Crossover Fanfiction Competition

In this writing competition we are asking you to write a work of crossover fanfiction. Crossover fic, if you've not heard of it before, is where you combine elements from two different, disconnected worlds to create a cleverly (or funnily) combined story. You might write a fanfiction about Elspeth in Middle Earth (LotR), or Dragon in the world of The Terminator, or maybe even Little Fur in the world of Studio Ghibli's Ponyo.

Entry requirements
- Your fanfiction needs to include characters from any of Isobelle's worlds,
- Your fanfiction needs to be set in a world not created by Isobelle Carmody,
- You can enter up to 3 times.

Each entry should be no longer than 2000 words. Make sure at the top of your entry that you list which Isobelle character/s you've picked and which book they're from, and which location/fandom you're set in.

Entries open from now until 31 May 2013.

1st: 40 points
2nd: 30 points
3rd: 20 points
Each entry receives: 10 points

No judges required; judging will take place after the competition is closed for entries in a forum poll.

To submit, please post directly to the Fanfiction section of the site, and select the "Crossover Fanfiction Competition 2013" Category.

For a complete FAQ on how to submit your stories to the Fanfiction section, see this post.
Don't worry about anyone stealing your ideas after you submit, either; all entries will remain hidden until the end of the competition.

If you have any questions, please ask them below!
    11 years ago

    Yup, it's there.

    0 0
    11 years ago

    I was wondering if someone could check if my entry was submitted properly. My computer froze as I submitted it. Thanks :)

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