Keeper of the Sherbet Lemons
15 years ago
Fri Aug 21 2009, 11:23pm
Keeper of the Sherbet Lemons
Come one, Come all! The cure for the Destroyer Flu is here! Step right up and have a rummage through my wagon of goods!
What about a statue of Ben Barnes? Perfect size to pop on this nice heavy gold chain and slip about your neck! Of course, it’s not real gold, but I have been told –on the sty—that the piggies are attracted to real gold. You may wish to remove any gold you have on your person Right Now. I have a handy disposal bin right behind my wagon. Be assured the gold will be disposed of carefully.
I have greasy bags to mop up your sweat. Pigs are attracted to the smell of fear of infection. This greasy bag not only mops up the sweat, but hides it with the sweet smell of overcooked chips.
Glen20 by the bucket! And not to mention fluffy hats and face masks. I have colourful socks, all the better to warm your tottsies. I’ve been told the colour itself can serve to scare off any sniffling piggy that will limply struggle your way.
Have you considered, though, the usefulness of the humble left shoe? Confuse your swine followers by making them get lost in your tracks. They’ll think there’s the double of you? What about two left shoes in different designs, larger or smaller sizes? They won’t know what to do! Then you through in the protection of a stuffed chicken, and you’ll have the Destroyer’s running the other way!
If they do catch up to you, never fear, just one of these Charming Smiles, complete with Sparkle, or Cattle prods if they get too close!
Don’t forget a handy Z! Possibly the most useful item on my list. The Destroyer Flu works alphabetically, as we all know! Buy one of these Gorgeous Z’s off me and place it in your username! Like I have here!
And lastly, what about this beautiful Aloe Vera Plant?
Gull I’Bull Punter: Oh, isn’t that fantastic, I’ll take that plant!
[Z]Trust Me: Sure thing my dear, that’ll be three strips of Gob Meck.
Gull: That’s a bit steep… what about two strips and this copy of the 1921 Minor League Hair Teasing Team’s Trophy?
[Z]Trust: Fantastic, done.
*items are swapped over*
Random Observer: I’m sure that looks like a bowl of petunias…
[Z]Trust: COME ON DOWN! Just in, thought to help chase away the threat of Destroyer Flu this copy of the 1921 Minor League Hair Teasing Team’s Trophy!
Certainly the threat of tangles will send them running! Only one in stock, be sure to step right up and take it while you can! Don’t be a stranger, prevent the danger! Destroy that flu before the Destroyer gets you!
[act]wonders what Dr Satan will have to say about all this[/act]
Keeper of the Sherbet Lemons
15 years ago
Keeper of the Sherbet Lemons
Fear not the Bringer of Doom, my friend! You are looking fair poorly yourself, why not try this disused Pump Water Bottle. Rub it along the length of you body to massage out the aches and pains.
And still afraid? How about this cardboard box that may have once house the Sacred Relic of Ynhfnduy, said to place Protective Powers on all it touches. I know it might say Westinghouse on the side, but the Protector of the Sacred Relic of Ynhfnduy also believed in recycling. Forward thinking people them.
Mystic Ward
15 years ago
Mystic Ward
I don't suppose you're hiring at the moment?
I can peddle wares like it's going out of fashion. *holds up sock*
Ohh, this is definitely out of fashion :-/
Keeper of the Sherbet Lemons
15 years ago
Keeper of the Sherbet Lemons
It's not out of fashion my dear! It's a trusty sock, old, yes, but old means experienced. This is a sock that knows how to protect! It's a sock who's been through it all and knows what to do. It's a sock that sometimes wakes up screaming at night for the horrors it's seen. But it wakes up screaming and ready to fight, because its skills are finely honed. It's a sock who KNOWS.
Join the fun, my dear. I need all the help I can get! I will, keep in mind, be only paying you in slightly odd looking marshmellows...
Mystic Guilden
15 years ago
Mystic Guilden
Ari: What protection can I get in exchange for this soldier of the Galactic?
Halina: What soldier?
Ari: Oh, I mean Jedi of the Galactic. She is in good condition, very few k's, reformed sith lord now on the side of all that is good...unless the side of bad is more entertaining.
Halina: You cant trade me in for a Flu cure! That's slavery from any angle.
Ari: But....the flu....
Halina: Well, you're fine so far arent you? Besides, you wont have time to get the flu if you keep trying to sell me. I'll just force feed you to the Destroyer myself!
Ari: I retract my offer *runs*
Keeper of the Sherbet Lemons
15 years ago
Keeper of the Sherbet Lemons
Oh Nose! Where did the spelling go?
We must find this spelling!
I suggest a Quest!
With more '!'!
...and how much would they be worth? Surly not more than your shiny image of cheesecake with a 'N'? For that is a surprisingly lovely 'N'
THOSE THINGS ARE WORTH A FOTUNRE! I MEAN, FORTUNE! I got so excited I lost my spelling.
As long as you find it again we won't have a problem here.
Ashling Guildmistress
15 years ago
Sat Aug 29 2009, 02:20pm
Ashling Guildmistress
Lol thanks for your participation in the Ashling's Muck up week - we couldn't have done it without you ;D
Meanwhile, if you're noticing strange things around the site, it might be worth checking out the link to in my signature [act]points[/act]
~MornirKirara - for the Ashlings :D