Thanks Ari! I agree, it completely disorients you when you wake up from a dream that - while not appearing visually real - FEELS real. And yes... |:| somewhat desperate to travel at the moment.
I had another quite odd dream that left me with a similar feeling, about a week ago. Actually I think it was the night after the Prague/Russia dream.
This time we were IN Prague. Talk about confusing, dreaming that you're travelling to Prague one night, then dreaming you're there the next.
Paul and I were visiting...okay, this will sound weird, but it's not, I promise you!...we were visiting Isobelle. She was writing Darkbane at the time. It was a brief visit, and then we had to walk to ballet practise. Which is odd, because I've never done ballet in my life.
But it left me with such a feeling of being somewhere else, again, that I was down for most of the day...wishing I wasn't here in Brisbane. Melancholy, sorry :P but that's what happened :P

Mystic Ward
15 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
I hope you were at least reading over Isobelle's shoulder. :P Hopefully your travel plans will come together in a way that will allow you to visit your dream places. You are planning to go overseas again at teh end of the year right?
A couple of nights ago I had a really odd dream that's stuck in my mind, so I really should document it.
Paul and I and our families were at this event, in a park somewhere, watching some sort of demonstration or show (it obviously wasn't important what we were watching). I think Paul's cousin asked where we actually were in London, and I looked around, seeing in the not-too-distant horizon the Canada Square building (I think that's what it's called...Canary Wharf basically), so I told Paul's relative that we were off to the east somewhere.
I remember the day was very summery and warm, sky was very blue.
No sooner had I looked at the skyline and recognised where we were, when something very strange happened. The Canada Square building toppled over. Not like it had been demolished or anything and collapsed - it looked like it had been pushed over, to one side. We watched (in horror) as the building fell over some of the other buildings at Canary Wharf. The trees around us started shaking wildly, and branches and leaves were falling out of them. Everyone scattered, running away from the chaos.
The next bit of the dream was hazy, but all about running, hiding from something or someone. I ended up hiding in a random house, but I knew that whatever was hunting me was going to find me. I remember a bear, don't know what it's significance is. And that's about it.
Very weird dream.
I had a horrible dream this morning and while I've come onto Obernet to distract myself from it, I should also document it because that will make it more dream-like and feel less real.
It was a family Christmas; everyone was sitting around a house I didn't know - my parents (who are never seen in the same room so this should be indication enough that it was weird), my brother, Paul and his parents, my uncle Dave, and my aunt and uncle and little grandma (little being that she's 4'8" tall, and she's always been that tiny). The only unusual people in that mix are uncle Dave and my dad, they're never around at Christmas time. Anyway.
It was just really bland to start with; everyone was giving presents out.
Grandma - didn't know what was going on (she has dementia). The last few Christmas's have been like that - she's there just happy with the family, but then will ask who's house she's in, or where her sister is (her twin sister lives in Sydney). In the dream she also didn't know what was going on, and she was in a wheelchair. While we were handing around presents she suddenly had what I can only call a 'moment of clarity', where she realised where she was and what exactly was going on. She asked Peter (her son/my uncle) to take her somewhere.
We resumed just the present giving. A time later, grandma and Peter came back in. She had a whole heap of envelopes wrapped in dark purple wrapping paper. She knew it was Christmas and she wanted to make sure she got everyone presents. Peter handed them all out and Adriana (Peter's wife/my aunt) who I'm also friends with (I used to live with them) handed me her envelope with tears in her eyes; grandma had given them something like $50,000 to get two new paths put in at their place. I had tears in my eyes as well then, and opened mine. I can't remember the exact present, but it was a voucher, something to do with Harvey Norman and a sum of money to spend there, something to do with movies. I don't know. The reason I don't really know is because once I'd opened it / glanced at it, there was a bit of a noise, and we looked up to see grandma had been replaced by a large monitor that we knew showed her brain activity. It showed a circle, with a black background. It was somehow beeping, but looked a healthy red, which we knew was a rare moment where she was fully aware and knew what was going on. The circle thing changed to a sort of deep purple, and there was smoke around the edge, and then the whole screen adopted deep red hue. Text came up on the screen that said 'instant coma'.
Before we could react, my alarm went off and woke me up.
I've already gotten mum to call the home and check she's okay - and she's fine! Enjoying her breakfast with everyone else right now. So, the most utter stupid thing about this stupid dream is firstly, what the hell was that? I can't really describe the monitor thing properly. And why am I so upset about it now? I'm trying to tell myself it was just a dream and my stupid brain, because it was woken at that moment, is assuming it's real (because there was no transition between my sleep + waking). Sometimes our heads are really against us! But I can't stop feeling upset about it.
Am going to go distract myself in discussion elsewhere and try to forget this ever happened now...

Mystic Guilden
15 years ago

Mystic Guilden
Oh Min!
It's been a while since you had the dream, but I've only just stopped by to have a read.
Those kinds of dreams are horrible, especially when you wake with this dread that the dream might be a message about the person at the centre of it. It's good to know your Grandma is ok, but that feeling doesn’t go away so easily.
It really is amazing, the torture you can inflict on yourself in your sleep. [act]Grugs[/act]
14 years ago
Wed Sep 01 2010, 06:55am
Had a really odd dream last night ~:|
It was one of those dreams where you're with your school group - the gathering is officially school-related - but that everyone in the group is the ages we are now. The group didn't just consist of old school buddies, there were also a couple of Obernetters there too.
Our group was in Brisbane, on the Southbank side - only, Southbank was on a biiiiig hill, so you could overlook Brisbane's buildings from up high. We were watching the city, and there was some very low clouds over the river, so it looked like the city towers were on the clouds.
Some absolutely MASSIVE planes started flying up out of the clouds, and then at level with them, so the bottom halves of the clouds were still under the cloud cover. They were army green but the main thing about them were they were HUGE. We were talking / wondering what they were doing, and then one of them sharply turned 90 degrees and crashed itself at full speed into the river/clouds. That seemed to be a signal for all the other planes to start dropping bombs on the city, and so Brisbane exploded.
On the 'safe' side :P that we were on, we didn't stay to watch it being exploded, but we knew it was destroyed. The group sort of scattered - nobody seemed really worried about it - but everyone was preparing to leave the city now everything had been destroyed. There was a lot of looting; I remember grabbing a big bag, and filling it with water bottles and all the food we could find. The water bottles were empty - I distinctly remember MK and I grabbing these water bottles and going from shop to shop asking to use their taps to fill them. Nobody had any water, or any taps for that matter. We finally found a salon (that was still operating amongst the relatively calm er..chaos/looting) and they had a tap we could borrow but we couldn't reach it; it was in this strange backward configuration. While we were there one of our number decided to get her hair done.
There was talk the whole time that it had been Iraq that had taken Brisbane down ( o_O ) but then, I saw an assembly of the people who had taken over the city - and they were caucasian and speaking english.
I must have realised it was a dream at some point, because I remember thinking 'I need to write this down when I wake up, but people would think it's just a rehash of Tomorrow When the War Began'.
It was just so odd - the oddness being that there was this massive disaster - but nobody, not even myself, were particularly worried. Everything we did to prepare to leave the city was calm or joking, and slow, there was no hurry to our actions at all.
Very weird :|

Mystic Guilden
14 years ago

Mystic Guilden
Until I read the line alluding to the movie, I wondered if the dream was due to Tomorrow When the War Began :P
That was a strange dream. I love the part where you're calmly desperate for water, and a person decides to get their hair done though :)
Heh, I doubt it has meaning, more that my brain was trying to keep me entertained while I slept :P I'm not actually excited about the TWTWB movie so I haven't been keeping track of it's progress but - the movie premiered the day after? XD hehe, I love that. Maybe it's my subconscious' way of saying 'see that movie' :P
Or, maybe it's a new form of advertising 8-| where they plug the marketting guff straight into your brain! [act]#toomuchDollhouse[/act]
Weird dream last night.
When I entered the dream, I knew that I had just given birth. I 'remembered' nothing about the birth, though. I remembered being pregnant, I remembered knowing that it was 'time', and then I remember blacking out.
It turns out someone had given me some sort of sleeping gas or something, to give me a cesarean. I didn't feel any pain, though. I was told that it was a boy. I got a tiny bit excited, and asked, has Paul named him yet. My mum, I think, who was telling me this, said he hadn't.
I went out to where Paul and the baby were; Paul was being dutiful, the baby was there / tiny. Had a moment of looking at him/wondering what we were calling him.
Paul said something to me like, what are you doing up, you'll burst your stitches or something like that.
I didn't feel any pain, but when I looked down - well, it was like they'd taken a butchers knife to me to get the baby out. There was no dressing, I could see open wound. There were a couple of stitches in place, but ...gah, just thinking about it now makes me squirm.
Apparently there'd been complications, and so that's why I remembered nothing about the birthing (it was the reason they'd knocked me out). I went back to the was more like a private day surgery or something. I asked the two nurses, were there problems? And they nodded, they didn't even dumb it down, and said they'd had to knock me out and cut the baby out. I asked them why I couldn't feel any pain when I had a wound bleeding all over the place but they said it was the drugs they'd given me.
The dream got to the point where I was back on an operating table, and they were about to restitch. I remember begging them to knock me out, I got really scared about the pain, and they said, it's all right, we'll use what we used last time.
I went under. Then I woke up.
[act]shivers and rocks back and forth[/act]
Last night I had this really odd dream; I posted it on facebook this morning but I should also post it here, for history's sake...
Paul and I were walking along a road, in front of a large crowd. We were in the lead, but we weren't leading, in the sense that everyone was going in the same direction, it just happened that we were at the front of the queue. Some people were in cars and some on bikes, but we were walking.
We got to a highway overpass, and there was no footpath. We let a guy on a bike go past us, so we didn't hold him up, and the bike rider went out along the railing instead of riding on the road.
Paul and I started climbing out on the inside of the road, holding the railing, the crowd following. We got to the middle of the overpass, and this tv crew and two female presenters came up to us. Because we were at the front of the queue we got to be on this game show; where all you had to do was pick a card, and then find the item on that card in a massive department store in an allocated time, and you'd get the amount of money that was indicated on the card.
We picked one; we had to find (*giggle-snort*) this 4-pack of "Kath & Kim" brand perfume (that'll be a winner...). We'd get $361,489 (yeah, really specific amount) if we found it. The timer started and Paul and I darted off; spreading out in the store to cover more ground, sort of starting at different ends of the perfume section to find it. The timer counted down out loud (over a speaker) and I didn't find it in the allocated time. I was walking back to the hosts, and I saw Paul walking back to them too; we looked at each other, he grinned at me cheekily and held up the item we had to find.
We hugged/celebrated, saying we could finally buy a house, and got back to the hosts, who were deadpan.
"Oh. You weren't meant to find that. Um. We don't have that sort of money."
Paul and I followed them back down to the road, and we said something like, we played your game, we stuck to your rules and constraints, we won, and we still don't get the prize?
When we got back to the road/crowd, the host turned back waving the card over her shoulder in an offhand way saying something about the advertisers, and then "Oops!" she threw all the cards, including the one with the product/value printed on it that we'd played for over her shoulder. It went over the ledge and into a swampy river, the cards fluttering/scattering around in the water.
I dove over after it, certain that if I got it back we could claim the money / get a house, etc. I remember wading through the swamp, swimming through reeds and rubbish trying to the yellow bits of card...but they were always flowing faster than I could move. I reached the end of the river and it lead onto this ramp, that was like the ramps cattle or sheep get hearded through to move pens or get onto a truck one by one. The cards had disappeared/gone. There was a farmer at the top of the ramp asking me what I was doing there.
That was the end of the dream.

Mystic Guilden
13 years ago

Mystic Guilden
Thats one strange and frustrating dream Min.
I've had dreams with crowds before, and though it's not the greatest book ever published, my dream dictionary says that dreaming of a crowd highlights your feelings of being hemmed in and your need for space in which to express yourself.
Games (closest I could find to a game show) represents the way we cope with life. If we play well, it stands to reason that our lives are on target and we are managing well.
The fact that you won the game and didn't get your prize makes me think that (in the context of the proposed meaning for games) you an Paul were doing everything right, but were cheated out of what you should have received :(
The swamp could indicate the need for more control in your life so confidence can be restored. Think swamp in terms of being swamped in real life.
My book doesn't include a definition for a ramp or cattle race (again that could just be because my book is very basic :P )
I hope you don't mind me analysing your dream Min. It was fascinating, and seemed to be a good one to analyse :)
No I don't mind at all - thanks a lot Ari! I love dream interpretations, no matter where the source/book comes from :P
And yeah I suspected as much. Paul and I are both really down about what's going on with our lives, but it was actually really weird to have a dream of every day stresses show up in such a dramatic but readable way - usually the symbolism is much more obscure or offhand, at least in my dreams, and this one was like a smack in the face.
Just had a micro-dream that was so strange I had to come straight on and post it in case I forget it.
In it, all of us Obernetters were actually small flashing LED lights in real life, communicating perfectly (and complexly) with one another via series of different bulb flashes. This was accepted/normal for us.
The contents of the dream beyond that was that Ari & I were trying to convince EI to go swimming, because she was afraid of water.
You know how LED lights love to swim..
So...what the deuce was that all about? O_o

Mystic Guilden
13 years ago
Sun May 22 2011, 12:12am

Mystic Guilden
[act]Promptly stops Farsending Min secret plots[/act] |:|
That is a strange one Min. Maybe you can just put it down the stress of the impending Rapture?