest to save Obernewtyn becomes linked to Elspeth’s personal quest to destroy the beforetimers weapons that could cause a second Great white. Elspeth’s quest will take her much further than she would even dream. The Farseekers remains my favourite of all of the Obernewtyn Chronicles. It’s a classic quest story, with adventure, excitement, great characters (including the introduction of my favourites: Brydda and Dragon) and unexpected romance. I found it curious that I grew so attached to Pavo, give that, on re-reading, he really did have only a minor role; he just had such a powerful impact. If you haven't read it (and let's face it - if you're on this site, chances are good that you have read it), go and do so RIGHT NOW. Or the birds will come for you ... [hr][/hr] Back to all Isobelle Carmody Book Reviews