
Leaving - Part 1

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Chapter 1

I sigh as I sit down on the edge of my bed to remove my boots. Elspeth was in one of her moods again today. One of those strange moods when she is distant, as though watching us from within a glass box; yet immersing herself in the life of Obernewtyn with an intense, frenzied energy. I smile slightly at the irony of that thought. Most people see her as cold and remote; yet I know that in truth she is so passionate that, unrestrained, her feelings would consume her. My forehead creases in a worried frown as I climb into bed. Her moods are coming more and more often now, and contain a sense of desperation; as though she is trying to do everything, remember everything, before it is too late. A chill sense of foreboding runs a shiver down my spine. No. I push the feeling firmly way and close my eyes. I am letting her mood get to me. She will be over it again in the morning, and all will be well...
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