Elspeth-as-Elaria: [act]climbs up onto the nearest wagon[/act] Your attention please!!
[act]The gypsy band stops playing and slowly the crowd falls into a curious hush[/act]
Thank you.
Now! We couldnt let you pass through the Land of Writers without asking something of you in return!
Ari: [act]aside to MK[/act]...did we authorise this?
MK: [act]shrugging[/act] Its got me interested though.
Elspeth-as-Elaria: We want to see your creativity with a pen, or keys.
Min: I think she meant keyboard.
Tanya: She's a bit obsessed with keys....
Elspeth-as-Elaria: What we want you to do is this!
Write the last scene/ paragraph/ line of The Stone Key!
It doesnt have to be serious, play around, have fun with it...just dont tell Ariel where the weaponmachienes are... unless your willing to risk it :-/
Try not to make them too long, the Party has only a few days left and we would like to read through them before it ends!
Oh! And please avoid writing in Gadfian....Fian isnt here to translate it for me!
Thank you and enjoy the party!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Just to clarify.
We would like you to try your hand at writing the last scene/ paragraph/ line of The Stone Key.
For those who have read it, dont feel you cant enter. The idea of this competition is just to have fun, so make up an alternate ending or even a far fetched one. We would ask though, that you avoid spoilers for those who havent had the chance to read the book.
The limit is 150 words (max), there is no minimum as we have also allowed the option of just entering the last line (as invented by you )
Please PM all entries to either Ariadne or MornirKirara.
We would like to display entries on the Writers Board after the comp has ended....if you dont want you work posted up...please specify in the PM....we dont mind :D
Happy Writing!!