13 years ago
Thu Mar 03 2011, 01:51pm
There is a band named All Caps that makes songs about things like Harry Potter, Pokemon, and gaming. They have made a song in response to The Hunger Games called "Real or Not Real" which has some Mockingjay spoilers.
Mystic Guildmistress
13 years ago
Mystic Guildmistress
Oooh...! Thanks for the fansite link MK. I was wondering how they were going with casting.
I'm not sure if I agree with who they chose for Peeta, I wasn't that fond of him in the Vampire's Assistant (which has nothing to do with the fact that the movie ruined the book... Probably...).
I'm worried about which movie rating it's going to get (M, PG even?). Because the books are set at around 12/13 year olds. It depends how true to the books it is too, because Suzanne Collins like her descriptions...
I don't know how I feel about the actors chosen for Gale or Peeta :-/ I haven't seen anything either of them are in...but I'm scared (seriously, they chose the guy from the Miley Cyrus movie? [act]facepalm[/act])
13 years ago
Mon May 02 2011, 01:36pm
I agree that the guy for Peeta wasn't... who I pictured... so now the whole movie I'm going to be picturing him from Bridge to Terabithia. Other than that, Liam Hemsworth I don't mind too much, but that's because I'm not that big of a Gale fan. The actor playing Katniss is pretty good, though.
I agree that I'm also wondering what the rating for this will be. I'm thinking because of the themes it might go into M, but altogether it depends what the director does with it (making it really dark, or toning it down). I'm still going to see the movie! :P
Ugh. In the post-Twilight world I have been extremely skeptical of books. Especially books with Ms Meyer's name plastered across the cover rather conspicuously. But a friend was intent on me reading them and I did notice that Stephen King's name was also plastered across the book, albeit less conspicuously, so I figured that offset the effects of the sparkly vampiric endorsement on the front. Anyway I accidentally read this book in one sitting last night instead of doing my 10 000 words of assignment due next week. I'm now quite positive the book was a trap designed by the uni gamemakers to lure me into the oblivion of procrastination and force me into direct combat with the two sequels. ~:|
12 years ago
Sun Mar 11 2012, 06:10pm
SO I just finished reading the books (And I loved them) super addicting...just wondering...I'm sure its a coincidence :P but a few parallels with the Ober Chronicles..namely the bad guy mentally torturing and turning the Heroine's love interest against her. anyone agree? haha. but I'm really looking forward to the films and hopefully they live up to the expectations I'm already creating.
12 years ago
Sat Mar 10 2012, 10:17pm
OMG!!!!!! 12 days till the movie!!! As everyone heard the song Taylor Swift did with Civic Wars for The Hunger Games called Safe & Sound? IT'S AMAZING!!!!!
And I agree with you MM, I straight away thought of Rushie when reading Mockingjay.
I am so pumped because I love the casting they did.. Except Gale, he wasn't too great, but maybe I feel this way because of his last movie with Miley Cyrus and the fact that I don't want it to be a really big love story.. He's suitable anyway I guess.
I kinda imagined Gale as a dark haired skinny guy...so not sure how I feel about the actor playing him.. but the movie is less than two weeks ago..and it comes out on my birthday! woo!
oh oh and right.. over controlling slightly psycho government and a revolution...another similarity!
I'm really excited for the movie... but I didn't absolutely love or even like the books. I thought to begin with they were very slow to get into the action. It was really the latter part of the first two books (I've still yet to decide if I want to read the third one) that it was a little more interesting.
But I am hoping the movie will be great!
Went to the midnight screening, absolutely LOVED it! A wonderful adaption!! XD
I also went to the midnight screening and it was a brillant adaption.
I know the movie was 2 and a half hours long but I reckon they could of expanded the scene of Rue's death. People who haven't read the novels probably wouldn't get the insight into Rue's death. Also by filming a bit more of Rue's death they would make it more intense.
I'm going to see it tonight and I was bit worried since nearly all my favourite books have been butchered when made into movies and I really enjoyed the books. I'm glad you both enjoyed it Kelda and VC, it's got me even more excited than before :D!!
I can't wait to go see it again!! One thing though - the ending - I was waiting for the "we can drop the act now" "I wasn't acting" bit and was really disappointed that it wasnt there....but still, I thought it was an amazing movie ^_^
Yeah, I was wondering about the same thing Kelda--I don't feel they really displayed that Katniss was effectively 'fake it till you make it' with the whole romance thing The shaky camera technique was a bit much at times. Especially at the start. But it kept really well to the books which was a nice surprise since most adaptions these days do an atrocious job of that.
Mystic Guildmistress
12 years ago
Mystic Guildmistress
I loved the movie (Have actually seen it twice now ~:| ), and I especially loved how close they made it to the book. I know they had to change a few things to make it into a movie, and they seemed to do that pretty well. A few nit picks though :P
How hard is it to find an orange cat that hisses? Honestly, if they're going to go to all the trouble of putting buttercup in for the 3 or so seconds he's in the movie, they could at least get his colour right...
I was expecting the 'past' scenes to at least look like they were in the past... I don't think it works that well when they use the same actors/same ages. It doesn't explain the bread scene very well either. Which is a pivotal scene in the Peeta/Katniss relationship.
It's also not as effective that Peeta actually knows that Katniss is faking the relationship. In the books he's really upset at the end when he finds out what Haymitch and Katniss were up to. I did like the scene at the end when they go back to 12 though. Where Katniss is looking at Gale and Peeta has a sad look on his face when he looks at her.
Overall though, awesome movie :D
I saw it today. I had very high expectations of this movie, because of all the rave reviews. I was even counting down, but I am so glad that it was did meet my expectations and was as awesome as I thought it would be!
I have said before that I actually wasn't a huge fan of the books (I've only read the first two), and can also say that, for once, I actually prefer the movie over the book! I really don't mind that there were a few things taken out and done differently though one thing:
What happened to Peeta's fake leg??
Can't wait for the next one! Anyone know the estimate time of release for Catching Fire?
Catching Fire is going to be released November next year according to my sister I think.. Well it wouldn't be this year.
I LOVED it. It was a great adaptation but I found those I saw it with liked Gale more than Peeta! You're meant to love the wounded Peeta more. They really needed more on the romance, but then again maybe they downplayed it a little so it wouldn't seem so Twilight.
I liked how they added Rue's district reaction to her death.. It helped my friends who hadn't seen it. But then they said they wanted more of an uprising and I was like "that didn't even happen in the first book, you should be grateful you saw that!" As well as the additional scenes between Snow and Crane, they fitted in perfectly. I can not wait for Mockingjay to be made into a movie. It's going to be so hectic :D
I have never read the book series, but I loved the film! It was the first time in an age that I actually cared about a movie I'd just seen.
Also, Jennifer Lawrence is an exceptional actress.
I haven't seen the film, but I liteary read all three of the books in a day and a half (iwas falling asleep at school...). So so so so brilliant. I love them I really really do. I just need to express my ever-loving love for the Hunger Games. I must say I do love Peeta more that Gale. He's reat and all but Peeta has that something and ... I, oh. The Hunger games are just crazily amazing. (don't worry Obernewtyn. I still love you)