Wanderer Ward
14 years ago

Wanderer Ward
I missed the latest episode on Saturday because I was out at a postcrossing meet. I downloaded it on iplayer but I don't really want to watch it on my tiny little netbook but I have no way to connect it to the TV (i think). Then our PC where we would usually watch stuff is completely wrecked because it got hit by Lud knows how many viruses and we've only just got to the point where it turns on so thats no good. And then I looked up when it was repeated and it said 9.05PM on friday which is useless because thats when Ashes to Ashes is on!!! AARGH! X:-/ :| ~:|
Netbook it is then... :-/ Unless anyone has any legal suggestions?
You could buy a PVR (Personal Video Recorder)?
Some interesting notes on the last episode, and some hidden stuff in the last few episodes (only read if you've seen the first five episodes of season 5):
Some notes from a friend of mine on Gallifrey Forums:
Have you heard about the possible hidden story going on right in front of your eyes in the new series of Doctor Who?
When the Doctor came back to talk to blind Amy in the forest in Flesh and Stone, he was wearing his jacket. However, the Doctor had lost it to the Angels just previously, and when we next see him outside the primary bridge of the Byzantine, he still doesn't have it.
Also, he is apparently wearing a watch with a black leather band in that scene, whereas for the rest of the episode he's wearing one with a gold band. Theres no way it can be a continuity mistake, theres a woman on-set who photographs everything in minute detail before and after each scene so that they can reference it later for reshoots etc.
Speculation is that the 'jacket' Doctor who speaks to Amy in the forest is actually from the future, and that he has travelled back to visit Amy at various points in her/their past to get her to remember something. This seems to be reinforced by the fact that the 'jacket' Doctor is very pensive, almost like he is worried that someone (ie the present Doctor) may spot him. He asked Amy to remember what it was that he told her when she was seven, but she couldn't remember, and it was never explained what he meant.
I have a feeling that later on in the series, the 'jacket' Doctor goes on a mission by himself to see Amy at various points in her past and that on one of these occasions he visits her seven-year old self and tells her something important to do with the cracks in time. It ties in with the scene at the end of the first episode where young Amelia hears the TARDIS engines, even though at the time its implied that its a dream. And also, its a known fact that the girl who plays young Amelia (who is actually Karen Gillan's cousin) is in at least one more episode.
Also, in the first episode there is a human-shaped shadow that moves in a window behind young Amelia when she is waiting in the garden for the Doctor to return. It can't be Prisoner Zero because it has only just arrived, and the Doctor said later on that it took Prisoner Zero months to be able to take on a human form. So who is it? The Doctor again possibly?
Whilst I'm going on about mad theories, I have a feeling that River Song is supposed to be the person who eventually kills the Doctor. Maybe it happens the first time she meets him. Afterwards, she finds her complete diary on his body, and then works out that he is supposed to be the great love of her life and so goes about trying to make sure that all the rest of the events fall into place. It would be kind of poetic - the first time he met her was when she died, so the first time she meets him should be when he dies...
Oh and did you see the deliberate mistake on the clock at the end of Flesh and Stone? It went from 11:59am to 12:00pm (midday).. It was supposed to go from 11:59pm to 00:00am as the date also changed!
Interesting stuff eh? Bet thats got you all thinking. If I get any more info from him i'll post it on here.
Edit - Some info about appearances in the finale
The Cybermen are in the finale apparently, along with a Sontaran and possibly a Dalek.
The Cyberman in the new series trailer that followed Episode 1 had an arm missing and also picked up its own head and put it back on its shoulders. Not sure whats supposed to have happened to it though.
interesting DO
I must say I picked up on the jacket magically appearing but I just put it down to a continuity error ...but I like all the mad theories! :P
I'm not sure how bit the netbook you're referring to is, but it's under an hour so it can't be that bad to watch it on there. Not ideal, but you still get to see Doctor Who at least! If it's really annoying, you could try connecting the monitor from your other computer to your netbook, but that may take ages and cables you don't have! :P
Ohhh.. you guys are a lot better than me! I didn't pick up on any of the stuff you mentioned DO! But very intriguing ^_^ I'll have to keep my eyes open ^_^

Ashling Guildmistress
14 years ago
Thu May 06 2010, 09:01pm

Ashling Guildmistress
Oh DO :D Oh I like it very much and I do hope that something sneaky is going on right before our very eyes. It's what I loved about Season 3 with Martha and the Saxon posters all over the place.
Fantastic! I need to watch this all again :D
Wow, yeah I love that idea! Makes me want to rewatch ALL the episodes and keep my eyes open for these things, this time :P
14 years ago
Wed May 12 2010, 08:47pm
Watched the Time of Angels last night. Like other people, I'd forgotten just how creepy the angels are. River Song was also more annoying than I remembered from the Library episodes.
I loved the way the angel started comming out of the TV screen. I also wonered what would happen if the angel was reflected in something, even if amy's eyes watered and it reflected in the tears. I also loved the way that Amy later started becoming an angel, I wonder if it will reoccur in episode 5?
In the maze, it took me for ever to make the connection between the angels and statues. I heard the bit about two heads, but it didn't register that the statues should have two heads too. When the Doctor first noticed there was something wrong with the statues, I actually thought that it was because they seemed to not have eyes. I though that the angel might have removed them so the statues would not be watching it.
re. River Song, it's hard to know what her relationship with the Doctor. It is possible that she is just a close future (?) companion, hence her knowledge of him and the TARDIS, and keeps running into him similar to Donna's father. Otherwise, is it a possibility that she is a minor Time Lord. I read in one of the books that only the elite Galifreans (sp?) had TARDISs, that would help explain her knowlege of Old High Galifrean (sp?) and even the Doctor's name. That could even be why their paths cross so often, Time Lord attraction.
I also loved the Doctor Who Confidential where you saw the half dressed angels dancing around and stuff. It's going to be hard to think of them as scary again after that.
Sorry for some of the rambling, if my River Song theory is completely out, it's because I'm still only relatively new to the series.
I agree with other people, two parters definently suck. What a place to stop?!
14 years ago
Mon May 10 2010, 11:17pm
Watched the Time of Angels last night too. Loved it! They're so creepy :P And I'm really liking Amy.
But seriously... ARDFJSGF;;!!! Cliffhanger double-episodes need to die ).( I can't take the suspense :(
Thanks for the info DO on episode 8! :D
I quite liked the vampires of venice ep I like that Matt Smith as the doctor is just not quite as sensible as David Tennant sometimes ie. says the stupidest things (Like telling Rory Amy had kissed him). But then he can get really fierce and angry when he wants to.
The silence at the end was very spooky! Definitely looking forward to things to come!

Wanderer Ward
14 years ago
Wed May 12 2010, 05:28pm

Wanderer Ward
e-p-i-s-o-d-e-6 (one day I will type the right number for the episode and not have to edit the next day...)
I was wondering about all the fishythingys at the end too. Did they just... fizzle out? Die? Become known as pirahnas and colonise large parts of the world?
I quite liked the episode as a whole. All the characters were good and there were bits that were stand out funny or scary. BUT I thought that in general this episode lacked something. And the most annoying thing is that I have no idea what. I think my problem was that it felt more like a, er, summary? Draft? of an episode. Like it wasn't all there... meh.
LOVED the silence though. I'm a bit of a silence fanatic. So much more powerful than overbearing music. Silence is so oppressive and threatening. It leaves me twitchy when I'm in the house alone. I have a whole disc of Farscape that has degraded slightly and lost one of its soundtracks and I would just have to keep it even if I ever replaced it because the effect is so powerful. *stops wittering about silence obsession as realises sounds a leetle bit mad*
Spoilers for Vampires of Venice!
Re the fishy sons - what happens in the end. I guess it's assumed that without females of their species any more, they just die out?
Maz I agree, something felt a bit lacking, but at the same time there were some wonderful parts to it. Yeah, the Doctor jumping out of the cake was brilliant, that whole first scene was awesome...and I liked the theory, about the vampires, perception filters etc (the whole not seeing them in mirrors because the brain doesn't know what to fill it in with). All I can think that was missing was...that it was Toby Whitehouse, and not Steven Moffat, who wrote it, so perhaps it's missing an edge that we're getting used to. But...I love TW! Being Human is some of the best writing out there, particularly with vampire lore, so this doesn't make much sense!
Addition of Rory - YAY. He reminds me of a cross between Mickey Smith and Gwen's husband, Rhys, just in nature. But LOVED how he went off at the Doctor, how people have a reckless need to impress him. I'm glad to see from the ep-8 info DO that he's sticking around!
Ep 7 spoilers as well!
I'm glad I'm not the only one DO - I felt it lacked something too. It was a really interesting concept, but it just didn't reach it's full potential. And then we're given PSYCHIC POLLEN. Hmm.
Rory is such a hero :) I love him.
But as much as I like Amy, she started to bug me in this episode. She can be so bossy and controlling! It's like she has the Doctor wound around her little finger, and the worst part is, he lets her boss him around. I actually thing their dynamic is what's making me not believe Matt Smith's the Doctor still - he doesn't appear to be in command.
She's still an awesome companion, I just wish she'd tone it down a little with the ordering about...and not be so demanding all the time!
If the whole thing was constructed from the Doctor's mind, then why there were two dreams? Perhaps the start of the sleepy village was what the Doctor wants for Amy/Rory, and the second TARDIS dream is what he believes is likely to happen to them?
I think the reflection at the end...I dunno if that means he'll come back, because the glamour of 'who are you' is gone. I bet it was something to just remind us that all those dark, malicious things that the Dream Lord did are actually part of the Doctor whether he likes it or not. I wondered if he was the Doctor when he made the jibe about the bow tie at the beginning, and then he kept turning up wearing different parts of other Doctor's outfits, I'm sure of it.
No references to the cracks in the wall this episode...
The lizard people look awesome, too. I'm looking forward to seeing them. Should be good content too, Chibnall (the writer) was a Torchwood writer.
14 years ago
Tue May 18 2010, 03:18pm
Ep 5, the second Angels one. 'Twas awesome!!
So, before I read what everyone else said, I just want to say this.
So, who reckons River killed the Doctor? :P Of course, now the Doctor knows that and is all "Time can be rewritten", but still.
EDIT: Ok, read everyone's stuff, but here are some more of my thoughts on ep 5
I loved the idea of treeborgs!
Poor Amy! As if just leave her there with all the redshirts! :P I, like someone (Min?), preferred it when you couldn't see the angels move. I always thought they wouldn't look like stone when they moved, they only look that way because they are stone when they're looked at. But it didn't bother me that much, they were just more scary in the flashes when they move.
I, unlike most of you, didn't mind Amy jumping the Doctor. I was a little bit "Oh, here we go again" until she started saying she wasn't looking for a relationship, then I liked it. Also, it is the night before her wedding when the guy she's been half in love with since she was a kid has shown up again, I'm picturing some pretty cold feet. The Doctor not catching on was pretty funny, as was his "We need to get you sorted out by tomorrow" line. As Confidential reminded me, she was a Kissogram in the first episode.
Totally loving the It All Revolves Around Amy storyline. Can't wait to see what's going on with her wedding! Loved that she told him she was meant to be getting married, and all the awkward "Yes, why would I leave my engagement ring behind the night before I get married when I run off with some other man?"
On DO's big comment ^ (still spoilers for up to ep5)
I didn't even notice he was wearing his jacket! But it's a really intriguing theory, I hope it's true! It'll make for really interesting viewing, I'll have to pay more attention in future! I did notice he had come back and the other two were already ahead of him, and also I thought he was just making her remember something to keep her Amy and stop her becoming the angel. But that doesn't really make sense if it's just in the sight centre of her brain (totally forgotten the word!), it makes much more sense that he's Future!Doctor.
I rewatched Blink last week, and these new episodes aren't fully staying cannon with that one, but I don't mind. (Spoilers for Blink and eps 4 and 5)
In Blink Sally has photos of the angels (I'm guessing they hadn't thought of the image thing yet, and really that was too awesome to pass up on!)
In Blink they trap the angels by them looking at each other, but in this it's pretty obvious they look at each other all the time. It was explained by the Doctor that the reason they looked like they were weeping was because they had to hide their eyes in order not to look at each other. Pretty sure they couldn't have lined up in the forest without looking at each other :P
In Blink, just being touched sent you back to a time period, although I guess that one could be something the angel chooses to do, and these just chose not to.
EDIT 2: So, I wanted to watch the scene DO referred to again, and so I'm watching parts of ep5 again. Loving some of the lines!
Bishop: "Doctor Song, I've lost good men today, do you trust this man?"
River Song: "I absolutely trust him."
Bishop: "So, he's not some kind of madman then?"
Rive Song: |:| "I absolutely trust him"
Episode 8 - The Hungry Earth
Interesting episode this week. Its more like classic Who, with a small amount of people trapped, and the Doc trying to save the day.
Its good that we are finally going to get to see the underground home of the Silurians (or whichever offshoot they are), as we only encountered the race themselves in the third Doctor era, and nothing much was known about them.
The reason the Silurian race (and their cousins the Sea Devils) originally went into hibernation below the surface of the Earth was because a small planetoid was heading on a collision course with the Earth. They set their system to wake them when the danger had passed, but the Earth captured the small planetiod and it became the moon. As it didn't leave, the Silurians never awoke. (This info is from the novelisation of Dr Who and the Silurians)
I saw Vampires of Venice today, and I have to say, I loved it! ;D
I am loving Matt Smith as the Doctor! I think he's brilliant. :nod: In fact, so far I'm thinking that I like him more than David Tenant. I really hope he stays for a few seasons. :nod:
I am loving these new writers! In fact, this is shaping up to be my favourite season so far (of the new series, because I haven't seen any of the really old eps :P ). It just seems more... ordered/structured, the emotions/characters are more believable, the story-lines are more spooky/interesting (I love it when they throw a bit of mystery in there :P ), and so far (in my opinion at least) there hasn't been a single dud episode.
Spoilers for Vampires of Venice:
I loved the bit where the Doctor jumped out of the cake! XD So funny! And I loved Rory's 'sword fight' with the vampire/fish-guy. XD Lud, that was funny.
It was pretty sad when that girl got eaten. :-{ She seemed like a really cool character. Usually they never kill off characters (or at least, if they do die, it's in a heroic act of self-sacrifice, or something. Not because the Doctor couldn't rescue them). But I actually really like that the new season is heading in a new direction. It's unrealistic that the Doctor could save everyone, after all.
I thought the explanation about why the fish-people appeared like vampires was really clever. :nod: It's definitely a new and fresh twist on the old vampire story. :nod:
Min wrote...
I actually think their dynamic is what's making me not believe Matt Smith's the Doctor still - he doesn't appear to be in command.
I don't know, I kind of like that aspect of him. ;P I like the fact that people don't listen to him quite as much as they did DT, and how he makes mistakes sometimes. For me, it adds an extra dimension to the Doctor. He's not just a supreme, awesomely powerful being from outer space. He's more than that.
I don't know, I guess I'm not quite sure what you mean by 'not quite the Doctor'. I mean, of course he's different to other Doctors who have gone before him, but it'd be boring if he were exactly the same as DT. And I seem to remember that Christopher Eccleston had a bit of trouble getting people to listen to him sometimes, so I think the whole 'commanding' thing was created by DT. (After all, his character is very vibrant and energetic, which does tend to get people's attention. :P). But Matt Smith is a bit more mellow, and he's also younger, which means that it makes sense to be that he's not as commanding. He's still just as intelligent and brilliant, he just doesn't make such a big deal out of it. ;P
Ultimately, the Doctor is whoever or whatever the actor/director decides to make him. The only really necessary qualities are intelligence, a love of life/discovering things, and the need to protect the human race. Apart from that, I think it's all pretty much up to the actor. And I think that Matt Smith has really created a character and become the character, which is all I can ask. ;D
14 years ago
Tue May 25 2010, 07:22am
Avialle :) - I'm not just talking about
DT, though. In all incarnations I've seen of the Doctor (or read of - I read some Doctor Who fiction set in 4th's era) - the Doctor always had this command that overrides whatever their personality is when times get tough. This would make me at least believe that they were in control of the situation, even if they couldn't save everyone, that they were an alien who was vastly more intelligent than everyone else. Of course his companions can distract him out of it, but Amy seems to have him completely wrapped around her little finger.
So that's all I mean. I like Matt Smith, but his Doctor doesn't appear to have that overriding command that all the other Doctor's I've seen has.
Perhaps this is a conscious decision from the writers, directors and MS himself. Maybe they want this incarnation of the Doctor to not always be in command of things. But then they have him still trying to tell people what to do, to save them. When the other Doctors did it, I believed them - when MS does it, I just wonder why they're listening to him or trusting him so completely. And like I've always maintained, I do like him, and I really like the direction the show is taking this year. I just still don't believe MS is quite the Doctor just yet.
Does that clarify my issues with his character? :P
Spoilers from the Hungry Earth!
Thanks, DO, that is really interesting backstory! I wonder how on earth they'll get out of this one, without it ending with humans + silurians living on the surface together...although! That'd be interesting.
I'm guessing they'll somehow reactivate the stasis or whatever they were in, and stop drilling there forever?
The sand / sink-hole effects were really good and scary, too!
And as always :P hate two parters! Just when you're getting to something interesting, it ends ::)
I saw something about the last two episodes having titles now on dwonline I think?
"The Pandorica Opens"
"The Big Bang"
The summaries thus far are:
The Pandorica Opens: The Doctor is dealing with a message on a cliff, a mysterious box and a love story which spans over millennia.
The Big Bang: The Doctor is dealing with a message on a cliff, a mysterious box and a love story which spans over millennia. During that day, Amy and Rory are about to get married.
Sounds interesting..!
If Amy and Rory are getting married at the end of the season, do you think they'll continue on with the Doctor?
Man, it's boring watching episodes on the Aus timeline. Everyone's sick of talking about it already :(
Anyway, back to Vampires in Venice
I, like everyone else, loved the Doctor jumping out of the cake. I was giggling my head off during that scene! I particularly loved how they went to the opening credits in a particularly awkward moment!! The whole monologue of "Isn't it funny how something can sound fine in your head" from the Doctor was good too.
I too loved the idea of the Silence coming from the cracks. That was pretty creepy.
I thought like Min that the fish sons would just die of starvation. And presumably sink, because if a whole lot of them start floating in the canals people are going to notice :P
I agree that there was something a bit lacking, but I think it was just because it was one of the more regular fun episodes, without all the creepy-ness and complex sidelines. It was more just entertainment. But I still think some more complexity would've been good. Although that said, I did like the explanation for why you couldn't see them in the mirror.
And I loved the bit where they're at the table hearing sound upstairs and the guy says there aren't any people upstairs, and instead of freaking out about it the Doctor's just like "I knew he was going to say that. Did anyone else know he was going to say that?" It was much more like the audience conversations you have after a movie or TV show than what the characters normally say!
Loved Rory's swordfight. I thought Amy could've jumped in earlier and hit the guy in the head while he was distracted or something though. Rory yelling at the Doctor was good too, he was so right! I laughed when the medieval guy was wearing Rory's bucks night shirt!
Min wrote...
In all incarnations I've seen of the Doctor (or read of - I read some Doctor Who fiction set in 4th's era) - the Doctor always had this command that overrides whatever their personality is when times get tough.
Oh okay, I see what you mean. :) I've never seen any other Doctors other than CE, DT and MS, so that's all I have to base my opinions off. ;P :) But if it's a common theme that the Doctor is supposed to have an air of command, then I guess you're right in saying that MS is lacking that aspect. |;)
Cat-Eyes wrote...
I laughed when the medieval guy was wearing Rory's bucks night shirt!
Ooh, I missed that bit! XD I was just really confused as to why this medieval guy was wearing a strange shirt, and also where he had gotten it from... X:-/ Oh, so I suppose he and Rory switched clothes? Ok, it all makes sense now! :D